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Ksenija Sidorova in the Vienna Konzerthaus - Austria

Avi Avital, Ksenija Sidorova & Amir Wahba
Ksenija SidorovaLatvian accordionist Ksenija Sidorova, in a trio with Avi Avital (mandolin) and Amir Wahba (percussion), enchanted the audience of the Great Hall of the Vienna Konzerthaus on her musical journey through space and time.

Avital and Sidorova dusted off the reputation of their instruments (which were only ridiculed as folklore instruments for a long time), and their repertoire with virtuosity, thus filling the historical gap in the literature of their young instruments.

The special feature of their program "Between Worlds" is the extraordinary cast: Avital was the first mandolinist to be nominated for a Grammy, ECHO award winner Ksenija Sidorova is a magnificent accordionist and Amir Wahba is an internationally sought-after percussionist.

Like Avi Avital, the Latvian Ksenija Sidorova is considered a versatile ambassador for her instrument. Percussionist Amir Wahba enriches the ingenious trio with his fondness for the most diverse styles of music in the world. The fascinating tightrope walk between styles and epochs, between regions and cultures, which musically lead an unexcited, harmonious coexistence, makes you dream.
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