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‘14 Years Ago’: The World’s Largest Accordion Unveiled in April 2001

Giancarlo Francenella & gigantic accordionThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending April 20th 2001 included details of the world’s largest playable accordion, designed and constructed in Castelfidardo, Italy, by the master craftsman Giancarlo Francenella. This huge instrument catches the attention and imagination of all who see it, and it has been photographed more times than most accordions.

The Largest Accordion in the World – Italy
Contributed by Beniamino Bugiolacchi

Giancarlo Francenella has made his dream come true by building the largest accordion in the world, a feat which required over one thousand hours of work! The instrument weighs around 200 kg and features 45 treble piano keys, 120 bass buttons, its keyboard is 253 cm high, each key measures 70 cm and the reeds are 10 cm high. The materials used include wood (fir, cedar, mahogany, walnut), metals (aluminium & steel), cardboard, cloth for the bellows and special varnish, etc. This instrument (in perfect working order) would deserve a place in Hollywood's Guinness World of Records.

Giancarlo Francenella, an accomplished craftsman from Castelfidardo, is the owner of Sonerfisa, a workshop which produces reed blocks for most accordion firms in the area, and has a deep passion for the accordion. Always eager to contribute to the initiatives of the Tourism Board and City Council when it comes to promoting the fascinating and rewarding world of accordion craftsmanship at fairs and events (last year in Perugia his work caught the attention of EEC President Romano Prodi), Francenella is well-known for his modesty.

The instrument bears the name "Castelfidardo" and its maker wishes to make it available to all organizations which aim to promote the accordion as a musical instrument and the inventiveness and skill of the craftsmen of the Marche region. This technical masterpiece will be presented at the Disma Music Show in Rimini (April 28th) and will feature during a musical evening at the Astra theatre in Castelfidardo (May 9th) during the celebration for the 20th anniversary of the International Accordion Museum.
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