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Accordionist Dwight Lamb Receives NEA National Heritage Fellowship, Washington DC – USA

Dwight Lamb
Diatonic button accordionist Dwight ‘Red’ Lamb, also known for his left handed fiddle playing, is renowned for his mastery of Danish traditional music. Born in 1934, and of 4th generation Danish heritage, he has been immersed in the folk music of his ancestors, and also American folk dance tunes. Dwight Lamb won many contests on both accordion and fiddle, and went on to become an adjudicator. As a young man Dwight served in the US Army from 1956 to 1958.  He is retired from the U S Postal Service in Onawa and also served as the town's Mayor.

Lamb’s international reputation came about late in life when his inclusion of old-time Danish button accordion tunes on the album ‘Joseph Won A Coated Fiddle’ (1999) attracted interest in Denmark, where the music of his forebears had vanished. In 2010-11, Danish accordionist Mette Kathrine Jensen and fiddler Kristin Bugge invited him to Denmark, where he played to sold-out halls. In 2015, the Danish National Commissioner of Musicians awarded Lamb their highest honour, the Rigs Fiddler (Silver Coat) Award, for his work in returning Iowa’s Danish music to its homeland.

Dwight Lamb has been honoured with an NEA National Heritage Fellowship. The NEA awards ceremony took place on Thursday September 14th, 5.30pm, in the Library of Congress' Coolidge Auditorium in the Thomas Jefferson Building at 10 First Street SE in Washington DC. Following the ceremony, there was a reception with the artists, who also included the Tex-Mex accordionist Eva Ybarra, from Texas. This event was open to the public.

A concert honouring and featuring the recipients will be live streamed Friday September 15th at 8pm on arts.gov
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