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Jeff Lisenby and ‘Intersection’, Nashville - USA

Jeff Lisenby was the featured accordion soloist with a new experimental chamber ensemble in Nashville called ‘Intersection’. They performed an accordion concerto entitled ‘True Love’ by Pulitzer prize winner Julia Wolfe, and Tina Tallon's ‘Pneuma Mekhanes’, in Nashville at the Musicians' Hall of Fame & Museum on October 29th. The program called ‘Sea Of Tonality’ was conducted by Kelly Corcoran, a past associate conductor of the Nashville Symphony. 
The accordion part on the Wolfe score featured abundant bellows shakes, multiple pages of glissandi and some very difficult poly-rhythmic and technical passages while the Tallon work featured long passages of rhythmically-challenging amplified air button and some very technically difficult note passages. Jeff reported that both pieces utilized the accordion very well, and both of the composers were in attendance at the event, which ended with a standing ovation.

Jeff Lisenby has music directed, arranged, and performed in the Broadway version of ‘RING OF FIRE’, played keyboards on the Cast album, and was in many subsequent versions of the show, as well as on the Today Show and was nominated for an Ovation Award in 2012 as the show's musical director.
He has played keyboards and accordion with the touring shows of ‘Wicked’, ‘City Of Angels’, and ‘Jersey Boys’, and has accompanied Brenda Lee, Pavarotti, Chip Esten, Blake Shelton, Mel Tormé, Dolly Parton, Lee Greenwood, and Donna Summer. He has also been blessed to get to play in Carnegie Hall, the Kennedy Center, and the Ryman Auditorium.

Jeff has won silver and bronze medals for the U.S. at the CIA Coupe Mondiale representing the ATG, and currently works with the singers on cruise ship production shows, so he gets to travel all over the world doing what he loves. Jeff also teaches adjunct in the School of Music at Belmont University, and plays keyboards on many Nashville recordings, including the Grammy-winning CD, ‘Songs from the Neighborhood - the music of Mister Rogers’, and his own ‘A Spy in Tortuga’ (jazz accordion with a band) and ‘Walkin’ The Winter Wonderland’ (solo piano holiday music).

Pictured left to right are composer Tina Tallon, conductor Kelly Corcoran and composer Julia Wolfe with Jeff Lisenby, and Kelly Corcoran conducting Julie Wolfe's work 'True Love'.
Jeff Lisenby
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