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Graeme Mackay Entertains at St Andrew’s Events – Cyprus, Russia

Graeme MackayInverness-based button accordionist Graeme Mackay is soon to travel thousands of miles from the Highlands of Scotland to entertain at St Andrew’s events, including four on Cyprus and then on to Moscow.

The Cyprus events include two in the Turkish republic city of Kyrenia, one in Paphos for the St Andrews Society, and one in Limassol in the Greek side of the island for the Caledonian Society. “This is the fourth St Andrew’s visit I will be making to Cyprus,” said Graeme, 27, who will be accompanied in Cyprus by his brother Stephen on fiddle. “Every year the events become more popular and we get extra gigs to do while we are there. It makes a good trip and is very worthwhile. The ex-pats love to show off their Scottish heritage and are always there in kilts and the drams are out.”

After finishing the last Cyprus event at midnight on November 27th Graeme Mackay catches an early flight from Ercan to Moscow via Istanbul for rehearsals on the afternoon of November 28th in the concert hall of the Central House of Artists on the Crimean Val in Moscow, where there will be a gala concert of the festival St Andrew's Day itself.

On November 29th he will be playing for a Scottish dance master class at the Shady Glen School of Scottish Dancing in Moscow. The festival ends with a traditional Scottish ceilidh evening party in the Scottish music pub ‘Dr Scotch’.

Graeme commented: “The trip highlights the demand of Scottish culture overseas. At this time of year there are a lot of Scottish musicians flying all over the world to celebrate events that can be bigger than they are at home. Playing abroad gives musicians a chance to go to places they wouldn't normally see and gives other countries a taste of Scottish culture. The experience that we all get is more welcoming than a holiday would be and more homely than a normal tour of gigs.”

For further information email: graeme@mackaymusic.co.uk
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