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Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow 2014 Tour - Switzerland

Timbre Russian Accordion Group
From 30th October to 7th November, the Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow made four very successful concerts in Switzerland:
- Tramelan
- Yverdon-les bains
- Zug
- Privat

For more than 20 years, we have organised concert tours with the Timbre Russian Accordion Group of Moscow to different parts of Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Each tour has been a big success.

The instruments are individually made to have distinctive sounds akin to orchestral instruments. For 2014, the musicians of the ensemble were:
Viacheslav Kuzminskiy, French horn (Director of the group),
Viacheslav Stoma, Clarinet,
Pasha Zaitsev, Oboe,
Alexey Kochurov, Bayan Accordion,
Maksim Tkachev, Tuba / Bass.
For the Zug concert, there was also a soloist, Jonas Iten (cello, picture left) from Switzerland.

Picture lower left: Pavel Zaitsev, Martin Frey, Viacheslav Kuzminski and Irene Niederberger.

The 2014 music program was played with the superb musical precision, audiences in East and Western Europe have long associated with the Timbre Russian ensemble and at every concert, the group received a standing ovation.
Concert program included:
- J.S. Bach, Matthäus Passion. 47, Aria "Erbarme, dich, mein Gott"
- J.S. Bach, Siciliana
- D. Rossini, L.'inqano felice
- D. Rossini, Kavatina Figaro
- F. Chopin, Nocturne cis-moll
- A. Joice, Waltz "Autumn Dream"
- V. Gavrilin, Tarantella from ballet "Anyuta"
- A. Khachaturjan, Lezginka from ballet "Gajane"
- N. Kanajev, Russian Songs
- P. Tschaikovski, Rokoko (with cello soloist)
- S. Rachmaninov, Vacalise (with Cello soloist)
- G. Rodriges, La Cumparsita
- L. Braginskiy, Caravan
- M. Pankin Korobejniki
- V. Fendrikov, Dark eyes
- E. Rokhlin, In the evening
- A. Piazzolla, Libertango (with Cello soloist)
- A. Rodigin, Ural Riabinushka
- J. Marx, All of me

The concert in Zug was very special. The ensemble played with the cello soloist Jonas Iten and the full concert is sound/video recorded.

Attending the Zub concert was Ilgis Yanbuchtim, Director of the “Moscow Symphonic Association” who was extremely pleased with the success of the concert.

A major support was the use of Patricia Draeger, Sergei Simbirev and Claude Alain Antonelli (Club des Cents). All of them were also hosts for the group. The organization of the tour and also hosts and tour organizers, were Irene Niederberger and Martin Frey.
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