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8th Annual Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund Event - USA

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The American Accordionists' Association held an extremely successful fundraising event at the Magnanini Winery in Wallkill, New York, on Sunday, May 2nd, where over 200 attendees enjoyed an outstanding afternoon of accordion music, set to wine tasting and dinner.

The 8th Annual event of its kind at the Winery, the money raised is placed in the AAA Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund, which will be used for the advancement of promising young accordionists and commissioning new works for the accordion.

For the past 8 years, the Carrozza Scholarship Fund has awarded thousands of dollars to talented young accordionists throughout the USA and abroad. These young accordionists have gone on to further studies and have become award-winning performers and educators.

A past president of the AAA, Carmen Carrozza is well known as one of the greatest exponents of the accordion in the classical field. He studied under Pietro Deiro, who was one of the pioneers of the accordion in the United States. He appeared as soloist with the Boston Pops Orchestra, under the direction of Arthur Fiedler, the Cincinnati Orchestra, Buffalo Symphony Orchestra, and the National Symphony at Kennedy Center (Washington D.C.). He also appeared with the New York Philharmonic under the direction of Andre Kostelanetz, premiering the 'Rubaiyat', written by Alan Hovhaness and narrated by Douglas Fairbanks Jr. in Washington DC, and for former NYC Mayor John Lindsay in New York.

He performed in concert throughout Europe and was presented with a gold medal in Italy after an outstanding performance at the Teatro di Pavia. One of the high points in Carmen Carrozza's distinguished career was a concert in Town Hall in New York City where he performed all original accordion works by many outstanding American composers including Robert Russell Bennett, Paul Creston, Virgil Thompson, and many others.

AAA Board member Ray Oreggia was the Master of Ceremonies (picture above) introducing AAA President Linda Soley Reed to open the event. The featured guest artist was 2009 Coupe Mondiale winner from New Zealand, Grayson Masefield. He presented a varied program of virtuoso selections and was warmly welcomed with many standing ovations. Special guests from New Zealand, Accordions Worldwide founder, Harley Jones, was also in attendance at the event along with Tony Davies-Jones. Other artistes included well known accordionist Mario Tacca and International vocalist Mary Mancini, Dominic Karcic ,Ray Oreggia, Anita and Bob Siarkowski, Bob Vitale, Frank Carozza, Frank Toscano, Beverly Roberts Curnow, Robert McMahan, Eddie Monteiro, Mary Tokarski, Julie Cardona, The Busso Trio {Christina, Frank, and Frank Busso, Jr.}, Emilio Magnotta. AAA President, Linda Soley Reed conducted The Connecticut Accordion Orchestra whose members are: Mary Tokarski, Julie Cardona, Marilyn O’Neill, Gerry Hertel, Bob Vitale, Art Piel, Sandy Zera, Jeanine Cariri, Bob Czarnecki, Dorothy Gondek, and Hasmik Zamgochian.

The program concluded with a traditional group jam performance of “Jolly Caballero” conducted by Maestro Carmen Carrozza. Congratulations again for another special afternoon organized by the Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Committee consisting of Dr. Joseph A. Ciccone, Dr. Robert Young McMaha, Carmen Carrozza, Dr. Salvatore Febbraio, Dominic Karcic, Lenny Feldmann, Linda Soley Reed, and Mario Tacca.

Remember to sign up early for next year’s 2011 Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Fund Event!!
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