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‏‘14 Years Ago’ – Charles Wheatstone (1802-75)

The Accordions Worldwide news for October 17th 1997 included details of events being planned to celebrate the bi-centenary of the birth of Charles Wheatstone (1802-75), inventor of the English concertina. Wheatstone’s first design, patented in London on June 19th 1829, and called a ‘symphonium’, was operated by air blown in by a pipe from the mouth.

The name ‘concertina’ was adopted in 1835, when bellows were added, replacing the pipe. Wheatstone patented the English concertina design that we know today in 1844. The concertina was easily the most popular free reed instrument in Great Britain throughout the 19th Century, eventually displaced by the accordion in the late 1920s.

The Wheatstone Company is still in existence, and Wheatstone concertinas remain to this day the benchmark of quality by which all others are compared.

Contributed by Neil Wayne
The Wheatstone Bicentenary celebrations are planned for February 6th 2002. Closer to the event, a Bicentenary Planning Committee will be formed.

Events and exhibitions were held during 1975, the centenary of Charles Wheatstone's death. An even more thorough program of commemorative events, publications and media features are planned to enhance the name and achievements of Charles Wheatstone during the year of his bicentenary.

These include:
Horniman Museum Concertina Exhibition
CD ROMs of The Wayne Concertina Collection
The Music of the Concertina' - a Four-CD and book Commemorative set which will include a detailed and scholarly survey of the music and history of the instrument in book form
TV Documentary on the Concertina and Charles Wheatstone.
New Biography of Charles Wheatstone
Wheatstone Bicentenary Website
'Wheatstone and the Concertina' - new edition in book form.
Stephen Rowley's play on the life of Wheatstone
Wheatstone genealogical research
Sir Charles - a commemorative British stamp
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