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‘From Stage to Pulpit’ Autobiography, Stockport – UK

‘From Stage to Pulpit’ Autobiography, Rev Lawrie Adam
Poster‘From Stage to Pulpit’ is the autobiography of the Rev Lawrie Adam, Scottish-born accordionist, stand-up comedian and Stockport-based Anglican priest.

Lawrie Adam, son of a Scottish coal miner, and born on the brink of WWII, showed the talent and drive to succeed professionally in the world of entertainment. He worked as a salesman in a drapery store until his ability with his accordion resulted in him winning an appearance on a national TV talent show, after which he turned professional.

Later, after a rocky start in London working in west-end stores to make ends meet, he slowly made his mark, appearing with the big stars of the day. He broadcast on BBC radio, appearing on the famous ‘Blackpool Night’ and other radio shows. In 1964, he married dancer Wendy, and they have two daughters. They travelled many miles together, performing in shows in the UK. Two tours of Canada and the U.S.A. followed, with appearances at the famous Carnegie Hall, New York. He diversified into comedy, and produced and toured his own shows.

In 1976, whilst appearing with comedian Ken Dodd, Lawrie Adam experienced a religious conversion. He was ordained in 1982 into the Church of England. He presented TV programmes for ITV and directed 200 video programmes. In 2000, was voted finalist in "Preacher of the Year."

For further information email: wendybyrd62@gmail.com
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