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Bob McQuillen (1923-2014), New Hampshire - USA

Bob McQuillenAccordionist, pianist, composer and dance caller Bob McQuillen, from New Hampshire, died peacefully following a stroke on February 6th at the age of 90. Bob McQuillen, a much loved and respected figure, was the doyen of musicians in the New England contra dance scene, with a lifetime of playing in various bands behind him. He composed approximately 1,300 tunes and songs, and was also well known as a teacher. In 2002, Bob was awarded the National Heritage Fellowship by the National Endowment for the Arts, the highest award for traditional and folk arts in America.

After serving in the Marines during World War II, McQuillen started attending contra and square dances, which led him to playing the tunes he heard on an accordion. He joined the band led by Ralph Page, known as the “dean” of dance callers, and also began playing accompaniment on the piano.

A Facebook group, Remember Mac, created in his memory already has more than 2,000 members. "But the thing that really drew people to him was that he was just such a positive guy. He treated everyone like they were his best friend,” said fellow musician Dave Eisenstadter.

Bob McQuillen’s wife died on the same day as him, 29 years ago. He is survived by three children.
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