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Sylvia Pagni Performs at Teatro Manzoni in Milan – Italy

Sylvia P
Sylvia PagniAccordionist Sylvia Pagni performed a concert entitled “Amami a Swing Project” at the Teatro Manzoni in Milan on January 7th, 2020.

The concert, which was well received by the audience, included pieces from her upcoming CD “Sylvia Pagni Amami a Swing Project” which will be released this year, thanks to the collaboration of musicians Giorgio Secco, Fabio Crespiatico, Max Furian, Mark Harris, Gabriele Comeglio, Raffaele Kohler and Luciano Macchia.

Sylvia Pagni opened the show with "The Flight of the Bumblebee", demonstrating her mastery on the piano by playing almost at the speed of Guinness World Records. She then continued with "Ping and Pong" (a fast paced swing piece), then "Needless Solitude – Love Me" (Bepop).

Sylvia Pagni also sang along with two choristers Antonio Galbiati and Deborah Falanga who gave a swinging and sensual interpretation of Jessica Rabbit and Diana Krall styles.

Sylvia Pagni then recalled her time at the "Teatro La Scala in Milan" by playing two pieces of classical music on the piano before leaving the stage.

She then reappeared with her accordion to play “Libertango” and “Oblivion” (by Piazzolla) before once again returning to the piano to play "Musica Musica".

Sylvia Pagni and her musicians (pictured below) were overcome with emotion amid the standing ovation and pleasure the audience showed at their performance.
Sylvia P musicians
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