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ATG & Chicagoland Accordionists Volunteer at AWAM – USA

AWAM repairsChicagoland Accordion Academy and ATG Members, led by ATG President, Mary Ann Covone and ATG Board Member, Beatrice Makdah, recently travelled up to Superior, Wisconsin to help out at the World of Accordions Museum. While they were there, Dr. Helmi Harrington, Curator of the Museum, provided several hours of practical accordion repair instruction along with a tour of the museum and lecture on the history of the accordion.

Picture left: After learning some important lessons about accordion repair, the group members put on some smocks and starting working on cleaning and repairing a few Museum instruments. Daiva Kiselius is cleaning a grate on a 100 year old instrument while Mayra Martinez worked on cleaning up the keys.

The group was able to assist with filing and sorting new collections of music donated to the museum by the Castiglione Estate. Helmi said it was extremely helpful to have the many boxes of donated music divided into various categories.

Picture below: CAA & ATG Members Mayra Martinez, Nikola Stojkovic, Leandra Ward, Kelly Smith, Alicia Rachael and other local volunteers, Nina Ford and Tom Klein.
AWAM helpers
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