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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 20-Apr-2018
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“Philharmonika 2018”,手风琴明星和弦乐乐团在柏林爱乐音乐厅-德国
XXVI “Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition, Arrasate-Mondragón - Spain
Val Tidone国际音乐比赛,XXI Edition, Piacenza -意大利


Renzo Ruggieri Releases La Vita Delle Cose for Symphonic Orchestra and String Orchestra - Italy
手风琴演奏家 Ivan Filipchyk演奏Brooklyn --美国
Joey Miskulin Article Erratum, Nashville – USA
2nd Accordion Festival, Attard - Malta


Volodymyr Kurylenko Concerts – Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands
XXVII Gala Internacional do Acordeão, Albufeira - Portugal
Big Squeeze 2018 Finals, Austin, TX - USA
Djordje and Andrea Gajic Concert, Glasgow – UK
Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Cape Town - South Africa
1st Festival De L’Accordeon Et Repas Dansant, Montbelliard – France
Gordon Pattullo @ Banff Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
Claudio Jacomucci Concert, Villeurbanne – France
2nd International Accordion Week, Nocera Terinese (CZ) – Italy
Concours International du Mont-Dore, Auvergne - France
43rd International Accordion Competition, Pula – Croatia
Budapest Café Orchestra Concerts, England – UK


Updated Site: Video of Popular Libertango Arrangement - Italy
Updated site: Competition Information Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA
Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips
纪念Gary Dahl(1937年至2017年)-美国西雅图
Karthause-Schmülling Publications Added To Online Catalog - Germany


CD Review: Two CD's Reviewed, Performer Bjarke Mogensen

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Musikmesse 2018 poster
Frankfurt Musikmesse Entrance图片报道在线:Frankfurt2018



“Philharmonika 2018”,手风琴明星和弦乐乐团在柏林爱乐音乐厅-德国

Philharmonika 2018 header
Vladimir Zubitsky, Yuri Shishkin上图:2018年“Philharmonika 2018”的预告视频

德国联邦通讯网 (DHV) 的翻译:


2018年5月26日下午6时,今年的“Philharmonika”音乐会将在柏林爱乐乐团的室内乐大厅举行。但今年的音乐会不止于此,还会有拥有手风琴明星Grayson Masefield的大师班,以及各种不同乐器演奏的小型音乐会,形成一个完整的手风琴音乐节。



第五届手风琴世界冠军Grayson Masefield来自新西兰、德国先进的数字手风琴和多个奖得主马提亚Matthias Matzke(不过选择了古典音乐会的乐器),才华横溢,年轻的俄罗斯艺术品鉴赏家安娜Anna Kryshtaleva和她老师Yuri Shishkin,她用音乐像全球观众展现。二重奏 'Accosphere', Alena Budzinakova 和 Grzegorz Palus 和二重奏 'con: trust', Daniel Roth和Marius Staible, 两位年轻的、国际上成功手风琴演奏者的手风琴独奏会将他们的技巧展现给观众们,他们将在室内音乐厅舞台上表演。

弦乐团将由乌克兰指挥家、作曲家和手风琴演奏家Vladimir Zubitsky指挥。

除了在室内音乐厅举办的音乐会之外,将会有其他的音乐会在柏林的场馆举行:5月24日,Joseph Schmidt Music音乐学校treptowk - kopenick,以及5月27日。在柏林地区的其他音乐学校,国际学校,将举办小型音乐会。

作为手风琴演奏家和学生的亮点,Pantonale e.V.在5月27日为Grayson Masefield提供了一个大师班。5到7个活跃的参与者可以与他们亲密接触,和他们一起工作,并受到他们的启发。感兴趣的公众可以作为主类的被动参与者参与。
更多关于乐器手风琴和Grayson Masefield在音乐、学习和教学方面的经验。单是大师班就值得去柏林旅行。

下载海报:2018 philharmonika.pdf


XXVI “Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition, Arrasate-Mondragón - Spain

XXVI “Arrasate Hiria” International Accordion Competition‘Hauspoz’ Euskal Herriko Akordeoi Elkartea, the Town Hall of Arrasate and the County Council of Gipuzkoa, jointly organize the 26th ‘Arrasate Hiria’ International Accordion Competition, which takes place in Arrasate-Mondragón, Basque Country, from 6th to 9th December 2018.

The competition is open to soloists of any age and nationality. Rules and entry forms (in English, Spanish and Basque) and test music information is now available at: 2018Arrasate.pdf

The prizes include:
1st - €4,000 and a concert tour; 2nd - €2.000; 3rd - €1,000 less tax witholdings.
The closing date for entries is September 30th 2018.

All entry information at: 2018Arrasate.pdf


Val Tidone国际音乐比赛,XXI Edition, Piacenza -意大利

Michele BianchiFondazione Val Tidone Musica每年举行的Val tido国际音乐比赛都有意大利语和英语的规则和规则。下载:2018 valtidone.pdf

图左:2017手风琴冠军Michele Bianco(意大利)。

该活动将于2018年6月7日至17日在Val Tidone举行。艺术指导是Livio Bollani,本次活动由Fondazione Val Tidone Musica组织。该活动提供奖金和音乐会(奖金总额超过2万欧元加10场音乐会)、录音、出版和表演。

“天才青年”手风琴部分的评审团有:Mirco Patarini(意大利),Alexander Selivanov(俄罗斯),Antonio Spaccarotella(意大利)和Raimondas Sviackevicius(立陶宛),Oscar Van Dillen(荷兰)。






RAM flag在伦敦皇家音乐学院(RAM)著名的杜克音乐厅,由伊恩·沃森指挥的伦敦手风琴管弦乐队(LAO)在著名的杜克音乐厅演出,展示了五部世界首演作品和另外两首手风琴管弦乐队的原创作品。

英国皇家音乐学院(Royal Academy of Music)作曲系主任Philip an教授与Ian和LAO合作,开发了一项基于项目的协作,允许四名毕业生和一名在校学生为乐队作曲。

新作品包括《迷失的探戈》(Lost Tango)、Louise Drewett创作的《摇篮曲》(Lullaby)、Roy Watkins的《尖叫小丑》(The still point of The turning World)、Robert Laidlow的《The Day does not Pass》。

每个年轻的作曲家谈到他们的灵感和想法,Leung,Drewett和Watkins,除了他们的个人风格,还探索了可能的潜在主题表达的力量和能在仪器上显示的的动态范围,有40多台手风琴参与。与此相反,Robert Laidlow的作品展示了乐团最安静的动态范围,与寂静交织在一起,而他的作品可以使用风箱来表现独特的波,和有节奏的能量。

为了配合管弦乐队推动手风琴进行,伦敦手风琴乐团也把Stuart Hancock的 'Rhapsody' 加入2017年Abbey Road CD录制的宏伟新工作中,Ian Watson称为“'Peace”,灵感来自于在法国诺曼底在巡回演唱会时他访问诺曼底登陆的海滩。




Renzo Ruggieri Releases La Vita Delle Cose for Symphonic Orchestra and String Orchestra - Italy

Music coverRenzo RuggieriRenzo Ruggieri released La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things) for accordion and symphonic orchestra in November last year. The work is "not classic, not jazz and not world... it's crossover music" according to Renzo Ruggieri. Video above.

Because it is sometimes very difficult to have a full symphonic orchestra, Renzo Ruggieri has now made available, the parts for a string orchestra, so the player, without changing his accordion part, can perform with a string orchestra (smaller ensemble) or symphonic orchestra.

Catalog rrenzo514 - La Vita Delle Cose sheet music is available in eSheet pdf format, previously 82 pages - now 150 pages, able to be emailed to you. Full score and single parts for: accordion solo (for free bass but adaptable for standard bass), 2 flute, 2 oboe, 2 clarinet, 2 french horn, 2 Cornet, 2 trumpet, 1 trombone, 2 percussion, Ist Violin, 2nd Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass.

Renzo Ruggieri writes: "The composition has been dedicated to Marco Gemelli who was soloist in world premiere of International Accordion Week, Conservatory Nocera Terinese, 24 April 2017 with the Calabria Philharmonic Orchestra."

"La Vita Delle Cose (The Life of Things): Things do not have life. But things tell of life by their existence and through this they acquire it. Five moments built with solutions that combine the composer's jazz, world and classical experiences and which need the sonority of the solo accordion also called upon to improvise.

The flow of life is symbolised by a march increasingly rich in melodic-rhythmic events (things), up to the final climax."

Available online, view sample pages, Catalog rrenzo514, purchase with credit card, amazing value, only Euro 50 or USD$ equivalent.



AAA header
Dr. Robert Young McMahanElsie M Bennett《美国新闻》编辑Rita Barnea:这是AAA历史学家 Joan Grauman(图右)与《美国新闻》合作的第五篇文章,旨在帮助宣传80年代的AAA周年庆典。从1938年3月9日到2018年,每一个月都有一篇文章包含了AAA历史的一部分。非常感谢 Joan Grauman。
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
几十年来,妇女在AAA—— Joan Grauman。


这些妇女奉献了她们的一生:Maddalena Belfiore Greco, Addie Cere, Theresa Costello, Elsie M. Bennett和Faithe Deffner。

Robert Young McMahan博士,AAA作曲家的调试委员会委员写了Elsie M Bennett (nee Blum)和自豪的AAA作曲家的调试历史。


手风琴演奏家 Ivan Filipchyk演奏Brooklyn --美国

Rita Barnea, Ivan Filipchyk4月15日,在布鲁克林的音乐会上,手风琴演奏家伊万·菲利切克演唱了这首歌。

视频1 :古典手风琴音乐和绘画。

视频2:"J.S. Bach. Sheep May Safely Graze. BWV 208". Ivan Filipchyk

1. J. S. Bach. "Sheep May Safely Graze" from the "Hunting" cantata
2. J. S. Bach. "Come, Sweet Death" from the book of sacred songs and areas
3. J. S. Bach. “Three Chorale Preludes” (BWV 639, 727, 745)
4. J. Pachelbel. “Chaccone in F Minor”
5. I. Filipchyk. “Prelude and Fugue for Piano”
6. I. Filipchyk. “Three Musical Moments for Piano”
7. I. Filipchyk. “Romantic Tryptic for Piano”

Ivan Filipchyk(出生于1991年),是纽约的艺术家和音乐家。他毕业于莫斯科音乐学院,拥有音乐硕士学位。他在白俄罗斯和俄罗斯获得了音乐基金会,拥有丰富的音乐历史、传统和良好的音乐和艺术教育。




Joey Miskulin Article Erratum, Nashville – USA

Joey MiskulinIn the Accordions Worldwide news on March 9th it was incorrectly stated that US accordionist Joey Miskulin (picture right) would be inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville. This year’s three inductees into the Country Music Hall of Fame in 2018, to be inducted later this year are:  Dottie West, Johnny Gimble, and Ricky Scaggs.
Joey Miskulin, member of the band Riders in the Sky and a prolific session musician, was in fact honored on April 14th by the ‘Nashville Cats’ in the Ford Theater of the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville. The ‘Nashville Cats’ is a collective group of session musicians, and Joey Miskulin was interviewed about his career before performing.

Sincere apologies to our readers and to Joey Miskulin for this confusion. 
To date the only accordionist to have been inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame in Nashville is Pee Wee King (1914-2000), whose induction took place in 1974.


2nd Accordion Festival, Attard - Malta

For the second time, the Accordion Festival was held in Malta on April 3rd and 4th.

The participants of the festival included the Akki Harmonists e.V. Orchestra (39 members) from Potsdam, Germany, the Santa Maria Accordion Band from Malta, and a number of local accordionists and one foreign soloist.

The venue for the festival was the Corinthia Palace Hotel and Spa, Attard, Malta. The management kindly allowed us the use of one of their main halls on both days. The choice of venue, the advertisements and the varied music played has made this year’s festival a resounding success. On both days, the venue was full. The festival was compèred by Ms Antonella Vassallo and Ms Marvic Doughty.

Picture left: Emily Mizzi (6 years old) was the youngest performer.

Akki Harmonists e.V (MD Mro Ellen Feist), played a selection of numbers that included ‘Game of Thrones’ theme, ‘Let it Go’ (with vocalist), ‘Second Waltz’, ‘Beauty and the Beast’ (with vocalist), and more.

The Santa Maria Accordion Band, (MD Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar), played a selection of numbers that included ‘Libertango’, ‘Danza Kuduro’, ‘La Cumparsita’, and more.

The solo performances and composers were: ‘Let’s Swing Again’ by Henry Vels; ‘O Sole Mio’ by E. Di Capua; ‘Romagna Mia’ by Secondo Casadei; ‘Reginella Campagnola’ by Eldo Di Lazzaro; ‘Maltese Dances’ (Medley) by Charles Camilleri; ‘Perfect’ by Ed Sheeran, ‘Vampire Waltz’ by Peter Gundry; ‘Xemx’ by The Tramps; ‘Hernando’s Hide Away’ by Jerry Ross, ‘Perfidia’ by Albert Dominguez Borrás; ‘Hymn A L’Amour’ by Margherite Monnot; ‘Cheap Trills’ by Sia; ‘Oblivion’ by ‘Astor Piazzolla’; ‘Tonnerre de Musette’ by Yvette Horner; ‘Atlantic Express’ by Henri Coene; ‘Caruso’ by Lucio Dalla, ‘Moonlight Serenade’ by Glenn Miller; ‘Czardas’ by V Monti; ‘Flight of the Bumble Bee’ by Rimsky-Korsakov; ‘Four Hearts’ (a Russian Song); ‘Cerkesko Horo’ (Bulgarian dance); ‘Once upon a Time in America’ by E. Moriconi; ‘Lullaby of Birdland’ by G.Shearing; ‘Piece Dans Le Style Ancien’ by Andre Astier; ‘L’Aquilon’ by Andre Astier and Jacky Mallerey; ‘Corinho Pra Ele’ by Hermeto Pascoal; ‘Texas Story’ by Maurice Larcange.

For the finale the Akki Harmonists e.V. and the Santa Maria Accordion Band played two numbers together. The numbers were ‘Sound of Silence’, directed by Mro Ellen Feist, and ‘Conquest of Paradise’, directed by Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar.

The Santa Maria Accordion Band, the organiser of the festival, would like to thank their main sponsors. These were Valletta 18, the Arts Council Malta (ACM) and Corinthia Palace Hotel and Spa, Attard, Malta. The organiser would also like to thank Dr Philippe Agius. Ph.D. Art. Ariz., MA, Baroque Melit., BA., Melit., FIPD, Lond, for his selfless help in organising this event. Dr Agius was the main driving force in organising the first Accordion Festival in Malta last year.

This year’s success has encouraged Santa Maria Accordion Band to organise the 3rd Accordion Festival, Malta, in 2019.



Ronald Chesney罗纳德·切斯尼,英国最著名的手风琴独奏家,1920年在英国出生,是法国父母的Rene Cadier。他在20世纪60年代早期放弃了演奏,成为一个非常成功的广播、电视和电影的喜剧编剧。

切斯尼的第一次公开演出是在17岁的时候,在一次电影综艺巡演之后,他于1937年在英国广播公司的“品种之宫”节目中进行了第一次广播。随着战争的爆发,英国广播公司要求他在广播中向军队提供口琴课程。这个节目持续了42周,他收到了来自世界各地的一万多封来信。战争结束时,他创作了古典曲目,包括德彪西、肖邦、海菲兹和德伐利亚的作品,并光顾音乐厅进行音乐会演奏,包括在伦敦皇家阿尔伯特音乐厅举行的两个小时的演奏会。在接下来的几年中,伦敦帕拉蒂亚和巴黎丽都、格雷西·菲尔兹的巡回演唱会以及到南非和澳大利亚的海外访问,都得到了人们的好评。罗纳德曾与艾灵顿公爵、瑞士洛朗德管弦乐团、乔治·马瑞奇诺以及他的管弦乐队合作过。他还为REX, HMV和EMI制作了录音。在1951年,切斯尼成为了国家口琴联盟的主席,而在20世纪50年代,他在阿尔奇·安德鲁斯的BBC广播节目中有了一个固定的音乐点。这段时间对口琴爱好者来说是一个很好的时期,拉里·阿德勒和汤米·赖利都获得了很大的成功。






Volodymyr Kurylenko Concerts – Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands

Volodymyr KurylenkoUkrainian bayan player Volodymyr Kurylenko performs concerts this month, as follows:

April 20th, 8pm – concert with Duo FINKpsitiv, Maison de Paroisse, Rue Pestalozzi 6, 1400 Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland
April 21st, 8.15pm - concert with Duo FINKpsitiv, Kapelle St Blasius, Burgrain 9, 6248 Alberswil, Switzerland
April 22nd, 10am - concert with Duo FINKpsitiv, Alters-und Pflegeheim Schpfen, Sägestrasse 10, 3054 Schüpfen, Switzerland
April 22nd, 5pm - concert with Duo FINKpsitiv, Kath. Kirche ‘Maria Geburt’, Oberfeldweg 26, 3250 Lyss, Switzerland
April 26th - concert and master class, Stedelijke Academie voor Muziek en Woord, Lakenmarkt 4, Tielt, Belgium
April 28th - concert and master class, Genk, Belgium
April 29th - concert with Anna Janssen (violin), Nijmegen, Netherlands

Volodymyr Kurylenko studied at the Sumy musical college in the late 1980s, and in the 1990s at the Donetsk Conservatoire in the Ukraine. In 1991 he won first prize at the regional competition for Bayan and Accordion players in Belgorod, Russia, followed by other completion successes. In 1996-1998 he took part in International Accordion Competitions in Klingenthal, Germany. In the period 1998-2001 he studied at Kyiv National University, Institute of Foreign Affairs, gaining a degree of Master of International Law. Since 1995 Volodymyr Kurylenko has been frequently visiting the Netherlands, Germany and Belgium for taking part in international competitions and for concerts. Mostly he performs pieces by Soviet, Ukrainian and Russian composers specially written for bayan.

For further information email: michelmaesen@yahoo.co.uk


XXVII Gala Internacional do Acordeão, Albufeira - Portugal

Poster - XXVII Gala Internacional do AcordeãoTonight the event is at Loulé (Loulé City Hall Ballroom) at 21:30.

The Gala, sponsored by the Municipality of Albufeira, has performing three world champions Mário D'Amaro, from Italy, Jérémy Lafon from France, and Luís Mira from Portugal. Rodrigo Maurício, Jorge Alves and Francisco Sabóia will also perform on this night dedicated to the accordion.


Big Squeeze 2018 Finals, Austin, TX - USA

Texas FolkLife Banner
Texas Folklife and the Bullock Texas State History Museum are pleased to announce that the Finals for the annual Big Squeeze Accordion Contest and concert will take place at the museum on Saturday, April 21, 2018, 1 pm to 5pm.

The event is free and open to the public and will take place inside the museum on the first floor lobby, under the grand rotunda. Address is: 1800 Congress Ave, Austin, TX 78701.

Big Squeeze finalists will perform before the judges and the public accompanied by house band Conjunto Los Pinkys, followed by showcase performances by:

- Grammy-nominated musician and producer Alex Meixner,
- Los Fresnos High School Conjunto Halcon and
- Conjunto Los Pinkys
Big Squeeze 2018 Finals


Djordje and Andrea Gajic Concert, Glasgow – UK

Djordje and Andrea GajicDjordje Gajic – accordion and Andrea Gajic – violin perform in concert together on Saturday April 21st, 1pm, at St Stephen’s Church, 260 Bath St, Glasgow G2 4JP.

Djordje Gajic, from Serbia, has won many international competitions, amongst them the CMA Trophee Mondiale in 1988 and the Grand Prix, France, in 1987. He has performed with the Russian State Symphony Orchestra, Royal Scottish National Orchestra, BBC Scottish Orchestra, as well as many solo recitals throughout Europe. Now based in Glasgow, he has given solo recitals in London, Leeds, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Manchester, Blackpool, and Birmingham. He also performed at international music festivals in Dartington, Norwich, Salisbury and Birmingham, and is an Accordion Professor at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland and St Mary’s Music School, Edinburgh.

Andrea Gajic, from Edinburgh, studied violin at the Gnessin Institute in Moscow and at the Royal College of Music in London. She has performed as soloist in the UK, USA, Russia, Lithuania, Finland, Germany and France, and regularly gives recitals and masterclasses in Serbia. She teaches the violin, one of her students was the singer Madonna.


Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Cape Town - South Africa

Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’,
On Saturday April 21st, 7pm, Antonio Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ will be performed by Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer - violin, and Schalk Joubert – bass, at the Kronendal Music Academy, 153 Empire Avenue, Hout Bay, Cape Town, South Africa. This concert is part of KMA Intimate Soirees.

Stanislav Angelov was born and educated in Bulgaria with a conservatory degree in accordion, before he came and settled in Cape Town in 1992. Since then he has appeared on the CDs of many South African artists like Valiant Swart, Koos Kombuis, Daniel Pascal, and many more. He has released 3 CDs with his CT Tango Ensemble with one SAMA nomination, as well as another 2 CDs with other projects. In 2003 he appeared at the first Nelson Mandela Concert at old Green Point Stadium in a song together with Brian May, Roger Taylor (from Queen) and Dave Stewart (from The Eurythmics) and in another song accompanying Bob Geldof. He performed Piazzolla’s ‘Accordion Concerto’ with CPO in 2004 and with ECPO in 2012. His repertoire is as versatile as his instrument, ranging from Classical to Jazz, to Tango, to French Cafe, Balkan etc.


1st Festival De L’Accordeon Et Repas Dansant, Montbelliard – France

Poster, 1st Festival De L’Accordeon Et Repas Dansant,The 1st Festival De L’Accordeon Et Repas Dansant takes place on Sunday April 22nd, 12noon onwards, at La Roseliere, Rue du Champ de Foire, Montbelliard. This is an afternoon of dining and continuous dancing to the music of the musette accordionists Gilou, Dany Moureaux, Caroline and Frederic, Claudine and Didier, plus 10 local accordionists. Dinner costs 30 Euro.

Montbéliard is a city in the Doubs department in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region in eastern France, about 13 km from the border with Switzerland.


Gordon Pattullo @ Banff Accordion & Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

Gordon PattulloOn Wednesday April 23rd, 7.30pm, leading accordionist Gordon Pattullo is the guest at the Banff & District Accordion & Fiddle Club. The venue is the Banff Springs Hotel, Golden Knowes Rd, Banff, Aberdeenshire AB45 2JE, Scotland. Admission is £7, Musicians £3 - (Members free); admission includes Buffet Supper each month.

Gordon Pattullo, from Coupar Angus, Perthshire, is equally at home as a solo accordionist or with other musicians. He has worked with many famous names in music such as Andy Stewart, Moira Anderson, Kenneth McKellar, Dana, Lulu, and George Himilton 1V. To date Gordon Pattullo has recorded over 20 albums and 2 DVDs. He also restores, repairs and tunes accordions and melodeons.


Claudio Jacomucci Concert, Villeurbanne – France

Claudio JacomucciItalian accordionist Claudio Jacomucci performs in concert on Monday April 23rd, 8pm, at the Salle Antoine Duhamel, 46 cours de la République, 69100 Villeurbanne, France. The concert is sponsored by the Institute Culturel Italien.

Claudio Jacomucci, accordionist, composer, and Alexander Technique teacher, graduated with honours as a classical accordionist from Grenoble Conservatory, France, in 1992. He also graduated as an Alexander Technique teacher from the Alexander Technique Centre in Amsterdam in 2000. As a competitive accordionist he was the winner of international contests such as the Grand Prix International d’Accordéon in St. Etienne, France (1988), Trofeo Mundial de Acordeón (CMA) in Cuenca, Spain (1990), Premio Città di Castelfidardo, Italy (1990), and Arrasate Hiria, Spain (1994). He has performed concerts around Europe, USA, Mexico, China, and Russia.


2nd International Accordion Week, Nocera Terinese (CZ) – Italy

2nd International Accordion WeekThe second International Accordion Week takes place from April 24th to 28th at the P.I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory and in the Campus Theater F. Tonnara di Amantea, Nocera Terinese (CZ). This is a series of master classes, seminars and concerts featuring Anibal Manuel Freire, Renzo Ruggieri, Antonio Spaccarotella, Cesare Chiacciaretta, Alexander Dmitriev, and Marco Gemelli. There will be performances of compositions written for the accordion, both in chamber music and for soloist with orchestra. These compositions have been commissioned to internationally renowned contemporary composers who will be present at the initiative.

For further information email: info@renzoruggieri.it


Concours International du Mont-Dore, Auvergne - France

Concours International du Mont-Dore, AThe Concours International du Mont-Dore is an accordion competition on April 24th, 25th and 26th at the Hôtel de ville, Mont-Dore, in the Puy-de-Dôme department in Auvergne in central France. The event includes three concerts, as follows:

Tuesday April 24th, 8.30pm - concert featuring the Trio Maulus: David and Lionel Maulus – accordions and Patrick Vassort – bass; free admission
Wednesday April 25th, 8.30pm - concert featuring the Duo Douyez: Olivier Douyez - accordion and Loris Douyez - accordion and violin; free admission
Thursday April 26th, 5pm - Laureates' Concert in the Mont-Dore Town Hall beginning with the competition awards ceremony followed by performances by the winners of the various categories; free admission


43rd International Accordion Competition, Pula – Croatia

PosterVideo above: Accordion orchestra HKUD "Dinara" Livno: Adolf Götz - Rhapsodia Andalusia, conductor Mladen Jelovic performing in 2016

The 43rd International Accordion Competition, organised by Okud Istra, takes place from Wednesday April 25th to Saturday 28th at the Army House, Dom hrvatskih branitelja, Leharova 1, City of Pula, near city Theater and Post Office in the centre of Pula, Croatia.

Solo categories from 9 to Concert level, chamber ensembles and orchestras of various ages.


Budapest Café Orchestra Concerts, England – UK

Budapest Café Orchestra ConcertsThe Budapest Café Orchestra’s forthcoming concert schedule includes:

April 25th, 8pm – Komedia, Brighton
April 26th, 8pm - Corn Exchange, Dorchester
April 27th, 8pm - St Mary's Hall, Overton, Hampshire
April 28th, 8pm - David Hall, South Petherton, Somerset
April 29th, 7.30pm - Village Hall, Lympstone, Devon
May 10th, 7pm – Landmark, Teddington, London
May 11th, 7pm - Market Theatre, Ledbury, Herefordshire
May 12th, 7pm - Astor Theatre, Deal, Kent
May 13th, 7.30pm - Assembly Rooms, Faversham, Kent
May 14th, 9pm – Crooked Billet, Henley-On-Thames, Oxfordshire

Line-up: Christian Garrick – violin, darabuka, Eddie Hession – accordion, Kelly Cantlon – double bass, and Adrian Zolotuhin – guitar, saz, domra.

The Budapest Café Orchestra play traditional folk and gypsy flavoured music from across the Balkans and Russia, such as Klezmer, Romanian Doinas, Hungarian Czadas, and beautiful ballads. Evoking vivid images of Tzigane fiddle maestros, Budapest café life and gypsy campfires – plus a few surprises along the way – a show by the BCO is good enough to make you want to book that holiday down the Danube!

For further information email: bco@budapestcafeorchestra.co.uk



Updated Site: Video of Popular Libertango Arrangement - Italy

Ivano BattistonThe video of this very popular sheet music Libertango composed by Astor Piazzolla, arranged by Ivano Battiston has been updated.

An extremely popular arrangement by Ivano Battiston
Catalog: battiston101 7 Euro eSheet, sent to you by email
about which Battiston writes: My Libertango arrangement wants to have the features of a concert piece. The accordion is used in many of its expressive and virtuous possibilities and this arrangement is also rich in quotes from Piazzolla himself (Adios Nonino, Que Vendré, Escualo, Angel's Muerte).


Updated site: Competition Information Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) - USA

Header Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration
logo 25th Anniversary, Leavenworth International Accordion CelebrationCompetitions information now online: 2018 is the 25th Anniversary of the Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration (LIAC) sponsored by the Northwest Accordion Society. The event is held, June 21 - 24 in picturesque Leavenworth.

The competitions include categories for Classical, Old Time, Diatonic instruments, Bands, Duets, as well as a range of categories for amateurs only, from children to 19-45 and 46 plus. A total of $5,525 prize money is being offered.

Rules and entry information at: 2018LIAC-Rules.pdf
Entry closing date: 08 June 2018

So book your calendar to visit beautiful Leavenworth, 21-24 June for a fun event with lots of excellent music of all styles.

For further information, visit the website: Leavenworth International Accordion Celebration


Updated Site: The Art of Arranging Classical Music for Accordion by Friedrich Lips

Cover of The Art of Arranging Classical Music for AccordionPrinted books are in stock. The site at kslips03 has been updated to include that printed copies are in stock and that a book review by Willoughby Ann Walshe has been added to the site.


纪念Gary Dahl(1937年至2017年)-美国西雅图

Gary Dahl在过去的10年里,随着音乐通过互联网的销售,以及电子书的制作,Gary Dahl已经成为世界上最受欢迎的手风琴编曲者之一。不幸的是,他在12月去世了。下面是他之前的学生、当时的朋友兼老师Toby Hansen所写的Gary Dahl的讣告。

在2017年12月1日,手风琴世界失去了一位杰出人物,Gary Dahl。Gary在睡梦中安静去世。在他的一生中,他创造了音乐卓越的遗产。
Gary Dahl也为我们所有人留下了音乐编曲,教学材料,录音,和训练有素的手风琴师等不朽的遗产。


读一下这个流行的编曲者的完整讣告和有趣的生活:Gary Dahl


Karthause-Schmülling Publications Added To Online Catalog - Germany

Karthause-Schmülling publications are being added to the online catalog.

Sheet Music Index List (Continued)
Catalog - Name
1500 - Menuett (Partitur)
1501 - Menuett (Akkordeon 1)
1502 - Menuett (Akkordeon 2)
1503 - Menuett (Akkordeon 3)
1504 - Menuett (Akkordeon 4)
1505 - Menuett (Bass)
1506 - Gebet (Partitur)
1507 - Gebet (Akkordeon 1)
1508 - Gebet (Akkordeon 2)
1509 - Gebet (Akkordeon 3)
1510 - Gebet (Akkordeon 4)
1511 - Gebet (Bass)
1512 - Herbstlied (Partitur)
1513 - Herbstlied (Akkordeon 1)
1514 - Herbstlied (Akkordeon 2)
1515 - Herbstlied (Akkordeon 3)
1516 - Herbstlied (Akkordeon 4)
1517 - Herbstlied (Bass)
1518 - Introduktion (Partitur)
1519 - Introduktion (Akkordeon 1)
1520 - Introduktion (Akkordeon 2)
1521 - Introduktion (Akkordeon 3)
1522 - Introduktion (Akkordeon 4)
1523 - Introduktion (Bass)
1524 - Introduktion (Elektronium/Keyboard)
1525 - Menuett (Partitur)
1526 - Menuett (Akkordeon 1)
1527 - Menuett (Akkordeon 2)
1528 - Menuett (Akkordeon 3)
1529 - Menuett (Akkordeon 4)
1530 - Menuett (Bass)
1531 - Der Tanz (Partitur)
1532 - Der Tanz (Akkordeon 1)
1533 - Der Tanz (Akkordeon 2)
1534 - Der Tanz (Akkordeon 3)
1535 - Der Tanz (Akkordeon 4)



CD Review: Two CD's Reviewed, Performer Bjarke Mogensen

CD cover: CD Cover: Mogensen - LohseCD Reviews Index to read the Review of
1. "Bjarke Mogensen plays Domenico Scarlatti" CD
2. "Mogensen – Lohse: Mobile, Works for Solo Accordion" CD

Review in Italian and English languages.

Review by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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