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Jack Emblow in ‘Spirit of Django’ Concert, London - UK

Jack Emblow and Martin TaylorAccordionist Jack Emblow will be performing in the ensemble ‘Spirit of Django’, led by jazz guitarist Martin Taylor, in a special concert on October 25th, 7.30pm, at London's Royal Albert Hall. The event will mark the announcement of the first Spirit of Django CD and tour in 14 years, which will take place in Spring 2010.

The concert will also feature Bill Wyman's Rhythm Kings, Jan Akkerman, Melanie C, Paul Carrack, Kiki Dee, Chris Difford, Georgie Fame, Robin Gibb, Mark King and Mike Lindup (Level 42), Mick Hucknall, plus some special guests.

‘Spirit of Django’ was formed in 1994 with the aim to pay homage and create a new contemporary sound inspired by the legendary gypsy guitarist Django Reinhardt.

Jack Emblow (born 1930) has played with ‘Spirit of Django’ since 1994, and is considered by his peers to be Britain’s leading jazz accordionist. He is also a prolific session musician, performing on the soundtracks of countless films, TV programmes, and the recordings of numerous artistes, including Elton John, Grace Jones, Donovan, The Strawbs, Peter Sarstedt, and the Beatles.
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