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Weekly News from Around the World - 20-Sep-2013
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Reportages quotidiens au 38ème festival international d’accordéon de Castelfidardo - Italie
“Artigiani del Suono” (Artisans du son), 150 ans de fabrication d’accordéon illustrés.
Mika Väyrynen Honoré par l’Artist Grant - Finlande
Vidéo: le concert d’ouverture du festival de Castelfidardo par Francesco Citera Quartet - Italie
Video: Alessandro Claudio au festival de Castelfidardo en Live Reality Show - Italie

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

"The Accordion of the 19th Century, a Repertoire to be Rediscovered" - Italy
Video: Guglielmi Brothers at Castelfidardo Festival Live Reality Show - Italy
Brazil Roland V-Accordion Festival National Selections - Brazil
Video: Gary Blair and Robin Hylland at Castelfidardo Festival Live Reality Show - Italy
Video: MU Performing 'Sobre o Medo' at World Music Festival - Portugal
Jacques Pellarin new CD - France
Video: Rondo Capriccioso by Zolariev, Arranged for Trio - Russia
Accordion Successes, South Auckland Performing Arts Competition - New Zealand
Video: TV Performance by Massimo Andreotti of "Astrale" - Italy
Video: Festival of Bayan and Accordionists, 2012, Rostislav Mudritsky - Russia

Future events

Kosmos Dates and World Premiere of New Concerto - UK

New and Updated Sites

Don Grzanna releases new music
Klaus Paier releasing music
Alexander Poeluev releasing a new CD

CD Reviews

Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis

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Reportages quotidiens au 38ème festival international d’accordéon de Castelfidardo - Italie

Castelfidardo International Accordion Festival
Les reportages commençent jeudi 19 septembre, jusqu’au 22. Voyez les photos et infos à propos d’accordéonistes célèbres, des vidéos des concerts et des concours, des résultats à : 2013Concorso.


“Artigiani del Suono” (Artisans du son), 150 ans de fabrication d’accordéon illustrés.

Un livre très exceptionnel, “Artigiani del Suono” (la vraie histoire de l’accordéon) a été présenté dans diverses villes autour de Castelfidardo pendant les mois passés et nous en avons déjà traité ici.

Mais nous pensons important de vous parler davantage de ce livre excellemment imprimé en Italie par Tecnostampa, ainsi que de la compilation de photos réalisée par l’historien de l’accordéon Beniamino Bugiolacchi, de Castelfidardo.

Toutes les photos historiques sont la propriété de Bugiolacchi qui a rassemblé durant des années quelque 273 épreuves couleurs.

Une grande partie du livre est consacrée à Paolo Soprani, le premier fabricant d’accordéon de Castelfidardo, qui a suscité la naissance de cette nouvelle industrie dans la région de la Marche, essentiellement agricole à cette époque.

Très vite la nouvelle manufacture a changé le visage de la petite ville de Castelfidardo dont presque tous les habitants, avec ceux des environs, ont été, d’une manière ou d’une autre, impliqués dans la production des accordéons.

Ont collaboré à la réalisation de ce livre : Roberto Carlorosi, Fabio Buschi, Studio Conti with Daniela Giovagnetti.

Si vous voulez avoir ce merveilleux livre dans votre bibliothèque (32.00 €), contactez le Musée de l’Accordéon de Castelfidardo – vous allez vivre des moments historiques de votre instrument préféré.


Mika Väyrynen Honoré par l’Artist Grant - Finlande

Mika VäyrynenL’accordéoniste finlandais Mika Väyrynen a été honoré par le Centre de Promotion des Arts de Finlande avec une subvention d’artiste de trois ans, de 2014 à 2016. Déjà récompensé en 2013, le travail de Mika dans la sphère culturelle en Finlande a été reconnu par cette nouvelle et prestigieuse distinction.

Etabli par le parlement finlandais, le Centre de Promotion des Arts de Finlande travaille à promouvoir les arts au niveau national comme international, ainsi qu’à faire connaitre des aspects de la culture qui ne sont couverts par aucun autre organisme officiel. Le centre fonctionne comme un cercle d’experts au sein du ministère de l’éducation et de la culture.

Mika Väyrynen fera une apparition au festival d’orgue de Lapua parmi la série de concerts marathon où il présentera, le 21 septembre, des oeuvres de Galynin, Bach/Busoni/Väyrynen et Saint-Saëns/Horowitz/Väyrynen. Trois fabuleux musiciens finnois se joindront à lui pour ce concert : Kalevi Kiviniemi (Orgue), Mika Pohjonen (Ténor) and Kirsi Kiviharju (Harpe).

Le concert aura lieu à 21:00 heures à la Lapuan tuomiokirkko (la cathédrale de Lapua). Ce magnifique édifice dessiné par architecte Carl Ludvig Engel a été achevé en 1827 et possède le plus grand orgue de Finlande, construit en 1938 par Kangasalan Urkutehdas.

Pour plus d’information sur la carrière de Mika et ses enregistrements récents, visitez le site web : Mika Väyrynen

CD's de Mika en vente au Finnish Accordeon Institute


Vidéo: le concert d’ouverture du festival de Castelfidardo par Francesco Citera Quartet - Italie

Le grand concert d’ouverture du festival de Castelfidardo a mis en vedette le Francesco Citera Quartet avec Francesco Citera (accordéon), Pietro Ciuccio (percussions), Rocco Basile (contrebasse) et Fiippo D'Allio (guitare) au Teatro Astra, pour un concert intitulé « Music Around the World ». Dégustez deux vidéos extraites du concert.

En vedette également Grazia di Michele et le Giverny tour 2013 "Duo".

Reportages journaliers, photos, vidéos et résultats à : 2013 Concorso
Daily reports, pictures, videos and results at: 2013Concorso


Video: Alessandro Claudio au festival de Castelfidardo en Live Reality Show - Italie

Alessandro Claudio, joueur de diatonic, en concert au Castelfidardo Festival Live Reality Show, le 19 Septembre 2013.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

"The Accordion of the 19th Century, a Repertoire to be Rediscovered" - Italy

Alessandro Mugnoz and seminar participants
Alessandro Mugnoz demonstrating the 19th century instrumentOn the 12th, 13th and 14th September. an interesting and innovative seminar titled: "The Accordion of the 19th Century, a Repertoire to be Rediscovered" was held in Castelfidardo, to acclaim.

The workshop , organized by the New CDMI (Music Learning Center Italian) was created by its President Alessandro Mugnoz, who provided lectures and hearings, as well as a conference and concert conducted by Maestro Corrado Rojac (Professor at the Conservatory " Tartini" ) and Laura dott.sa Francenella and Alexander Mugnoz, (lecturer at the Institute of Musical Studies " Pergolesi" in Ancona).

The main purpose of this initiative was the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Italian accordion production and to to present the characteristics of some historical instruments (19th century), and at the same time raise awareness of the important lecture (methods) and music designed for the 19th century instrument.

It was then discovered an amazing repertoire - partially revived in modern revisions (edited by the teachers of the workshop) - which in fact is the origin and "basis" of the musical literature for accordion.

A historical review, forgotten for 150 years and more, which should enrich the literature available to students and scholars for accordions, for instruments "bitonici" contemporaries (the so-called diatonic accordions) the real cultural roots, while for the instruments "unitonici" represents the origins of a didactic literature, but also "concert"...

Each day of the seminar has had one of his lectures, with live performances, even on ancient instruments related to the topic of the conference.

Thursday, September 12 had a lecture with concert by Maestro Corrado Rojac (picture below) which focused on the presentation of the book: "1839 's Accordion Joseph Greggiati " (editions ArsSpoletium ) - with fine performances of Rojac, on the copy of 'harmonic bellows of Greggiati (1793-1866), created by the skilful craftsman Adriano Clementi.

Friday, 13 September it was the turn of the conference, held by Alessandro Mugnoz (picture left), Antonio Lopez Almagro ( 1838-1904 ), his music for harmonium and the presentation of his "Complete Method de Acordeon" (1876), republished and revised by Maestro Mugnoz (New editions CDMI) - with practical demonstrations of bitonici and unitonici instruments.

Saturday, September 14 was a conference on: "Restoration of the 19th Century Accordions" was held. Technical-phonic and an example of a restored harmoniflute period (second half of XIX century)", Edited by Laura Francenella - with demonstration on the historic instruments " Thiboville - & C. Lamy , Paris ", restored by the same Francenella and expert craftsman Nazarene Carini, for the first time, after about a century and a half, are echoing songs composed expressly for harmoniflute hand one by Luigi Truzzi (1799-1864) and Philip Screws (XIX century), performed by Maestro Mugnoz.

At the end there was a small, but significant coming together with some of the students participating in the seminar, who have performed music by 19th and early 20th century composers. In conclusion it was followed by the presentation of certificates to all participants, with deserved applause and satisfaction of all participants and attendees.
Corrado Rojac demonstrating the 19th Century instrument


Video: Guglielmi Brothers at Castelfidardo Festival Live Reality Show - Italy

Alessandro and Gabriele Guglielmi performing at the Castelfidardo Festival Live Reality Show, 19th September 2013 in collaboration with Paolo Soprani. Enjoy.


Brazil Roland V-Accordion Festival National Selections - Brazil

Brazil National Roland V-Accordion Qualifications
For the first time, Roland Brazil have decided to conduct their V-Accordion Festival national selections using web TV and you can view the two high level performances by Mahatma Costa and Orimar Hess Junior on the Deschamps Channel.

The winner will be selected by an international jury of: Douglas Borsatti (Brazil), Pawel Janas (Poland), Zoé Tiganouria (Greece), Maria Selezneva (Russia), Marco Cinaglia (Italia), Ludovic Beier (France), Aleksander Kolomiytsev (Russia), Radu Laxgang (Moldova), Uwe Stegger (Germany), Raymond Bodell (UK). The public may vote too.

The winner will take home a brand new Roland FR-8X and also wins the trip to represent Brazil in the 7th V-Accordion International Festival in Rome, October 18th and 19th.


Video: Gary Blair and Robin Hylland at Castelfidardo Festival Live Reality Show - Italy

Popular Scottish exponents Gary Blair and Robin Hylland were standing in the audience of the Live Reality Show and after being asked, strapped on two accordions from the show and performed Scottish music for the audience. 19th September 2013.


Video: MU Performing 'Sobre o Medo' at World Music Festival - Portugal

Published on Sep 19, 2013. A new song 'Sobre o Medo' by the group MU from Portugal, live in concert at the World Music Festival, Sines, Portugal.


Jacques Pellarin new CD - France

Jacques Pellarin new CDJacques PellarinEarlier this month, Jacques Pellarin released his new album "My French Cinema"

Mike Dias, music supervisor at Ultimate Ears says:
For over 27 years, virtuoso accordionist Jacques Pellarin has brought the sounds of the French countryside to all corners of the globe. With international song placements, 6 albums and multiple world tours, he has shared his musette-inspired accordion compositions with world-wide audiences."

"Pellarin is a superbly lyrical player, Pellarin's writing emphasizes catchy hooks, danceable rhythms and light, upbeat, melodies.” -- Bruce Lindsay All About Jazz

For further information email: jacques.pellarin@wanadoo.fr


Video: Rondo Capriccioso by Zolariev, Arranged for Trio - Russia

Video: Rondo Capriccioso by Zolariev, Arranged for Trio - Russia


Accordion Successes, South Auckland Performing Arts Competition - New Zealand

South Auckland Performing Arts
A short report by Tamba Young.

The 2013 South Auckland Performing Arts Competitions were held on the first weekend of August at the Hawkins Theatre in Papakura. My accordion group consisting of Andrew McFall, Ellie Archer, Bradley Williams and Daniel Robinson performed in the instrumental small ensemble section on Saturday 3rd August.

We competed for the Davy McKee Challenge Shield for a classical performance, and the Papakura Music School Trophy for a contemporary performance, both of awards which we have won in the past. Our classical song was Donna Diana, the first song we learned after the Coupe Mondiale in Auckland 2009.

In this category, we were awarded a blue ribbon, with first prize going to an impressive all female string group called Quartet de Vita.

Our contemporary song called Impact was composed by a fellow member of Noteable Soundz, Daniel Robinson. This was our first public performance of the piece, and it achieved first place and the Papakura Music School Trophy.

Former Noteable Soundz member Martin Meyer was also awarded a prize in the same ceremony, with him and Joshua Helm winning the Instrumental Duet KBB Music Trophy, playing piano accordion and cello respectively. It is even more commendable that the pair were defending champions of the award.

The two songs we played have both been recently recorded for our CD and the evening of competitions was topped off with the traditional multi family trip to a nearby pizzeria. Picture below, left to right: Bradley Williams, Andrew McFall, teacher Lorraine Parnell, Daniel Robinson, Ellie Archer and Tamba Young.


Video: TV Performance by Massimo Andreotti of "Astrale" - Italy

From the studio of FISARMONICANDO TV broadcast Telecupole to TRS - Lombardy - 7Gold music - SUPER TV Brescia - PIU 'VALLEYS tv - Teleriviera - TELETIBUR - TVSL 48 - TRM - METRO TV circuit - ANTENNA MEDITERRANEAN - SUPER TV Oristano ...... A production ACCORDION BY MARCO FISARMONICHE.


Video: Festival of Bayan and Accordionists, 2012, Rostislav Mudritsky - Russia

Wonderful young performer Rostislav Mudritsky plays the Zolatariev Suite
Published on Dec 23, 2012


Future events

Kosmos Dates and World Premiere of New Concerto - UK

MilosNews from Milos Milivojevic pictured:
Kosmos Dates: 21 September 2013, 7.45pm
Upton Grey Village Hall (RG25 2RA)
Tickets 01256 862636

Kosmos on tour in Channel Islands 2013:

23rd September 2013, Alderney, 2.00pm
Outreach performance to schoolchildren (not open to the general public)
St Anne’s School, Newtown Road, Alderney GY9 3XP
7.30pm Public Concert, St Anne’s Church, St Anne, Alderney
Tickets: 01481822700 - Music Society Members - £13:00, Non-Member - £16

24th September 2013, Jersey, 1.00pm
Outreach performance to schoolchildren (not open to general public)
8.00pm - Public concert, Jersey Arts Centre: http://artscentre.je/

25th September 2013, Sark, 1.35pm
Outreach performance for the schoolchildren (not open to general public)
8.00pm - Public Concert, Island Hall, Sark

26th September 2013, Guernsey, 1.30pm
Outreach performance for the children (not open to general public)
8.00pm - Public performance at St James, Guernsey:

28th September, 7.30pm
East Finchley Arts Festival
Milos Milivojevic performs the World Premiere Concerto "Accord" for accordion and string orchestra by Geoffrey Hanson, conducted by Philip Dutton & Renatus Orchestra.
All Saints' Church
Durham Road, London, N2 9DP


New and Updated Sites

Don Grzanna releases new music

Don Grzanna music sampleDon Grzanna - accordionist, composer, performer, releases 4 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'Argentine Tango For Accordion', catalog: grza180,
'Argentine Tango Advanced Accordion', catalog: grza181,
'French Tango Advanced Accordion Solo', catalog: grza182

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Klaus Paier releasing music

Klaus Paier Music Book coverKlaus Paier has just released ‘Das Akkordeon Buch’ / ‘The Accordion Book’, a 3 volume set of accordion technique books. The text is in both German and English, and published by jova-music of Munich, Germany.

Purchase with credit card.


Alexander Poeluev releasing a new CD

Alexander Poeluev CD coverAlexander Poeluev releasing his new CD titled 'Alexander Poeluev accordion, Live in Rostov-on-Don 2013', catalog: apoeluev01 with sound samples. Music performed by Alexander Poeluev. Purchase online.


CD Reviews

Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis

Martynas CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of Martynas CD by Martynas Levickis, in English language, reviewed by Joan C. Sommers.


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