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CIA Winter Congress, Bratislava - Slovakia

Performers and Congress attendees
Photo back row left to right: Kevin Friedrich, Herbert Scheibenreif, Mirco Patrini, Werner Weibert, Aleksandar Nikolic, Günther Zeilinger, Frederic Deschamps, Mindaugas Labanauskas, Kimmo Mattila, Raymond Bodell
Photo front row left to right: Vjera Odak-Jembrih, Anna Bodell, Grayson Masefield, Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales, Peter Maric, Reeda Labanauskas and host Tibor Racz.

The Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA), a member of the International Music Council (IMC), the largest non governmental division of UNESCO, recently held their 121st General Assembly of Delegates in Bratislava, Slovakia. Organized by CIA Vice President Tibor Racz, head of the CIA Member from Slovakia, the Methodical Center of Accordion – Marta Szokeova (MCA), the 3 day event featured meetings, informal working sessions, musical performances and social functions.

Guest artists for the weekend, were three outstanding CIA Coupe Mondiale contestants from the 61st Coupe Mondiale in Glasgow, Scotland, hosted by the National Accordion Organization of the United Kingdom (NAO) - Petar Maric (Serbia), Grayson Masefield (New Zealand) and Julien ‘Speedy’ Gonzales (France).

During the meetings, the Congress approved several awards including two recipients of the CIA Merit Award and four recipients of the Honored Friend of the Accordion Award. Honorees were as follows:
CIA Merit Award:
Alfred Renner (Denmark)
Milana Malencia-Barackova (Serbia)
CIA Honored Friend of the Accordion:
Holda Paoletti-Kampl (Italy)
Gary Daverne (New Zealand)
Fridrich Nagy (Slovakia)
Alfred Mirek (Russia)

Many exciting events are scheduled for the future, including the hosting of the Coupe Mondiale secured through 2019, the launching of World Accordion Day as May 6th of each year (the anniversary of the original patent of the accordion), the release of a multi-video set of the complete 61st Coupe Mondiale and all subsequent Coupe Mondiale festivals, the launching of our first ever CIA digital category, development of the newly established CIA International Museum Cooperation and digitalization of the CIA Archive collection.

For more information about the CIA, please visit CIA website.
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