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Bruno Maurice Master Class at Académie Festival des Arcs 2009‏, Savoie - France

Bruno MauriceBruno Maurice will teach at the Académie Festival des Arcs 2009?, Savoie, from July 20th to August 1st. He will also perform concerts on themes by Piazzolla, Berio, improvisation and contemporary music.

Festival des Arcs is the ‘INTERNET’ of the French classical music world. It is the annual meeting place for many French musicians, and most of the professors and musicians are under 45. What makes the festival really special is that the musicians play for almost nothing because they want to do so, and want to give something back for the benefits that they have obtained from the Festival and Academy in the past. This means that there is a very special atmosphere and you see many musicians listening to each other playing - this is quite different from the "prima donna" atmosphere of parts of the music world.

For further information email: contact@festivaldesarcs.com
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