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Video: 70th Anniversary Concert, Gnessin Academy of Music Bayan and Accordion Orchestra – Russia

Video: Starts 6:43 - 70th anniversary Concert of the Bayan and Accordion Orchestra of the Gnessin Academy of Music in Moscow, Russia. December 6th, 2022.

Part I:
Opening Address by the Head of the Bayan and Accordion Department of the Gnessin Russian Academy of Music, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Friedrich Lips
1. M. Balakirev Overture on the themes of three Russian songs
2. S. Rachmaninov "Vocalise", soloist Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, Professor Alexander Zagorinsky (cello)
Conductor - laureate of all-Russian and international competitions Ruslan Kaneev
3. D. Kabalevsky Overture to the opera "Colas Breugnon"
Conductor - student of the conducting faculty Alexander Zvyagintsev
4. D. Rossini "Neapolitan tarantella", soloist, winner of all-Russian and international competitions Ilya Khardikov (tenor)
5. I. Stravinsky "Russian" from the ballet "Petrushka", soloists, laureates of all-Russian and international competitions Timur Kuliev (domra) and Yulia Kuznetsova (domra)
6. P. Tchaikovsky "Dance with the Cup" from the ballet "Swan Lake"
Conductor - laureate of all-Russian and international competitions Ruslan Kaneev

Part II:
1. O. Chistokhina "Spring Music", soloist, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, associate professor Semyon Shmelkov (bayan)
2. N. Khondo "Ballad of the Departing Sun", soloist, winner of all-Russian and international competitions Ekaterina Kirillova (oboe)
Conductor - laureate of all-Russian and international competitions Ruslan Kaneev
3. G. Chernov "Autumn mood"
Conductor - student of the conducting faculty Alexander Zvyagintsev
4. K. Bodrov "Humoresque", soloist, laureate of all-Russian and international competitions, associate professor Maria Vlasova (accordion).
5. S. Tikhonov "Jolly Jack's Ranch", soloist, winner of all-Russian and international competitions Alexei Sysoev (accordion)
6. V. Belyaev Christmas cantata "Avsenki", soloists vocal ensemble of the department "Solo Folk Singing"
7. M. Mussorgsky "Baba Yaga" and "Bogatyr Gates" from the cycle of plays "Pictures at an Exhibition"
Performed by a combined orchestra of bayan and accordion players of the Gnessin Academy of Music and the Gnessin Musical College.
Conductor - laureate of all-Russian and international competitions Ruslan Kaneev
Concert hosted by Natalia Morozova
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