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"The Accordion of the 19th Century, a Repertoire to be Rediscovered" - Italy

Alessandro Mugnoz and seminar participants
Alessandro Mugnoz demonstrating the 19th century instrumentOn the 12th, 13th and 14th September. an interesting and innovative seminar titled: "The Accordion of the 19th Century, a Repertoire to be Rediscovered" was held in Castelfidardo, to acclaim.

The workshop , organized by the New CDMI (Music Learning Center Italian) was created by its President Alessandro Mugnoz, who provided lectures and hearings, as well as a conference and concert conducted by Maestro Corrado Rojac (Professor at the Conservatory " Tartini" ) and Laura dott.sa Francenella and Alexander Mugnoz, (lecturer at the Institute of Musical Studies " Pergolesi" in Ancona).

The main purpose of this initiative was the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Italian accordion production and to to present the characteristics of some historical instruments (19th century), and at the same time raise awareness of the important lecture (methods) and music designed for the 19th century instrument.

It was then discovered an amazing repertoire - partially revived in modern revisions (edited by the teachers of the workshop) - which in fact is the origin and "basis" of the musical literature for accordion.

A historical review, forgotten for 150 years and more, which should enrich the literature available to students and scholars for accordions, for instruments "bitonici" contemporaries (the so-called diatonic accordions) the real cultural roots, while for the instruments "unitonici" represents the origins of a didactic literature, but also "concert"...

Each day of the seminar has had one of his lectures, with live performances, even on ancient instruments related to the topic of the conference.

Thursday, September 12 had a lecture with concert by Maestro Corrado Rojac (picture below) which focused on the presentation of the book: "1839 's Accordion Joseph Greggiati " (editions ArsSpoletium ) - with fine performances of Rojac, on the copy of 'harmonic bellows of Greggiati (1793-1866), created by the skilful craftsman Adriano Clementi.

Friday, 13 September it was the turn of the conference, held by Alessandro Mugnoz (picture left), Antonio Lopez Almagro ( 1838-1904 ), his music for harmonium and the presentation of his "Complete Method de Acordeon" (1876), republished and revised by Maestro Mugnoz (New editions CDMI) - with practical demonstrations of bitonici and unitonici instruments.

Saturday, September 14 was a conference on: "Restoration of the 19th Century Accordions" was held. Technical-phonic and an example of a restored harmoniflute period (second half of XIX century)", Edited by Laura Francenella - with demonstration on the historic instruments " Thiboville - & C. Lamy , Paris ", restored by the same Francenella and expert craftsman Nazarene Carini, for the first time, after about a century and a half, are echoing songs composed expressly for harmoniflute hand one by Luigi Truzzi (1799-1864) and Philip Screws (XIX century), performed by Maestro Mugnoz.

At the end there was a small, but significant coming together with some of the students participating in the seminar, who have performed music by 19th and early 20th century composers. In conclusion it was followed by the presentation of certificates to all participants, with deserved applause and satisfaction of all participants and attendees.
Corrado Rojac demonstrating the 19th Century instrument
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