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“Come Dance with Flippie and Nico” Concert – South Africa

South Africa concert poster
The Drostdy Theater, Drostdy Centre in Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa presents a concert with a difference on July 23rd, 2023.

“After digging and dusting off the very final studio music recordings of two South African accordionists, Nico Carstens and Flippie van Vuuren, their extremely precious unknown 2010 album is being shared with an audience for the very first time."

"The long-standing friendship between Flippie and Nico, which was based on mutual respect for talent, their respective early years with the famous Hendrik Susan-orchestra, the love for the accordion, their pointed perfectionism and unprecedented sense of humor, brought them together again to make the album in the Encore Studio on May 28, 2010."

This forgotten recording is presented and interpreted by old musical friends: Cassie van Zyl (accordion), André van Vuuren (accordion), Alwyn Koen (drums), Johan Nortje (guitar), Johann Visser (bass) and Frans Treurnicht (guitar).

“Carstens' most famous song "Zambezi" became a world hit and has been recorded by artists such as Eddie Calvert, Acker Bilk, Bert Kaempfert, The Shadows, James Last, Chet Atkins, Floyd Cramer and Johnny Dankworth. In 1982, The Piranhas took it to number 17 in the UK. Other versions of Carstens' compositions have been recorded by Horst Wende, Henri René, Geoff Love and bands in Australia, Italy and Poland.

Carstens wrote and performed music which spanned the various cultures of South Africa. He drew inspiration from various sources, including Cape Malay, Black Township and indigenous South African sounds and combined them to form a unique sound and style.

Since forming his own band at age 24, Carstens had composed more than 2000 songs and recorded over 90 albums which have sold over 2 million copies in South Africa. He did performances all over South Africa, Namibia, Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Botswana as well as at the Nantes Festival in France and he appeared on Musikantenstadl for ORF in 1997.”

See poster for concert details.
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