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Juha and Janne Silfverberg perform at Kansas City Gala - USA

Juha and Janne Silfverberg
Kansas City based Finnish accordionist Juha Silfverberg (accordion), along with his son Janne (trombone) were guest artists performing traditional Finnish Folk Music at the Gala VIP opening of the new exhibit 'Dark Days, Bright Nights: Contemporary Paintings from Finland' at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas City.
‘Dark Days, Bright Nights: Contemporary Paintings from Finland’ gathers together and investigates the inspirations, methods, and practice of Finnish painters. ‘Dark Days, Bright Nights’ presents 43 works of art - stylistically disparate and often visually dazzling - from 13 artists ranging from the post-WWII generation to those who have come of age squarely in the 21st Century.

The 13 artists represented in ‘Dark Days, Bright Nights’ were all born in Finland, and now work in locations including the city and countryside of Finland as well as Berlin, New York City, and Stockholm. Artists include Jani Hänninen, Heikki Marila, Marika Mäkelä, Jarmo Mäkilä, Rauha Mäkilä, Reima Nevalainen, Leena Nio, Vesa-Pekka Rannikko, Mari Rantanen, Mari Sunna, Nanna Susi, Sirpa Särkijärvi, and Anna Tuori.

The artists selected represent a wide range of experiences and painting styles, but are connected by the Kemper Museum’s philosophical focus on investigating the history of the gesture in painting and in creating a conceptual and art historic bridge from the 20th to the 21st Century in both exhibition program and the Permanent Collection.

Born into a musical family in Helsinki, Finland, Juha began his accordion studies at the age of seven with Lasse Pihlajamaa, a pioneer in the accordion field. Playing the Finnish C System button accordion, he was both Finnish National Accordion Champion and Scandinavian Accordion Champion, earning the right to represent Finland when the Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships were held in Helsinki.

Later, he moved to the United States to study accordion performance at the University of Missouri - Kansas City. Juha performs regularly in a variety of musical settings from Cajun to Tango ensembles, from private parties to large corporate and community events.

Juha's son Janne's passion for all things musical started at age seven. First it was the accordion, then at age 10, the trombone which later led to his B.M. in trombone performance at the University of Missouri - Kansas City, graduating in 2010. Janne also performs with the Kansas City based accordion ensemble Vivant, of which his mother and Juha's wife Julie Silfverberg is one of the featured accordionists.
The exhibition featuring 41 two-dimensional paintings, a sculptural installation, and a projected video installation and will run until February 21st 2016 at the Kemper Museum of Contemporary Art in Kansas City.
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