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Grupo Frontera Performs on Good Morning America (GMA) - USA

Grupo Frontera

Grupo FronteraAmerican South Texas band, Grupo Frontera, performed their hit song “Un x100to” on “Good Morning America” on September 27th, 2023.

The band, which consists of six members, delivered a lively and energetic performance. The band includes Adelaido "Payo" Solís III, Juan Javier Cantú, Julian Peña Jr., Alberto "Beto" Acosta, Carlos Guerrero, and Carlos Zamora.

The story of how Grupo Frontera caught the attention of the Puerto Rican rapper, producer, and global sensation “Bad Bunny” and went on to record a song together, amassed almost 150 million views in just a few weeks. The song rocketed to No. 1 on the Billboard Global 200.

“Un x100to” is a love song about a man who uses the final 1 percent of his phone battery life to reach out to a lost love.

They planned to make a video for the song and chose a ghost town in Nevada, USA as the location. On the day of the video shoot, producer Barrera told the band he had a surprise. As they were on set, Barrera suddenly said he wanted to change the song to a new version. As the band grappled with that odd direction, Bad Bunny strolled in. So Grupo Frontera made a video of a version of their song they’d never heard before, with a new verse sung by a major recording star, who was right there dancing next to them.

“Un x100to” is from their debut album, “El Comienzo”, which was released in August 2023. The album has been a huge success, earning the group 15 nominations for the Billboard Latin Awards. The album also spawned three songs that reached the Billboard Hot 100, making Grupo Frontera one of the few Latin acts to achieve this feat in their first year together.”
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