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Passing of Horace Lazzari (1924 - 2017), Walla Walla - USA

Horace Lazzari
Horace LazzariPictures above: 1. Horace Lazzari Performs Manhattan Concerto with the Walla Walla Symphony Orchestra, April 1961. 2. Horace Lazzari with students.

Accordionist Horace Lazzari 93, passed away on Nov. 11, 2017, at Providence St. Mary Medical Center. Born on October 17, 1924 in Fort William (Now Thunder Bay) Ontario, Canada, Horace was known as Canada's "Boy Wonder of the Accordion" by the age of nine.

Lazzari has musical memories which go back to age 3 when his father, also an accordionist, introduced him to the instrument. "I have been playing my accordion for audiences ever since I can remember" he said. He also studied with a piano teacher, Patrick Shaw, and also with Fiori Baldovin, the son of an accordion maker in Fort Williams. 

During his early years, he toured and performed throughout the eastern province of Canada. On one of these tours, he had the exciting experience of accompanying Kate Smith during a show. Before moving to Vancouver, B.C., he pursued his theoretical studies at the Toronto Conservatory of Music. As he grew up, Horace performed in theaters almost every week during the days when vaudeville was a part of motion picture house programs. He usually occupied the top place on the bill. He was described as "The Boy Wonder of the Accordion" and the "Canadian Elks Greatest". 

Horace won a radio contest and $25 in prize money in Ontario in 1939. He later went on to greater fame as first place talent winner in a Horace Heidt show in Yakima in 1949.

Horace moved to Vancouver where he studied the accordion in depth with Alf Carlson, an outstanding accordion teacher who was highly recognized as an outstanding educator throughout Canada. and his friend, Leonard Wilson, Fellow of the Trinity College of Music on the faculty of the University of British Columbia.

During these years, Horace gave concerts throughout the northwest and California becoming well known as a concert accordionist. He also toured briefly with the Canadian armed forces with a group of 5 entertainers performing at bases.

Horace met his wife, Jeanette, in Vancouver and were married on his birthday, Oct. 17, 1949. Horace and Jeanette eventually moved to Walla, Walla, Washington, a college town, which had climatic conditions to meet his needs, becoming a well known resident of the community.

In 1961, Lazzari who had been concertizing throughout the Northwest, was asked to perform an accordion solo with the Walla Walla and Mid-Columbia Symphony Orchestras, a first for both organizations. 

Horace premiered the Pacific Northwest performance of the "Manhattan Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra" by Eugene Ettore in 1961 with both orchestras. He achieved one of his goals which was to perform with a symphony. The Walla, Walla Symphony Orchestra conducted by William H. Bailey was the oldest continuous symphony west of the Mississippi. He also performed with the Mid-Columbia Symphony Orchestra of the Tri-Cities. 

Horace also has been a guest artist with the local symphony playing on their Pops concert programs, Chamber concert series, and Young People's Concerts.

Horace appeared on many programs with other accordionists including Chuck Berger, Murl Sanders, Joe Morelli, and Ken Olendorf. He was also president of the Walla Walla Music Teachers Association and Treasurer of the Walla Walla Symphony Society for many years.

His wife, Jeanette, was executive director and also one of her husband's biggest fans. She said. "With his accordion, he could make people sing, cry, dance be happy or sad or even pray. Horace Lazzari was an inspiration to everyone he met."

Please send condolences to his Jeanette Lazzari at:  horjean@gm ail.com

For further information and photos at: Horace Lazzari
Picture below, Horace and Jeanette Lazzari, 2011.
Horace Lazzari & Jeanette Lazzari
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