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Weekly News from Around the World - 18-Dec-2015
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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора:
Запущен официальный сайт «Кубка мира 2016» – Россия
Папа Римский Франциск и трио ‘TreGeerazionale’ («Три поколения») – Италия
Мастер-класс по дирижированию аккордеонным оркестром Юрия Анадорьевчи – Китай
VI международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов в Москве
Проспект конкурса и фестиваля Южно-Тихоокеанского региона 2016 года – Новая Зеландия

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Concert, 15th December, Gnesin Hall, Moscow - Russia
Marco Lo Russo’s News – Cuba, Lithuania, Italy
Celebrity Interview: Luigi Bruti, CIA Merit Award Recipient - Italy
Video & Pictures: 10th Anniversary Jubilee Concert of "Harmony" - Russia
Video: The Voice 2015 Madi Davis - Semifinals: "Big Girls Don't Cry" - USA
New Arrangment by Renzo Ruggieri, Variations on Säkkijärven Polka - Italy
Encore by Mika Väyrynen of Nuoruusmuistoja by Lasse Pihlajamaa - Finland
Dargaville Enjoys Accordion Promotions - New Zealand
Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society’s 13th Annual Holiday Concert - USA
Video: El Chocolo by Zamar
Video: Fantasy On Carol Of the Bells (Joseph Natoli - FR8X) - USA
14 Years Ago: December 2001

Будущие события

4th National Accordion Competition, Santiago – Chile
Nerea Rodriguez Nunez Concert, Barcelona – Spain
Simone Zanchini Quartet Album Launch Concert, Longiano – Italy
Zoltan Orosz Concerts, Karvan, Budapest – Hungary
Martynas ‘Classic Live Show’ Concerts, Vilnius – Lithuania
James Lesueur New Year’s Day Concert, Paris – France
Paprika on BBC World Service on January 2nd
Paris Moscou Duo Concert, Clermont-Ferrand - France
Tian Jianan Performing For Chinese New Year in Indiana - USA
VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb, 28th February 2016, Vienna - Austria

Новые и обновленные сайты

New and Updated Site: Sergey Osokin, New CV, Performer and Teacher, Moscow - Russia

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Особенности Highlights

Заметка редактора:

Christmas Greetings
Rob HowardЕще один год глобальной деятельности в мире аккордеона подходит к концу.

Поскольку это наш последний новостной выпуск в 2015 году, команда на 'Accordions Worldwide’ хотела бы воспользоваться этой возможностью, чтобы пожелать всем вам веселого Рождества и успехов в новом году.

Наша первый выпуск 2016 года появится онлайн 8 января. Если вы хотели бы добавить свою новость в этот выпуск, пожалуйста, напишите мне по адресу robaccord5@hotmail.com

Желаю вам мирного Рождества и здоровья в Новом году, а также наслаждаться музыкой для аккордеона.

Роб Ховард


Запущен официальный сайт «Кубка мира 2016» – Россия

2016 Coupe Mondiale logo
2016 Coupe Mondiale posterМеждународная Конфедерация Аккордеонистов (CIA), член Международного Музыкального Совета (IMC), официальный партнер (негосударственные организации) ЮНЕСКО, запустила официальный сайт своего 69 конкурса «Кубок мира» и 136-й Генеральной Ассамблеи, которые состоятся в Ростове-на-Дону с 11 по 17 сентября 2016 года.

Организатором этого важнейшего события выступает член CIA, Международный музыкальный центр «Гармония». Президент CIA Раймонд Бодель заявил: «Россия занимает важное место в международном мире аккордеона, и я рад, что первый «Кубок Мира» в России пройдет в этом знаменитом своими аккордеонными традициями регионе».

Арт-директор центра «Гармония» Александр Поелуев: «Мы приглашаем всех баянистов и аккордеонистов принять участие в 69-м Кубке Мира в Ростове-на-Дону. В течение этой недели вас ожидают захватывающий конкурс, уникальные концерты, выставки и много других интересных событий».

Конкурс «Кубок Мира 2016» пройдет в восьми международных категориях:
Coupe Mondiale (концертные исполнители)
– Masters Coupe Mondiale (солисты)
– Junior Coupe Mondiale (солисты до 18 лет)
– Virtuoso Entertainment (эстрадные исполнители)
– Junior Virtuoso Entertainment (эстрадные исполнители до 18 лет)
– Digital (исполнители на цифровых аккордеонах и баянах)
– Chamber – Classical (камерные ансамбли – академическая музыка)
– Chamber - World Music (камерные ансамбли – развлекательная музыка – эстрада, фолк, джаз и тп)

В рамках мероприятия также пройдут превосходные концерты, важные заседания Исполнительного и Музыкального комитетов CIA, Генеральная Ассамблея делегатов, где будут решаться творческие и бизнес планы будущей деятельности CIA.

Полная информация на сайте «Кубка мира 2016» по адресу: Coupe Mondiale.


Папа Римский Франциск и трио ‘TreGeerazionale’ («Три поколения») – Италия

Pope Francis, Sylvia Pagni
Pope Francis, Sylvia PagniМузыканты трио ‘TreGeerazionale’ («Три поколения») – Тедди Рено (Teddy Reno, 89 лет), Сильвия Паньи (Sylvia Pagni, 38 лет) и Элиза Риччителли (Elisa Riccitelli, 20 лет) – 16 декабря провели один из самых захватывающих дней, которые могут выпасть на долю музыканта.

Трио ‘TreGeerazionale’, уникальное по своему возрастному составу участников, встретилось с Папой Римским на площади Святого Петра, где исполнило песню под названием “Uno Come Noi” («Один из нас»), посвященную Папе Франциску.

Музыка “Uno Come Noi” была написана популярной аккордеонисткой Сильвией Паньи, а текст известным певцом Тедди Рено. Песня была исполнена трио ‘TreGeerazionale’ вместе с хором из 20 детей во главе с отцом Янушем Сжмигельски (Janusz Szmigielski) из прихода Scerne, Пинето, Италия.

Папа Римский дослушал всю песню, которая была исполнена накануне его дня рождения.
Pope Francis,  Teddy Reno, Elisa Riccitelli, Sylvia Pagni


Мастер-класс по дирижированию аккордеонным оркестром Юрия Анадорьевчи – Китай

Masterclass pictures
Yuri AnadoriyevchiПрофессор Юрий Анадорьевчи (Россия) был приглашен Китайской Ассоциацией Аккордеонистов провести с 7 по 10 декабря в Пекине мастер-класс по дирижированию аккордеонным оркестром аккордеонистов.

25 молодых преподавателей аккордеона из разных регионов Китая приняли участие в мастер-классе, и в течение 3 дней они изучали навыки дирижирования, учились, как уверенно управлять оркестром и как создавать и развивать свои аккордеонные оркестры.

Все 25 педагогов были очень рады получить такой мастер-класс, и планируют в будущем организовать свои аккордеонные оркестры.
Masterclass picture


VI международный конкурс баянистов и аккордеонистов в Москве

VI International Competition of Bayan and Accordion Players
Friedrich LipsVI международный конкурс исполнителей на баяне и аккордеоне и XXVII международный фестиваль «Баян и баянисты» пройдет с 13 по 20 декабря 2015 года в залах РАМ им. Гнесиных в Москве. Арт-директор – Фридрих Липс (фото слева).

Репортажи будут добавляться по мере поступления. Правила конкурса, афиша и программа конкурса и фестиваля на английском и русском языках здесь: 2015Moscow

Результаты, фотографии и видео онлайн: 2015Moscow


Проспект конкурса и фестиваля Южно-Тихоокеанского региона 2016 года – Новая Зеландия

NZAA header
NZAA ProspectusПроспект (правила и условия) конкурса и фестиваля Южно-Тихоокеанского региона 2016 года, который состоится в Окленде в субботу 4 июня и воскресенье 5 июня, в настоящее время доступен онлайн по адресу: 2016 NZ Prospectus

Правила для международных категорий этого конкурса очень близки правилам конкурса «Кубок мира». Категория концертных исполнителей соответствует правилам категории ‘Masters’, а категория эстрадной музыки – категории ‘Virtuoso Entertainment’. Юниорские категории (до 18 лет) проводятся в один тур и совпадают с правилами первого тура соответствующих категорий «Кубка мира».

Дата окончания приема заявок – 16 апреля 2016 года.

Президент Новозеландской ассоциации (NZAA) Соня Палинич (Sonja Palinich) пишет: «NZAA проводит это мероприятие с 1972 года, и мы рады вновь провести его в центре искусств ‘Raye Freedman Arts Centre’ (фото ниже). Эта выдающаяся современная площадка идеально подходит для наших потребностей, предлагая отличную акустику, освещение и все удобствами под одной крышей».

Репортажи с прошедших конкурсов можно посмотреть, пройдя по ссылке: South Pacific Daily Reports

Австралийский конкурс по версии AATA проводится неделю спустя в Сиднее и имеет схожие правила для международных категорий.
Raye Freedman Arts Centre


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Concert, 15th December, Gnesin Hall, Moscow - Russia

Concert, during the 27th International Festival "The Bayan & Bayan Players", held at Gnesin Grand Concert Hall, Moscow, from 13 to 20 December 2015.

Friedrich Lips, Master of Ceremonies for this Concert and Festival Artistic Director.

Concert dedicated to the jubilees of Russian composers:
100th anniversary of Nikolai Tchaikin
90th anniversary of Alexander Cholminov
90th anniversary of Yuri Shishakov
90th anniversary of Anatoly Shalayev
85th anniversary of Roman Ledenev
70th anniversary of Anatoly Kusiakov
70th anniversary of Alexander Zhurbin

Performances by international competition laureates:
Vladimir Volkov, Mikhail Burlakov, Semion Shmelkov, Alexander Selivanov, Petr Babin, Eugeny Krasheninnikov, Vitaly Bogolyubov, Iosif Purits, Angelina Koznova, Aremt Kriklivy, Tolegen Kakimov.

Celebrating the 80th anniversary of Alfred Ginsburg, President of Russian Union of Musical Instrument Craftsmen.

Reports of the event will be added as they come to hand. Competition rules and posters in English/Russian, video and 62 page program at: 2015Moscow


Marco Lo Russo’s News – Cuba, Lithuania, Italy

Marco Lo Russo and David Blanco
Italian accordionist Marco Lo Russo recently spent a very successful time in Cuba, performing sell out concerts as part of the XVIII Italian Culture Week. For some of concerts there were changes of location at the last minute because too many spectators could not attend.

He commented that "I left Cuba feeling that the audiences appreciated the art of my music, and this fills me with satisfaction. Rich emotions and joy, sharing, that's what I take away from this wonderful experience”. The event was organised by the Italian Embassy in Havana.

Most gratifying for Marco Lo Russo was the closing concert (picture above) of the Italian Culture Week, entitled ‘Made in Italy’, held to meet the demands of the large audience, in the central Piazza Old Havana, accompanied on stage by the Cuban rock star David Blanco.

Marco Lo Russo next performs on Saturday December 19th in Palanga, Lithuania.

Back in Italy, on Wednesday December 23rd at 4.30 pm, Marco Lo Russo will hold a press conference at the studios of Radio Picture (FM 97.0-92.0), moderated by journalist Renata Guerrini, answering questions from the local press, performing, and sending greetings to his fellow citizens live on radio.


Celebrity Interview: Luigi Bruti, CIA Merit Award Recipient - Italy

Luigi BrutiOne year, after receiving the prestigious Merit Award in Salzburg, Austria, awarded by the CIA (Confederation International des Accordeonistes), at the 2014 Coupe Mondiale, the talented musician and musical instrument developer, Luigi Bruti, has been interviewed by Holda Paoletti-Kampl.

Q. Luigi, we have been meeting you around the world, promoting the Roland V-Accordion! Are you still in the musical instrument business?
A. Absolutely yes. ........ I have been very busy driving a fantastic adventure inside a new company, born together with 12 fine and talented engineers (former colleagues) as well as the help of the PROEL company. In DEXIBELL (this is the new brand name), we have completely re-invented the Digital Piano with a revolutionary technology and cool Italian design.

Read the full Celebrity Interview at: Luigi Bruti
Read the Merit Award Nomination for Luigi Bruti at: BrutiNomination


Video & Pictures: 10th Anniversary Jubilee Concert of "Harmony" - Russia

International Music Center 'Harmony' logo10th Anniversary Harmony PosterThe International Music Center 'Harmony' is celebrating 10 years of musical successes.

Video and new pictures of the Jubilee 10th Anniversary 'Concert of Harmony' and 10 years of history at: 2015Harmony


Video: The Voice 2015 Madi Davis - Semifinals: "Big Girls Don't Cry" - USA

A few days ago, NBC's 'The Voice' featured Madi Davis singing: "Big Girls Don't Cry" and she was beautifully supported by accordionist and Music Director Paul Mirkovich.

As part of NBC's Fall shows in 2015, NBC’s The Voice follows the strongest vocalists from across the country and invites them to compete in this season's blockbuster vocal competition.


New Arrangment by Renzo Ruggieri, Variations on Säkkijärven Polka - Italy

Renzo RuggieriCarnevale CD cover by Viivi Maria SaarenkyläJust released arrangement titled 'Variations on Säkkijärven Polka', catalog rrenzo507 by famed Italian performer and teacher Renzo Ruggieri. This arrangement is based on the famous Finnish tune Säkkijärven Polka.

Säkkijärven Polka, also called the "Karelian-Finnish Polka," is a well-known folk tune from Finland, popular with Finnish accordionists.

As the title Variations on Säkkijärven Polka suggests, this is an arrangement with variations and was created to be used in international competitions in "virtuoso" style. The work also fits well for concerts where the performer wants to display brilliant melodic repertoire.

This arrangement is featured on the Carnevale CD and eTracks mp3 album of Viivi Maria Saarenkylä Catalog: viivi01

Viivi Maria Saarenkylä played this work and won 1st in Castelfidardo 2014 and many podium finishes at international competitions in 2014 and 2015 including 2nd place at the 2015 Coupe Mondiale.

Other Virtuoso arrangements by Renzo Ruggieri (only €10 each)
rrenzo501 - Song For S.B (Solo)
rrenzo502 - Volo Degli Angeli (Solo)
rrenzo503 - Tango Italiano (Solo)
rrenzo504 - Carnevale (Solo)
rrenzo505 - Roma Tango Solo
rrenzo506 - Cinema (for 4 parts and drums, electronic accordion)
rrenzo507 - Variations on Säkkijärven Polka


Encore by Mika Väyrynen of Nuoruusmuistoja by Lasse Pihlajamaa - Finland

Video 1:

Video 2:
Video 1: Original Nuoruusmuistoja by Lasse Pihlajamaa (1916 to 2007) who was a famous accordionist and composer who released over 20 albums and was very popular in his homeland of Finland.
Video 2: Encore at his recent Coupe Mondiale concert. Mika Väyrynen has made a beautiful fresh arrangement of this Finnish evergreen that the audience enjoyed very much.


Dargaville Enjoys Accordion Promotions - New Zealand

Kevin Friedrich, Dargaville Museum float
Joan Brown (accordion) and Linda Litt (percussion)The once thriving accordion town of Dargaville in the Kaipara region of New Zealand, enjoyed a weekend of accordion activities as the Holiday Season began its busy lead up to Christmas.

The Dargaville Museum, home to the extensive Accordion Gems, A Master Collection of Accordions Through Time collection put together the winning float for the annual Dargaville Christmas Parade. Local accordionist and creator of the display Kevin Friedrich who was visiting his home town, joined the float (picture above) entertaining the troops, as happened back in the war days, with the Museum's float 'Xmas in the Trenches'.

Also joining the Parade were local musicians (picture left) Joan Brown (accordion) and Linda Litt (percussion), daughters of Ben and Doreen Emmett, Kevin's original accordion teachers, who operated a large accordion studio in Dargaville in the 1950s-1970s.

The three joined then joined forces to perform at the outdoor 'Christmas In the Gardens' celebration attracting a large audience in the popular park on the banks of the Northern Wairoa River.

Dargaville was at one time a major musical center, hosting eight accordion bands spread over four accordion studios, the Dargaville Pipe Band, the Dargaville Brass Town Band, The Dargaville String Orchestra and the ongoing Tamburica Orchestra in addition to the numerous musical ensembles at the local Schools.

Today, the community continues to support many activities including fundraising $20,000 in prize money for the recent 2009 Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships, the establishment of the new wing at the Dargaville Museum to house the accordion exhibition as well as commissioning New Zealand Composer Gary Daverne to compose the work Gem of the Kaipara in honor of long time arts and music promoter Jenny Cocurullo and supporting annual sell out accordion concerts hosted by Kevin Friedrich.
Kevin Friedrich, Joan Brown


Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society’s 13th Annual Holiday Concert - USA

Video: 1. Let There Be Peace On Earth
2. We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Two Christmas singalong selections from the Washington Metropolitan Accordion Society’s 13th Annual Holiday Concert on 13th December at the Sleepy Hollow United Methodist Falls Church, Virginia. Conductor Joan Grauman.


Video: El Chocolo by Zamar

Uploaded on May 4, 2010, Zamar playing Argentinian Tango El Chocolo.


Video: Fantasy On Carol Of the Bells (Joseph Natoli - FR8X) - USA

Fantasy On Carol Of the Bells by Joseph Natoli. Published on Dec 11, 2015.

Joseph Natoli writes: "This melody written by Mykola Leontovych in 1904 has always been one of my favorite Christmas melodies, and I have always wanted to compose a larger scale Fantasy based on this melody.

The Roland FR8X V-Accordion lends itself quite well for orchestrating this composition. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did while writing it."


14 Years Ago: December 2001

The Accordions Worldwide News for December 2001 included a report by Vladimir Zubitsky of the London Accordion Festival, a one-off star studded two day event that included a large number of international accordionists. This event, organised by Romano Viazzani (picture right), had a very large number of international performers, probably the most of any accordion festival held in the UK.

First London Accordion Festival 2001 – England
Contributed by Vladimir Zubitsky

The First London Accordion Festival 2001 was held at the Wembley Conference Centre in Wembley, London on December 8th and 9th. The event featured an opening concert with the BBC Symphony Concert Orchestra (conducted by Nick Davies), Frederic Deschamps who played ‘Suite Punta Del Este’ (Piazzolla), Owen Murray playing the John Webb ‘Concert’, Romano Viazzini, and Vladimir Zubitsky who played a concert version of ‘Rossiniana’ with the symphony orchestra.

The festival included music exhibitions, CDs, musical instruments and non-stop concerts from 9.30 am to midnight, featuring a variety of music from classic to jazz and musette by soloists, ensembles and orchestras. Performers included Djordje Gajic, John & Lisa Leslie, The Czardas Duo, David Farmer, The High Society Dance Orchestra, David Lukins, the Gary Blair Scottish Dance Band, Andy Anderson, Colchester Accordion Show Band, Jack Emblow, KODA, Frank Marocco (USA), Frederic Baldo, Marielle Roy, Jerome Richard & Lucile Touchard (France), Fabio Rossato, Vincenzo Abbracciante (Italy), Vely & Susanne Kujala (Finland), Nan Li, Phuong Nguyen & Yi Yao (China ), students of the Royal Academy of music, and many others.

The closing concert included performances by ‘Duo Zubitsky’ (Vladimir and Natalia Zubitsky), ‘Hallo Mr Sax’ with Simone Zanchini, and Gervasio Marcosignori.


Будущие события

4th National Accordion Competition, Santiago – Chile

PosterThe 4th National Accordion Competition takes place on December 18th and 19th, 8pm each evening, at the Conservatorio Nacional de Acordeon, San Alfonso 71, San Bernardo, Santiago, Chile.

The guests include Hugo Rivera, Daniel Angel, Andres Sepulveda, Juan Carlos Berrios, and Victor Hugo Campusano.

For further information email: conservatorio.direccion@gmail.com


Nerea Rodriguez Nunez Concert, Barcelona – Spain

Nerea Rodriguez NunezConservatory student Nerea Rodriguez Nunez performs in concert on Saturday December 19th, 7.30pm, at the Casa D’espiritualitat Sant Felip Neri, Nena Casas 43 – 47, 08017 Barcelona, Spain. The programme includes music by Correa de Araujo, A.Nordheim, Bach, Zolotarev, Scarlatti, and Gubaidulina.

For further information email: caesfelpneri@gmail.com


Simone Zanchini Quartet Album Launch Concert, Longiano – Italy

Simone Zanchini Quartet
The Simone Zanchini Quartet perform at the Teatro Petrella, Piazza S. Girolamo, 3, Longiano, on Sunday December 20th, 9pm. This gig is the official launch of the quartet’s new CD ‘Casadei Secondo Me’. Admission is 15 Euro.

With accordionist Simone Zanchini in the quartet are Stefano Bedetti (saxophone), Stefano Senni (bass), and Marco Frattini (drums).


Zoltan Orosz Concerts, Karvan, Budapest – Hungary

Zoltan Orosz
On Tuesday December 22nd, 5pm, accordionist Zoltan Orosz and Borbely Mihaly (saxophone) perform at the Roman Catholic Church, Karvan. Entrance is free.

There is a New Year's Day concert on Saturday January 2nd 2016 at 7pm, with Zoltàn Orosz and world-renowned virtuosos at the Event Centre MOMkult, Csörsz utca 18., Budapest 1124.

Zoltan Orosz studied both the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest, and later at the Franz Liszt College, Budapest. He has since pursued a very successful international career as an accordionist, with several recordings to his credit.

For further information email: info@harmonika.hu


Martynas ‘Classic Live Show’ Concerts, Vilnius – Lithuania

MartynasLithuanian accordionist Martynas performs his ‘Classic Live Show’ on December 26th and 27th, 6pm, at Kernaves gatve 84, Compensa Koncertu Sale, Vilnius.

Martynas also performs in concert on December 31st, 5pm, at the Nacionaline dailes galerija, Vilnius.

Martynas Levickis is known for his diverse appearances in television projects, including winning ‘Lithuania’s Got Talent’, as well as a concert performer. He began music studies at eight when he entered the S. Sondeckis Music School in Šiauliai (in the class of M. Markeviciene), followed by graduate studies at the Royal Academy of Music in London.

In 2004 he became the first accordion player in Lithuania to have received the Queen Morta Prize, and in 2006 his achievements were recognized by the Šiauliai City Municipality who presented him with a new Pigini accordion. He has been participating in national and international music competitions and festivals since 2002.


James Lesueur New Year’s Day Concert, Paris – France

French accordionist James Lesueur performs in concert on New Year’s Day, January 1st, 5pm, at Eglise Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre, 1 rue Saint-Julien-le-Pauvre, a church situated close to Notre Dame Cathedral, Paris.


Paprika on BBC World Service on January 2nd

Rita Ray presents live performances from musicians with global roots who are making music in London, and Paprika will be one of the bands who will be heard performing. This programme is on the BBC World Service – radio and internet -on Saturday January 2nd, 2pm, repeated on Sunday January 3rd at 8pm.


Paris Moscou Duo Concert, Clermont-Ferrand - France

Paris-MoscowThe Paris Moscou Duo of Domi Emorine and Roman Jbanov – perform in concert on Thursday January 7th, 8pm, at Maison de l’Oradou, 88 rue de l’Oradou, Clermont-Ferrand, France.


Tian Jianan Performing For Chinese New Year in Indiana - USA

Tian JiananTian Jianan will be performing for Chinese New Year on 30th January at the Union Ballrooms, Purdue, Indiana. Her performance will be part of a collection of campus activities celebrating the Chinese New Year.

Tian Jianan is a 21-year-old virtuoso who has won numerous international competitions in Italy, Germany, Russia, New Zealand, China, Germany, Italy and Canada.

These international successes include both academic concert music categories and entertainment categories.

Tian has released 4 CD's available online at: Tian Jianan

General admissions seating from $15. Cash bar available. For further information, visit the Purdue University website.


VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb, 28th February 2016, Vienna - Austria

VAMÖ-Akkordeonwettbewerb 2016 is an international competition for accordion soloists (with no compulsory test pieces) with various categories.

Download the categories and entry forms at: 2016VAMO.pdf


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New and Updated Site: Sergey Osokin, New CV, Performer and Teacher, Moscow - Russia

Il Dolce Dolore CD by Sergey OsokinSergey Osokin has added an updated biography in English and Russian to his site. This performer and teacher from Moscow, tutor at Schnittke's Moscow State Institute of Music has been performing in many countries, including recently in China and Lithuania.

The new Il Dolce Dolore CD by Sergey Osokin (accordion) features has recently been released and features four major works, Sergey Osokin performing with Nadezhda Tokareva (violin) and Andrey Berezin (violoncello).

Site updates include the pages about three albums:
os601 Eternal Returning CD and eTracks album
os602 Il Cinema Per Sempre CD and eTracks album
os603 Il Dolce Dolore CD and eTracks album


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