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Amsterdam Plays Premiere of Wantenaar’s “Accordeon Concerto” in Vienna Concert Hall - Austria

Amsterdam Plays Wantenaar
Vincent van AmsterdamPremiere of Mathilde Wantenaar's "Accordeon Concerto" in Vienna, December 8th, 2023.
Accordionist: Vincent van Amsterdam
Composer: Mathilde Wantenaar
Conductor: Markus Poschner

The award-winning Dutch accordionist Vincent van Amsterdam received his musical training from his father Evert van Amsterdam while studying in Tilburg from Ronald van Overbruggen, Stefan Hussong and Gerie Daanen and attended master classes with Mika Väyrynen, Friedrich Lips, Claudio Jacomucci, Miny Dekkers, Yuri Shishkin, among others.

He deals with the accordion and its playing techniques in a variety of ways and is constantly expanding the repertoire for his instrument, for example with arrangements of baroque to romantic music and contemporary works. A number of composers wrote works for him, including Daan Manneke, Aart Strootman, Bianca Bongers and Mathilde Watenaar.

Vincent van Amsterdam performs as a soloist with orchestras and in various constellations as a chamber musician on all major classical music stages and festivals in the Netherlands. Tours have taken him to many European countries as well as China, Hong Kong, Indonesia and Greenland. He also organizes the international Van Amsterdam summer course for accordionists.

Composer, Mathilde Watenaar has already been awarded several composition prizes. Her music is described as lyrical and enchanting as well as eclectic yet authentic. The combination of her craftsmanship and her openness to a wide range of genres makes her an extremely versatile composer. She works with individual musicians and small ensembles as well as large orchestras and is particularly interested in creating operas.

For Wantenaar, an important influence for this concert was the music her father played on the accordion: folk music, jazz and tango. But she also added symphonic and theatrical elements. Somehow the accordion reminded her of a storyteller or a book with many stories written in it.

While the composer describes the atmosphere of the first part of the concert as lonely and desolate, the mood of the second part is festive, full of joy and energy. You then find yourself in an enchanting world where the solo accordion combines with a solo violin before both lose touch with reality and the music gets out of control. The accordion's breathing slows until it stops completely.
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