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4th ‘Notou Sounadour’ Festival a Great Success, Robilante – Italy

The 4th ‘Notou Sounadour’, an accordion festival held in Robilante was a considerable success. The organizers, led by Walter Porro and Luigi Buzzi, made a considerable effort in organizing this event, and ensuring that musical standards were high.

The Saturday was dedicated to the diatonic accordion, which is popular in this region. The program began in the afternoon with the opening of the trade exhibition, demonstrations, and workshops for both diatonic and chromatic accordions. In the evening, top diatonic artistes Ciuma (Emilie-Romagne), Saufs, Pouille and Tombesi (Venice), performed a great concert featuring traditional music.

At the end of the concert, ten participants from the afternoon workshops played the ‘Choral’ passage, arranged for three parts, and studied in the afternoon. The evening ended with a dance led by diatonic accordionists.

A highlight was a performance by the Paris Moscou Duo, Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, whose virtuosity was greatly appreciated. An award, ‘Notou Sounadour’, for dedication to the traditional music of the Valley Vermenagna was made to the accordionist Giovanni Romana, from Robilante.

The evening ended with a performance of traditional music played by about ten players of the Valley Vermenagna.
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