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Concert to Congratulate Friedrich Lips on his 75th Birthday - Russia

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Concert program: Lips75thProgram.pdf

Benefit of Bayan. Stars of 21st Century. Picture top: Friedrich Lips and Semion Shmelkov.

Picture left: Olzhas Nurlanov
Picture above right: Leonid-Florin Muravyov

Accordion virtuosos, winners of renowned international competitions such as Josef Purits, Aydar Salakhov, Semion Shmelkov and other students of the brilliant accordionist/bayanist and professor at the Gnessin Academy Friedrich Lips performed popular original works and arrangements for accordion/bayan. The concert on November 10th, was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Yelena Fabianova Gnessina, the 75th anniversary of the Bayan and Accordion Faculty of the Russian Gnessin Academy of Music and the 75th anniversary of the People's Artist of Russia, Friedrich Lips, who also moderated the concert.

Josef Purits is a winner of more than thirty international competitions, including the “Peace Trophy” in Spokane (USA) and the accordion competition in Klingenthal (Germany). He performed the famous “Andante cantabile” by Tchaikovsky and the enchanting “Presto” by Poulenc.

Aydar Salakhov, winner of the competitions in Klingenthal (Germany) and Arrassate Hiria (Spain), presented his own compositions and improvisations. His playing captivated the audience from the first moment with his sincerity and perfect mastery of the instrument. With his unique playing style he opened up new possibilities for the Bayan.

The creative achievements of Semion Shmelkov, lecturer in the Bayan and Accordion Faculty at the Russian Gnessin Music Academy, left an equally impressive impression. Winner of a dozen international competitions, author of an educational program in the field of musical art “Folk Instruments” and a number of teaching aids, Semion Shmelkov will perform a composition by one of the greatest composers of the 20th century - Rodion Shchedrin.

The brilliant overture of the concert was the great symphonic poem “Orawa” - a creation of the famous Polish composer Wojciech Kilar, the author of the music for a number of famous films. The work was performed by the Duo Fusion, consisting of bayanist Nikita Ukrainsky, teacher at the Gnessin Music Academy, and accordionist Ilona Savina, graduate of the Gnessin Academy and already a teacher at the Moscow State Music Academy in Kuskovo.

A discovery for many was the performance of the 24-year-old bayanist from Kazakhstan Olzhas Nurlanov, 2021 first prize winner of the prestigious international competition Coupe Mondiale in Munich. For the first time in the history of this competition organized by the International Accordion Federation Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), the first prize went to a Kazakh artist.

The incredible expressive possibilities of the instrument were demonstrated by Chinese accordionist Jinghan Lin, who performed the complex “Danse Macabre” by Saint-Saëns, and accordionist Anton Dovbnya, who chose Waxman’s brilliant “Fantasy” on themes from Bizet’s opera “Carmen” for the concert.

One of the most striking numbers of the program was Marcel Dupré's organ masterpiece “Prelude and Fugue” in G minor, interpreted by Ruslan Kochkin, but the highlight of the event was undoubtedly the performance of a unison of nine bayanists with the “Rondo Capriccioso” by Vladislav Zolotaryov – a large-scale work that amazed with its symphonic scope.

Other participants in the concert were Robert Alevetdinov, Rafael Sapukov, Leonid-Florin Muravyov, Timur Galinurov, Arslan Aliyev, Sergei Gluchich and Alexander Eizold.

Concert program: Lips75thProgram.pdf
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