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Joseph Macerollo to Receive the ‘Order of Canada’, Ottawa - Canada

Joseph MacerolloCanadian accordionist and educator Joseph Macerollo has been awarded the ‘Order of Canada’ "for his pioneering achievements as a musician and educator, and for bringing the classical accordion to Canadian concert halls," according to a citation by David Lloyd Johnston, the Governor-General of Canada.

Joseph Macerollo will receive the ‘Order of Canada’ at a ceremony at Rideau Hall, Ottawa, in the autumn.

After sitting on the news since April, Joseph can finally talk about his award since the Governor General's office released the names of recipients late last week. "I was sworn to secrecy. I couldn't tell my Dad, my brothers or sisters. It was hard work keeping this quiet. I'm in awe. It's one of those rare things that happens to individuals. You just never think it will happen to you," he said.

Joseph Macerollo (born 1944), has long been one of Canada’s leading concert accordionists and teachers. As a musician, he has performed with many artists, ensembles and orchestras in addition to much solo work, and he has taught extensively at colleges and universities.

For many years Macerollo has striven to promote the development and use of the free bass accordion. Macerollo has also composed and performed the music for several movie and TV scores.

He has been Vice-President, 1970-4, of the CIA and President, 1974-77, of the Canadian Accordion Teachers' Association.
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