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Weekly News from Around the World - 19-Jun-2009
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Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival 2009 - Finland
19. Internationales Akkordeon Solisten-Festival , Kragujevac - Serbien
2009 Bai Di National AKkordeonwettbewer, Shangdong - China
Aidar Gaynullin’s Nomination für ‘Beste Film Music’ - Russland
‘Classics in Jazz’ Album & CD von Wolmer Beltrami – Italien/Deutschland
Sofia Gubaidulina und Francesco Gesualdi in Florenz - Italien
Erdbebenopfer-Wohltätigkeitskonzert in Agora de Bonneville - Frankreich
3rd Accordion Art Festival and Contests, Mosciano - Italy

Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

4th ‘Notou Sounadour’ Festival a Great Success, Robilante – Italy
Volume 3 Book-and-Sound Edition Released - Germany
Exhibition of Vintage Bellows Instruments, Rostov-on-Don - Russia
International Accordion Competition Ascoltate
Akkordeon Orchestra Erlangen Visits Castelfidardo‏ - Italy

Future events

Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Heppenheim – Germany
Richard Tyce in Tribute Concert, British Colombia – Canada
Fabio Colaceci and Fabrizio Capoleoni in Concert, Rome – Italy
Milos Milivojevic Concert, London – UK
Festival International de L’Accordeon, Homecourt – France
Main Squeeze Accordion Festival, New York – USA
Lowell Folk Festival, Massachusetts – USA
9th International Festival of Accordion Music, Koszalin – Poland

New and Updated Sites

Karthause Schmülling New Book-and-Sound Editions
H S Production New Music Releases
Scandalli Accordions New Website Now Online
Franco Cambareri 3 new works
Gary Dahl update 1 new work

CD Reviews


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Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival 2009 - Finland

Sata-Häme Soi Accordion Festival 2009  Daily Reports - Finland.
5th Primus Ikaalinen International Accordion Competition, on the internet, delayed broadcast, Friday night 8 pm + 2 hours Finland time. www.yle.fi/satumaa is the link.


19. Internationales Akkordeon Solisten-Festival , Kragujevac - Serbien

Das 19. Internationale Akkordeon-Solisten Festival und die 20. Sommerschule für Akkordeon Schüler und Studenten findet vom 5. bis 14. Juli in Kragujevac, Serbien statt.

Die Festival-Veranstalter, Musik-Zentrum ad libitum und die Kragujevac Musikschule haben für diese Sommerschule die Gewinner der wichtigsten internationalen Akkordeon-Wettbewerbe der letzten 12 Monaten eingeladen. Folgende Solisten werden in der Concert Hall des Kragujevac Gymnasiums spielen:

Vladislav Pligovka, Belaruss - Gewinner der Castelfidardo und CIA Coupe Mondiale Wettbewerbe
Dimitri Bouclier, Frankreich - Gewinner des CMA Trophée Mondiale
Nikola Tanaskovic, Serbien - Gewinner des Wettbewerbs in Arrasate, Spanien
Segei Shmelkov, Russland - Gewinner des Wettbewerbs in Shanghai, China
Alexandar Khrustevitch, Ukraine - Gewinner des Wettbewerbs in Kiew, Ukraine
Klemen Leben, Slowenien - Gewinner des Wettbewerbs in Klingenthal, Deutschland
Juri Shishkin, Russland - Lehrer in der Sommer Schule
Mika Väyrynen, Finnland - Lehrer in der Sommer Schule.

Das Festival beginnt am 5. Juli mit einem Konzert der besten Schülerinnen und Schüler der Musikschulen Kragujevac und am 14. Juli mit einem Konzert der besten Teilnehmern der Sommer Schule.
Die Lehrer an der Summer School sind Yuri Shishkin - Russland, Radomir Tomic und Vojin Vasovic - Serbien und Mika Väyrynen - Finnland.

Alle Teilnehmer werden im Studenten Hostel SLOBODA untergebracht sein.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail den Veranstalter Milan Tomic: tomic_milan@yahoo.com


2009 Bai Di National AKkordeonwettbewer, Shangdong - China

Ziqiang Zhang &  Li CongDiese Veranstaltung wird von der chinesischen Musiker Akkordeon-Gemeinschaft vom 21. August bis 23. August in der Stadt Qingdao, Provinz Shandong organisiert. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil des Shandong International Art Festival.

Der Wettbewerbs-Vorsitzende ist der Präsident der chinesischen Akkordeongemeinschaft, Hr. Ziqiang Zhang. Lesen Sie das interessante VIP Interview über die Laufbahn des Akkordenisten Ziqiang Zhang und seiner Frau Wang Biyun.

Bild links: Präsident Zhang Ziqiang und unten/links: Prof. Li Cong.

Wettbewerbkategorien für Solo, Duett, Trio und Ensembles für Kinder aller Altersgruppen - es gibt sogar eine Kategorie für Musiker bis 55 Jahre und älter. Solo-Klassen sowhl für klassische und Unterhaltuns-Musik

Für zusätzliche Information in Chinesisch:
oder: Prof. Li Cong


Aidar Gaynullin’s Nomination für ‘Beste Film Music’ - Russland

Aidar GaynullinAidar Gaynullin erhielt im 20. Russischen Filmfestival "Kinotavr" eine Nominierung für die "Beste Filmmusik" im Film "Sauerstoff" von Ivan Vyrypaev.

Der Film "Oxygen" ist ein Film-Clip aus zehn musikalisch-dramatischen Kompositionen. Jede Zusammensetzung entspricht einem bestimmten Thema und Helden. Der Film ist für Zuschauer von 15 bis 35 Jahren und verspricht, sich ganz zu einem Kult-Bildnis zu entwickeln. Zur damaligen Zeit, wurde Ivan Vyrypaev für seine Leistung des Stückes "Oxygen" (Sauerstoff) mit allen renommierten Theater-Auszeichnungen, darunter die "Goldene Maske" ausgezeichnet und ist sozusagen ein Teil Theatergeschichte, wie das Manifest einer neuen Generation und Drama der dreißiger Jahre.

Für weitere Informationen E-Mail: herbert@accordion-cd.co.at


‘Classics in Jazz’ Album & CD von Wolmer Beltrami – Italien/Deutschland

‘Classics in Jazz’ Album & CD of Wolmer BeltramiDer Wurzburger Musikverlag -Elwephon Records R & T / Deutschland hat eine CD, "Classics in Jazz", mit 12 Kompositionen von Werken bekannter Komponisten, im Jazz-Stil arrangiert des großen virtuosen Akkordeonisten Wolmer Beltrami. Die 12-Arrangements sind auch in Buchform erhältlich.

Diese 12 meisterhaften Aufnahmen und Arrangements sind von großer historischer Bedeutung und wird dazu beitragen, die Erinnerung an den großen Wolmer Beltrami aufrecht zu erhalten.

Wolmer Beltrami (1922 – 1999) war in vielen Ländern zu Gast und zählt zu den "Großen" des italienischen Akkordeons. In der Nachkriegszeit spielte er gemeinsam mit anderen italienischen Akkordeonisten wie Gorni Kramer als das Duo Kramer & Wolmer. Im Jahr 1960 erhielt Beltrame von der CMA Beltrami der renommierten World Oscar für seine Verdienste um das Akkordeon. Filmsoundtracks wurden regelmäßig von Beltrami gespielt – Jazz-Akkordeon, Tanzmusik und klassische Musik! Egal welche Musik - sein Stil war einzigartig und wurde weltweit bewundert


Sofia Gubaidulina und Francesco Gesualdi in Florenz - Italien

Francesco GesualdiSofia Gubaidulina, die berühmte russiche Komponistin wird während der neunten Neuen Musik Konzert-Saison "Musikpreis NEM“ für zwei Konzerte am 27. und 28. Juni in Florenz sein, die ihrer Musik gewidmet sind. Das Konzert am 27. Juni findet im renommierten "Salone dei Cinquecento" im Palazzo Vecchio in Florenz statt.

Das Konzert-Programm umfasst: Sofia Gubaidulina - "Sieben Worte", und Alfred Schnittke - "Epilog" (aus "Peer Gynt"), für Cello, Klavier und Elektronik.

"Sieben Worte" ist eine der bedeutendsten und meisterhafteste Komposition von Sofia Gubaidulina. Ein Werk, daß Sie in 1982 in sieben Teilen für Cello, Akkordeon und Streichorchester, komponiert hat. Text und Musik – ist die Interpätation der sieben Worte von Christi am Kreuz, dem berühmten Oratorium von Heinrich Schϋtz. Speziell geschrieb en für Cellisten Vladimir Tonchi und dem Akkordeonist Friedrich Lips, wurde das Stück im Jahre 1985 mit dem Namen "Lot" uraufgeführt. Die Arbeit zeichnet sich durch eine klare Symbolik in allen seinen Komponenten aus. Um Ihnen ein Beispiel von den Instrumenten zu geben: das Akkordeon ist das Symbol des Gottesvater, das Cello - der Sohn Gottes, das Orchester – der Heilige Geist.

Die "Sieben Worte" wird Francesco Gesualdi, einer der führenden und originalen Akkordeonisten in der italienischen Musik-Szene präsentieren zusammen mit dem renommierten Cellist Alexander Ivashkin, Experten und Wissenschaftler der russischen Musik des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Die beiden Musiker spielen zusammen mit dem Kammerorchester "Our Times", positive Realität in Punkt Musik in der Gegend von Florenz.

Möchten Sie zusätzliche Informaiton, dann email: effegesualdi@libero.it


Erdbebenopfer-Wohltätigkeitskonzert in Agora de Bonneville - Frankreich

Jean Louis NotonSerge und Corinne Petronio, ehemaliger Schüler der Akkordeonschule von Annemasse und Genf vor rund zwanzig Jahren, gründeten ihre eigenen Akkordeon Schule in L'Aquila, Abruzzen, Italien.

Anfang April 2009, in weniger als 25 Sekunden, waren all ihre schönen Projekte plötzlich mit dem Erdbeben eliminiert. Das Gebäude in der sie lebten buchstäblich verschwunden. Sie hatten gerade genug Zeit, um Schutz zu suchen. Alles um sie herum brach zusammen: Möbel, Geräte, Fahrzeuge, etc. Die Familie ist am Leben, aber alle Früchte ihrer jahrelangen Arbeit zerstört.

Die Akkordeon Schule Annemasse und Genf hat daher beschlossen, mit einem Konzert Unterstützung zu leisten. Herr T. Shield, Schulleiter und seine Frau Christine, Jugendfreunde von Serge und Corinne, würden gerne Kontakt mit Künstlern aufnehmen, die ihr Projekt unterstützen möchten.

Sie fordern so viele Menschen als möglich zur Teilnahme auf, an diesem Benefiz-Konzert am Freitag, 26. Juni, um 20.30 Uhr auf der Agora de Bonneville mitzumachen. Es machen bereits mit: Les Frères Bouclier, Akkordeonist Jean Louis Noton und der weltberühmte Violinist William Garcin mit seiner Gipsy-Gruppe. Tickets gibt es an Ort und Stelle - ein Minimum von 10 € Spende wird vorgeschlagen (5 € für Kinder unter 12 Jahren).


3rd Accordion Art Festival and Contests, Mosciano - Italy

Accordion Art Festival and Contests Daily Reports banner
2009 Art Festival Daily Reports will be online.

The program of the 3rd Accordion Art Festival is dedicated to all music genres, with the main objective being to enhance the entire accordion family.

The Artistic Director is Renzo Ruggieri, and the President is Claudio Azzaro. The concerts take place in the church of St Rosario, Mosciano.

The 3rd Accordion Art Festival opening concert takes place on June 19th, 9pm with the new accordion orchestra ‘Mantici Armoniosi’, directed by Maestro Paolo Picchio, Artistic Director of the historical international award “Città di Castelfidardo”.

All day Saturday, June 20th, will be dedicated to the special ‘Italian Award’, with young candidates from all over Italy performing in front of a prestigious jury. An evening classical accordion concert will take place, featuring Massimiliano Pitocco (Professor of S. Cecilia in Rome and an international concert artiste), and Argentine guitarist Adrian Fioramonti.

On Sunday June 21st, in the afternoon, the Italian candidates participating in the prestigious CMA World Trophy to be held in Portugal in September will be selected.

In the evening, after the presentation of the book ‘Le Rotte della Musica’, by Fabio Ciminiera, another original initiative will take place – the ORPHEUS Award, an award by critics for the best Italian CD of 2008. Antonio Spaccarotella (winner of the prestigious International Award of Castelfidardo) and the internationally famous French accordionist Ludovic Beier will perform. Entrance is free.

2009 Art Festival Daily Reports will be online.


Reports for Concerts, Masterclasses, Competitions, Festivals, etc.

4th ‘Notou Sounadour’ Festival a Great Success, Robilante – Italy

The 4th ‘Notou Sounadour’, an accordion festival held in Robilante was a considerable success. The organizers, led by Walter Porro and Luigi Buzzi, made a considerable effort in organizing this event, and ensuring that musical standards were high.

The Saturday was dedicated to the diatonic accordion, which is popular in this region. The program began in the afternoon with the opening of the trade exhibition, demonstrations, and workshops for both diatonic and chromatic accordions. In the evening, top diatonic artistes Ciuma (Emilie-Romagne), Saufs, Pouille and Tombesi (Venice), performed a great concert featuring traditional music.

At the end of the concert, ten participants from the afternoon workshops played the ‘Choral’ passage, arranged for three parts, and studied in the afternoon. The evening ended with a dance led by diatonic accordionists.

A highlight was a performance by the Paris Moscou Duo, Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov, whose virtuosity was greatly appreciated. An award, ‘Notou Sounadour’, for dedication to the traditional music of the Valley Vermenagna was made to the accordionist Giovanni Romana, from Robilante.

The evening ended with a performance of traditional music played by about ten players of the Valley Vermenagna.


Volume 3 Book-and-Sound Edition Released - Germany

The publishing company Karthause Schmülling of Germany has developed an important new series for accordionists titled accordeon focus — a book-and-sound concept of famous accordion soloists and groups.

Karthause Schmülling have now released Volume 3 by Andreas Hermeyer (accordion) and Konni Deppe (vocals).

Andreas Hermeyer, master-class student of German accordion virtuosos Hans Rauch and Hubert Deuringer, has already presented himself successfully as an accordion soloist on three albums.

In this new production, Andreas Hermeyer shows his ingenious and subtle jazz style in duet with worldwide performing jazz singer Konni Deppe. Their music is enriched with sensitive sounds of percussion, guitar, and double bass played by popular guest musicians.

Well-known jazz standards, film classics, lyric songs and folk songs are finely spun and maginatively arranged by Konni Deppe (vocals) and Andreas Hermeyer (accordion). A musical delight not only for its artistic merit but also for the brilliant sound quality and the high quality book.


Exhibition of Vintage Bellows Instruments, Rostov-on-Don - Russia

Alexander PoeluevA striking event this spring was the exhibition of vintage harmonics bayans accordions and collected by collectors South Russia. It was organised by Arutun Barashjan who is also an accordion teacher and repairer. Rostov 2009 Vintage Exhibition photos.

May 15, was the start of the exhibition. This exhibition opened with a concert by Alexander Poeluev, the winner of national and international competitions.

Then the audience was given a presentation of the six-events organized by "Harmony" during recent months. The concert by Art Van Damme, Vladimir Danilin, the "100 th anniversary" of the bayan, jazz quartet Alain Musicini, Frank Marocco," Accordion plus. The work by the creative team "Harmony" was greatly appreciated.

From 15 - 27 May, lovers and admirers of bellow instruments were able to view the rare instruments, and professional musicians were able to learn the features of these instruments. The exhibition presented 30 instruments (21 from the Rostov region, 5 from Germany, 2 from Moscow, 1 from Italy and 1 from Poland), varied in appearance, construction and sound characteristics.

The exhibition included instruments from last century to the late 1930's, these rare instruments all owned in the Rostov Region. Also included was a display of various interesting construction design and mechanical tools. The instruments featured skilful displays of colored stones, wooden and metal artwork, painted designs and manufacture with fine designs in the wood and the case, to create a palette of colors of musical instruments.

A warm and happy atmosphere prevailed May 27 at the Museum of Modern Fine Arts in the closing date of the exhibition! There was a small concert, which was attended by: Regional winners of the recent area contest, students of Gnesin Music School Philip and Leon Gagaloyan, students of Rostov State Conservatory, laureate of international competitions Marija Ternavskaya, Victor Skolozubov, author of harmonica tutor books.

Rostov 2009 Vintage Exhibition photos.


International Accordion Competition Ascoltate

Laimonas Salijus (Lithuania)The International Accordion Competition Ascoltate organized by the Kaunas Accordion Society was held in Prienai, near Kaunas in Lithuania from 5th -7th June.

Director of the festival Mindaugas Labanauskas was delighted to welcome to the festival over 100 contestants in the various solo and ensemble categories from Finland, UK, Austria, Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Russia, Moldova and Slovenia.

The International Jury consisted of Viatcheslav Semionov (Russia), Raymond Bodell (UK), Eduardas Gabnys (Lithuania), Mirco Patarini (Italy) and Roman Pechmann (Austria). Ascoltate 2009 photos.

Outstanding Grand Prix winners were accordion ensemble “Concertino” (Moldova), Duo Alesia Kozhukh & Natallia Litvinchyk (Belarus), and soloists Maria Obukhova (Russia) and Laimonas Salijus (Lithuania). Ascoltate 2009 photos.

Also on Saturday an outstanding concert was held in Kaunas featuring 3 accordion Concertos performed by Viatcheslav Semionov, Geir Draugsvoll and Raimondas Sviackevicius.


Akkordeon Orchestra Erlangen Visits Castelfidardo‏ - Italy

Akkordeon Orchestra Erlangen, Castelfidardo City square
The Akkordeon Spielgemeinschaft Erlangen, (near Nürnberg) of Germany during their visit to Italy, made a stop in Castelfidardo, on Tuesday, June 9th.

The accordion orchestra was founded in 1954 by Erwin Hoehn and has a repertoire ranging from light entertainment music, original compositions, to classical music.

The Cultural Department of the Castelfidardo City Hall had organized an afternoon concert in the centre of the town.

Nice weather conditions, not too hot temperatures made this afternoon event a very enjoyable occasion for all!


Future events

Paris-Moscow Duo Concert, Heppenheim – Germany

On Sunday June 21st at 4 pm in the Kurfùrstensaal, Heppenheim, the Paris Moscou duo of Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov will be the guest artists for a concert organized by the the music school Heppenheim.

Under the direction of E. Ungefucht, the concert will also have performing will be the duo Charlotte Freiberger and Jan Rink, Jan Rink, HepKlez, Moritz Lulay and Johanes Vock, Melanie Maiwald, Agnieszka Schmitt, and E. Ungefucht and his Ensemble.

For further information email: duopm@sfr.fr


Richard Tyce in Tribute Concert, British Colombia – Canada

Canadian singer and accordionist Richard Tyce performs in ’Tribute to Jussi Björling’ - an open air concert (under tent!), honouring the great Swedish tenor, on Sunday June 21st, 4pm, at the Scandinavian Midsummer Festival in Burnaby, B.C.

The venue is the Scandinavian Community Centre, 6540 Thomas Street., Burnaby, B.C.

Jussi Björling, who died in 1960, was a tenor who succeeded Caruso to the heights of super-stardom. Richard Tyce says: “I will be singing pieces that Jussi Björling's silvery voice was known for, like ‘Torna a Surriento’, and excerpts from French opera, like Massenet's ‘Manon’.

And we won't leave out the famous ‘Pearl Fishers Duet’. My accordion might even come out of its case!”

For further information email: richardtyce@shaw.ca


Fabio Colaceci and Fabrizio Capoleoni in Concert, Rome – Italy

Fabio Colaceci (accordion), and Fabrizio Capoleon (guitar), perform in a concert titled ‘Tango Nuevo and music from the 1900’ on June 22nd, 5.30pm, at the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Rome.

The program will be “A sound path through the trends of the most representative music styles of the last century”.

For further information email: fabio.colaceci@gmail.com


Milos Milivojevic Concert, London – UK

Accordionist Milos Milivojevic performs with the London Tango Quintet and Japanese violinist Taro Hakase on Monday June 22nd, 7.30pm, at the Cadogan Hall, Sloane Terrace (near Sloane Square Underground Station), London SW1H 9DQ.

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


Festival International de L’Accordeon, Homecourt – France

The Festival International de L’Accordeon takes place from July 3rd to 5th in Homecourt, northern France, organised by the Accordeon Club Lorrain.

For further information email: accordeon-club-lorrain@orange.fr


Main Squeeze Accordion Festival, New York – USA

‘Summer on the Hudson’ is one of New York City’s largest free summer festivals. The six-month series, from May 3rd until October 11th, is an annual summer arts and cultural festival in Riverside Park South, presented by The New York City Department of Parks & Recreation. All events are free.

On Saturday, July 11th, 3pm until 10pm, the 4th annual NYC Main Squeeze Accordion Festival takes place at Pier I, West 70th Street, NY.

Organizer Reva Cooper says: “The squeeze box masters are back! Don’t forget your dancing shoes for this all day festival of traditional and eclectic music from around the globe. Kids can get in on the act too, at the Accordion Kids Corner, where they’ll get free accordion instruction. Browse the Accordion Flea Market and dance!”

For further information email: revacooper@earthlink.net


Lowell Folk Festival, Massachusetts – USA

The Lowell Folk Festival takes place in Lowell National Historical Park, Massachusetts, from July 24th to 26th (24th, 6:40-10pm; 25th, 12-10pm; 26th, 12-6pm). The Eddie Forman Orchestra, Genticorum (Quebec, Canada), Rosie Ledet and the Zydeco Playboys, and Frank London's Klezmer Brass All-Stars are just a few of this year’s performers. This is a free event.

For further information email: phil_lupsiewicz@nps.gov


9th International Festival of Accordion Music, Koszalin – Poland

The IX International Festival of Accordion Music takes place from September 24th to 27th in Koszalin. The Centre of Culture in Koszalin and the accordion band AKORD are the promoters of the festival, and the sponsors are Fantini Accordions, of Castelfidardo, Italy. The Artistic Director is Artur Zajkowski.

This festival includes a competition aimed at accordion bands and ensembles, which may include the use of other instruments.

For further information email: mfzma@wp.pl


New and Updated Sites

Karthause Schmülling New Book-and-Sound Editions

Karthause Schmülling New Book-and-Sound Editions selling a new CD titled "All Through The Night" with sound samples. Music performed by Konni Deppe and Andreas Hermeyer. Purchase online.


H S Production New Music Releases

H S Production releases 4 new pieces, 'Menuet, catalog:hs523', 'Contra Dance, catalog:hs525', 'Waltz arr..Beethoven, catalog:hs526' and 'Menuet, catalog:hs524'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Scandalli Accordions New Website Now Online

The new, updated Scandalli website is now online. The site has been extensively revised and has many new features.

As well as the usual product information, visitors will be able to see and hear performances by Scandalli artists and soon many of the register tones (sounds) of individual accordions also.

The news section will be regularly updated with both past and future event information as well as new product launches. Visitors can also subscribe to the to the mailing list which will provide all this news on a timely basis.


Franco Cambareri 3 new works

Franco Cambareri - accordionist, composer, producer, releases 3 new works for accordion available for purchase online. 'Ciccio’s Tarantella, catalog:cfranco95', 'Mexican Rock, catalog:cfranco96' and 'Sambalero, catalog:cfranco97'. Samples of this music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl update 1 new work

Gary Dahl - accordionist as well as a composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator, update 1 new works for accordion available for purchase online, ‘Just Because Polka, catalog:DH0037'. Samples of these music are available on the site. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Reviews


Claudio Jacomucci CDCD Reviews Index for the Review of “Wonderlands” by Claudio Jacomucci


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