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Arthur Spink (1943-2017), Sydney – Australia

Arthur SpinkArthur SpinkArthur Spink, originally from Dundee, was one of the most inspirational and respected Scottish accordionists of the 1960s and 70s era. He went through the conventional stage of NAO competitions in the 1950s until embarking on a career as a professional solo accordion entertainer in the 1960s. He made a series of albums for Beltona (Decca), which showcased both his superb playing technique and his talent for producing imaginative arrangements of Scottish and other music. The distribution and sales of these records and his stage performances helped make Arthur Spink well-known around Scotland and beyond, and his music was much admired and also imitated, especially his ‘Flying Scotsman’ recording.

In the 1960s Arthur Spink toured Canada and the USA with the White Heather group concert parties. He was most proud of playing at the Carnegie Hall in New York and the Sydney Opera House. He often worked with as a duo tenor Dennis Clancy, with whom he recorded two albums, and the pair also were members of the Royal Clansmen, a Scottish concert party troupe alongside fellow accordionist, Will Starr. In the late 1970s Spink switched to playing an electronic accordion, and pioneered this innovative instrument in Scottish music.

Arthur Spink, a very modest man, emigrated to Australia in 1979 and left the music business, but he is especially remembered for a very fine series of albums that have all been reissued on CD.

Arthur Spink leaves behind wife Ray, sons Arthur Jnr and Steven, and their wives Sarah and Karan respectively, grandchildren Jessica, Dylan, Tiffany, Cameron, and Lachlan, and great-grand-daughter Aubree. His son Arthur Spink Jr is a leading special effects technician in the Hollywood movie industry. Arthur died on September 7th 2017, and his funeral took place on September 14th at Forest Lawn Cemetery in Sydney, NSW. He has been widely mourned in Scotland and beyond.
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