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London Accordion Orchestra at the Royal Academy of Music, London

RAM flagThe London Accordion Orchestra (LAO) under the direction of Ian Watson performed to a near capacity audience at the renowned Duke's Hall at the Royal Academy of Music (RAM) in London, showcasing five World Premieres and two additional original works for accordion orchestra.

Professor Philip Cashian, Head of Composition at the Royal Academy of Music worked with Ian and the LAO to develop a project-based collaboration allowing four Graduate and one under-Graduate RAM composition students to write for the orchestra.

The new works included 'Lost Tango' by Austin Leung, 'Lullaby' by Louise Drewett, 'Screaming Clowns' by Roy Watkins, 'At the still point of the turning World' by Robert Laidlow and 'The Day does not Pass' by Marco Galvani.

Each of the young composers talked of their inspiration and ideas for their works, with the compositions by Leung, Drewett and Watkins, in addition to their individual styles, exploring the underlying theme of the possibility to express the strength and intensity of the instrument's upper dynamic range afforded by the 40 plus piece accordion orchestra. To the contrary Robert Laidlow's work showcased the orchestra's quietest dynamic range intertwined with silence, while Galvani's composition utilized the unique wave like rhythmical energy able to be produced with the bellows.

In keeping with one of the orchestra's goals of promoting new works for the accordion, The London Accordion Orchestra also performed Stuart Hancock's 'Rhapsody' a work included on their 2017 Abbey Road CD recording and a magnificent new work by Ian Watson called 'Peace', inspired by his visit to the D-day Beaches in Normandy while on a concert tour in France.

The LAO's next concert will be at the Philharmonic Hall in Ljubljana, Slovenia on May 6, 2018. For more information on the LAO, their recordings and upcoming concerts, please visit their website at: LAO
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