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Weekly News from Around the World - 05-Jul-2013
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Особенности Highlights

Праздник аккордеона, венецианский стиль в Лас-Вегасе – США
Ты можешь стать новой звездой аккордеона! Лас-Вегас – США
Интервью с Микой Вяйрюненом онлайн (из серии «Интервью со знаменитостями») – Финляндия
Окончание приема заявок на «Кубок мира 2013», Виктория – Канада Рэймонд
The World of Accordion Festival Report, Castelfidardo - Italy
DUO dissonAnce, Roberto Caberlotto and Gilberto Meneghin Tour - Italy

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Yuri Medianik and Eduard Kunz Performing Live at Sala Verdi, Milano - Italy
Martynas Levickis performs on BBC TV, Manchester – UK
Paul Chamberlain Graduates with Distinction, Edinburgh – UK
John Torcello appears in new Opera 'Camelia La Tejana'
Young Accordionists Performing - North Korea
Arthur Welch Performance a Big Hit!, New Hampshire – USA
Alexander Shirunov performs Mazurka Italiano by Henry Haagenrud
Video: Petar Maric Performs at Accordéon Fest in Zagreb - Croatia
Video: Group from Chengdu, China, Performing in Sydney - Australia
Accordion Festival, Sümeg, Hungary, 2013
Video Advertisement: Roland V-Accordion Overview With Alicia Baker - USA
‘14 Years Ago’ – Puerto Rico Accordion Orchestra go to Italy in 1999

Будущие события

Milos Milivojevic July Concerts and Bollywood Success, London - UK
CNIMA J.Mornet Summer Courses for all Ages, Levels and Styles - France
Martin Lubenov Concerts – Slovenia, Italy, Germany
Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA
Paris Moscou Duo Master-Courses, 28th July to 4th August - France
Romano Viazzani’s Diary Dates, London, Dorset – UK
Zoltan Orosz Concert, Hegykö - Hungary
Dr. William Schimmel @ ‘Mostly Mozart Festival’, New York – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Don Grzanna release new music
John Raczka release 4 new music

CD Отзывы

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio

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Особенности Highlights

Праздник аккордеона, венецианский стиль в Лас-Вегасе – США

14th annual Las Vegas International Accordion Convention poster
В октябре в Лас-Вегасе состоится 14-я ежегодная международная аккордеонная конвенция под руководством профессора Джоан Кохран Соммерс (Joan Cochran Sommers). Мы будем праздновать Хэллоуин в венецианском стиле с темой Венецианский карнавал в Лас-Вегасе. В среду 30 октября состоится костюмированный бал церемония награждения.

На этом мероприятии выступит сам «Мистер Развлечение» – Дик Контино (Dick Contino), а также Джой Мискулин (Joey Miskulin), Ги Рабе (Gee Rabe), Стас Венглевски (Stas Venglevski) и Джефф Лайзенби (Jeff Lisenby). Кроме того в концертах и мероприятиях примут участие Петр и Мади Соаве (Peter & Mady Soave), Мэри Токарски (Mary Tokarski), Гордон Коль (Gordon Kohl), Джина Браннелли (Gina Brannelli), Марио Педоне (Mario Pedone), комик Пит Барбутти (Pete Barbutti) и многие другие!

Международная аккордеонная конвенция ежегодно привлекает в Лас-Вегас от 300 до 500 участников. В рамках мероприятия пройдут более 40 семинаров и мастер-классов, 4 дневных вечерних концерта, 3 обеденных концерта, а по вечерам все продолжится мероприятием под названием “Club Concerto”, где любой участник cможет выступить на сцене. Новым в этом году станет конкурс "Star Search" («Поиск звезды»), в котором каждый желающий может принять участие.

В нынешнем году это развлекательное и познавательное мероприятие отметит свое 14-летие.

Для получения дополнительной информации свяжитесь с Полом Паскуали (Paul Pasquali) по телефону 1-800-472-1695 или по e-mail paul@accordioninfo.com


Ты можешь стать новой звездой аккордеона! Лас-Вегас – США

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
Accordion STAR Search entry formВнимание прессы – приз в $ 1000 наличными! Стань звездой аккордеона, которая ярко засветит в Лас-Вегасе и выиграй денежный приз!

Да, новое событие в 2013 году – денежные премии конкурса на звезду аккордеона! Присоединяйся к веселью и стань частью наших поисков Звезды аккордеона. Участвовать просто – на один, два, три:
1. Зарегистрируйся в качестве полноценного участника.
2. Заполни и отправь заявку на участие Accordion Stars Entry Form*.
3. Тебе будет выделено 5-минутное выступление в рамках “Club Concerto” перед жюри.
Отобранные финалисты выступят в четверг на дневном концерте, где пройдет зрительское голосование за победителя!

Все участники будут награждены персональными сертификатами участия. Победители выступят в четверг на гала-концерте, где им будут вручены призы и денежные премии в размере $ 200 за третье место, $ 300 за второе место и $ 500 за первое место.

Поэтому зарегистрируйся сегодня – зайди, чтобы выиграть, практикуйся, и мы увидем тебя – победителя – в Лас-Вегасе!

*Форму заявки и квалификационные требования можно получить в интернете по адресу: Las Vegas International Accordion Convention
или по телефону 801-486-1695.


Интервью с Микой Вяйрюненом онлайн (из серии «Интервью со знаменитостями») – Финляндия

Mika VäyrynenРесурс Accordions Worldwide с гордостью сообщает о публикации своего второго интервью из серии «Интервью со знаменитостями», посвящающего читателей в тайны экстраординарной карьеры финского баяниста Мики Вяйрюнена (Mika Väyrynen).


Мика, несомненно, один из самых выдающихся баянных артистов нашего времени. Он выступает по всему миру и как солист, и взаимодействуя с другими всемирно известными артистами, дирижерами и оркестрами. В его карьере имеется внушительный список записей и мировых премьер. Благодаря ему появилось множество новых произведений для баяна.

Мика имеет впечатляющую дискографию: уже выпущены 19 компакт-дисков, и готовятся к выходу новые. Его последний компакт-диск – "For Duo Works For Two Accordion", записанный совместно с испанским баянистом Анхелем Луисом Кастаньо (Angel Luis Castaño), доступен в Интернете наряду с другими его записями, выпущенными Финского Институтом Аккордеона (Finnish Accordeon Institute). Незадолго до этого он выпустил свой первую часть серии «Весь Бах» (CD Vol. 1). Недавно был записан и готовится к публикации второй диск этой серии Vol. 2.

В интервью Мика рассказывает о своих записях и концертной работе, о своей работе в качестве педагога, о своем опыте сотрудничества с элитой музыкального мира.

Мы приглашаем вас насладиться этой увлекательной публикацией на http://accordions.com/interviews/mika/13_interview1.htm

В рамках интервью Мика также опубликовал статью «Технические стратегии игры на аккордеоне» (“The Technical Strategies of Playing the Accordion”).


Окончание приема заявок на «Кубок мира 2013», Виктория – Канада Рэймонд

2013 Coupe Mondiale banner
2013 Coupe Mondiale posterПедагогам и потенциальным участникам мы напоминаем, что срок приема заявок на участие в 66 международном конкурсе «Кубок мира» заканчивается 10 июля 2013 года. Не опоздайте.

Захватывающее событие, такое, как 66-й конкурс «Кубок Мира» и 130-ая Международная Генеральная Ассамблея Делегатов Конгресса CIA, которые в этом году состоятся в городе Виктория, Британская Колумбия, Канада, готовы к старту и будут включать в себя соревнование в 7 международных категориях. Первый конкурс «Кубок мира» состоялся в 1938 году.

Президент CIA Рэймонд Бодель и Президент Аккордеонного Общества Британской Колумбии, Канада, Александар Милоевич (Aleksandar Milojevic) тепло приветствуют гостей, участников и спонсоров в Виктории на «Кубке Мира 2013», который состоится с 18 по 25 августа 2013 года.

Всем баянистам и аккордеонистам предлагается принять участие в выступлении VII Мирового Аккордеонного Оркестра CIA. В рамках гала-концерта оркестр исполнит два сочинения: “Danse Villageoise” композитора Claude Champagne в аранжировке Морин Ярош (Maureen Jarosh). Дирижер – Морин Ярош. А также попурри из музыки к кинофильму «Отверженные» Клода-Мишеля Шенберга (Claude-Michel Schönberg) и Герберта Крецмера (Herbert Kretzmer) в аранжировке вице-президента CIA и основателя Мирового оркестра Джоан Кохран Соммерс.

В исполнении попурри из музыки к мюзиклу «Отверженные» примет участие новозеландский тенор Лайонел Рики (Lionel Reekie), который за последнее время несколько раз исполнил это сочинение с различными симфоническими оркестрами.

Мы с нетерпением ждем возможности приветствовать вас на 66-ом «Кубке Мира», который, мы уверены, станет захватывающим событием. Полная информация по конкурсу, проживанию и условиях подачи заявок можно найти по адресу: Coupe Mondiale.


The World of Accordion Festival Report, Castelfidardo - Italy

World of Accordion Festival posterElke Ahrenhoz and Massimo TagliataFestival report and pictures at: 2013woa
Program download at: 2013program_woa.pdf

This week the new Festival and Music Awards "World of Accordion" started on June 29th 2013 in Castelfidardo and will continue until Sunday, July 7th 2013.

The festival organized by Elke Ahrenholz gave space to all kinds of music dedicating each day to one category. Competitions during the day and evening concert in the evening with the same style of music.

The event featured high profile artists like the multi-competition winners "Concertino" also winning also 2 categories of the competition - chamber music and orchestra.

Bayan Mix from Russia with their fresh and an explosive stage performance gave their première in Castelfidardo.

The absolute Highlight of the Festival so far was the Beltango Quintet from Serbia, performing tango's and popular music plus vocal support by Ivana Nikolic, and tango dancing by Aleksander and Ivan Nikolic.

World star Richard Galliano performing together with the Camerata Ducale from Vercelli and Guido Rimonda on the violin were very popular with presented music of Vivaldi, Bach and tangos. The numerous audience gave several standing ovations and enjoyed three encores.

A lively thursday evening dedicated to orchestras saw a fresh and young group of accordionists and to the joy of the audience with many female players of the Fuchelly Fisarmony presenting musics of various regions of Italy - so also a very emotional and lively performance of the diatonic accordion.

The last 3 days are dedicated to Jazz/Pop/Talent show for children and finally to the folk instrument the Organetto.

But most of all DO NOT miss Sunday afternoon, Piazzia della Repubblica at 16.30h (4.30pm), with the Guiness Attempt of 1,200 plus accordion players will be the main attraction of the city of Castelfidardo. ALL accordionists from near and far are invited to participate to make this attempt successful.....and perform: Happy Birthday! chosen for the celebration of the accordion - 150 years of accordion production in Castelfidardo.

Festival report and pictures at: 2013woa


DUO dissonAnce, Roberto Caberlotto and Gilberto Meneghin Tour - Italy

Roberto Caberlotto and Gilberto Meneghin Tour programme posterRoberto Caberlotto and Gilberto Meneghin as the DUO dissonAnce will be touring in the main 13 cities of the north of Italy in concerts, presenting music by JS Bach.

Video above: DUO dissonAnce performing Johann Sebastian Bach: Concerto in la minore BWV 593 (da Vivaldi) at Chiesa di San Marco al Pozzo, 27 September 2012.

Concert dates:
July 6th, 9pm - Basilica Santuario della SS. Annunziata, Florence
July 11th, 9pm - Chiesa di San Giovanni in Monte, Bologna 
July 12th, 9pm - Chiesa di Santa Sofia, Padova
July 28th, 12noon - Chiesa Superiore di San Fermo Maggiore, Verona
August 25th, 5.30pm - Basilica di Sant’Abbondio, Como
August 27th, 9pm - Chiesa di Santa Margherita, Sappada
August 29th, 9pm – International Music Festival, Portogruaro
September 13th, 9pm - Chiesa della SS. Annunziata Turin
September 27th, 9pm - Chiesa di Santa Maria del Gradaro, Mantova
September 28th, 9pm - Chiesa di San Francesco d’Assisi, Cremona
October 6th, 9pm - Chiesa di Sant’Anna
October 13th, 9pm - Chiesa di San Gerolamo Emiliani, Milan
October 20th, 5pm - Santuario Madonna dei Miracoli, Lonigo


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Video: Yuri Medianik and Eduard Kunz Performing Live at Sala Verdi, Milano - Italy

Yuri Medianik and Eduard Kunz Sonatas K.212 in A and K. 213 Dm at Sala Verdi, Milano, Italy. Published on Jul 4, 2013, Sound Engineer: Marco Taio.

Two CD's and a DVD are available online: Yuri Medianik


Martynas Levickis performs on BBC TV, Manchester – UK

Martynas LevickisAccordionist Martynas Levickis, a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London, gave an interview and also performed live on television on the BBC Breakfast Show on July 1st.

He spoke about his new CD and about Lithuania’s presidency of the European Union. Lithuania holds the presidency of the EU from July to December 2013.


Paul Chamberlain Graduates with Distinction, Edinburgh – UK

Paul ChamberlainThe well known accordionist Paul Chamberlain, from Edinburgh, has graduated with a masters in Music (performance) with Distinction from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, based in Glasgow. The classical accordion is now fully integrated into the conservatoire with a continuum of students currently studying on the Bachelor of Music course with Djordje Gajic.

The same evening following his graduation, Paul performed to a sell-out crowd at the Edinburgh Ceilidh Club with the HotScotch Ceilidh Band.

Videos above, released on June 18th 2013 of Paul Chamberlain performing at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Scarlatti ‘Sonata in F Minor K69, L382’.
Second video: Live scoring of the Pink Panther Cartoon "Yankee Doodle Pink" as part of a concert at the Crocker Art Museum in Sacramento, California.
Third video: An excerpt from the piece called ‘Romance’, by the French composer Franck Angelis, recorded at KDFC sutdio whilst on tour in Canada.

Paul performs both as a solo concert accordionist and with various dance music ensembles.

Paul has a recently released CD  and accordion compositions available at: Paul Chamberlain


John Torcello appears in new Opera 'Camelia La Tejana'

John TorcelloJohn Torcello, ATG USA Champion in 1972 who went on to win the coveted CIA Coupe Mondiale World Accordion Championships held in Caracas, Venezeula, was the accordionist in the chamber orchestra for the Long Beach Opera Company’s U.S. premiere of the opera, 'Camelia La Tejana - Only the Truth' by Mexican composer, Gabriela Ortiz. 
The music, described in the Los Angeles Times as "bursting with color and a wide variety of styles,"  combines the avant-garde, folk music, and jazz. Torcello’s expert handling of the complicated score contributed to the engaging and important work.   
The work is described as a provocative modern opera about the bloody conflict along the U.S. - Mexico border. Featuring a dynamic score by Gabriela Ortiz, Mexico's foremost female composer, and a libretto by Mexican-born Rubén Ortiz Torres, an artist, photographer and film producer, the production uses vibrant music and graphic footage to illustrate the struggle along the border caused by the horrifying Drug War. Camelia la Tejana explores the truths and myths that exist along this controversial dividing line.
John reports that "It was an honor to be asked to play as part of the orchestra for this work.  It is a new and important piece for several reasons. First of all, it is written by a Mexican composer, and is one of very few operas from Mexico or Latin America that have been performed in the USA by an opera company with the stature of the Long Beach opera under Andreas Mitisek. Secondly, it was written by a Mexican woman; a testament to the expanding roles for women in society's outside the USA".
By coincidence, John had met the composer’s brother Reuben Ortiz some years earlier when he had provided DVD production services for some contemporary sculpture works he had on display in San Diego. John was happy to re-connect with Reuben as he was responsible for creating and staging the video content in the backdrops that helped to support the story-telling of in the Opera performance of his sister's work.
For this Opera, Gariela's music scoring included extensive writing for the accordion; a welcome and challenging part that reaches into both traditional 'tejana' style and contemporary ensemble sonorities. The orchestration included 2 violins, viola, cello, bass, flute, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, percussion, guitar, accordion, and piano, all which were featured prominently.


Young Accordionists Performing - North Korea

Young accordionists from North Korea performing.


Arthur Welch Performance a Big Hit!, New Hampshire – USA

Arthur WelchThe New Hampshire Accordion Association monthly meeting takes place on Saturday March 16th, 12.30pm until 4pm. The agenda is:

A large, enthusiastic audience was thoroughly entertained by Arthur Welch - in his first public performance in eight years - at June's meeting of the New Hampshire Accordion Association.

Arthur's rare appearance was the third and last concert in a three-month series designed to showcase the accordion's remarkable versatility. Co-sponsored by NHAA and Accordion Connection LLC, the series also included performances by Catfish Howl Blues Band in May and concert accordionist Donna Maria Regis in April.

Arthur and his wife, Suzanne Welch, own and operate Accordion Connection LLC in Gilmanton, NHAA's home base and meeting place.

NHAA meets at Accordion Connection, LLC, 136 Route 106, Gilmanton, NH 03237.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


Alexander Shirunov performs Mazurka Italiano by Henry Haagenrud

Alexander ShirunovAlexander Shirunov performs Mazurka Italiano by the Norwegian composer and accordionist Henry Haagenrud.

This performance was filmed at a concert in Oppdal Norway, 27th of April 2013.

CD by duo Alexander and Nadia Guseva available online at: Alexander Shirunov


Video: Petar Maric Performs at Accordéon Fest in Zagreb - Croatia

Maric Accordéon Fest in Zagreb 11 to 15 June 2013 at the Paviljon Park Zrinjevac. The event was organised by Ivana Art Studio & prof.dr.Semir Hasic with support from the Zagreb Tourist Board.


Video: Group from Chengdu, China, Performing in Sydney - Australia

The contestants from Chengdu, China excited the audience at the Australian International Accordion Championships run by the AATA with their ensemble playing.
Names are: Qiuxian Li, Chenghan Liao, Xi Wang and Jingjing Fan.
They performed "Silence of the City" and "Rondo Capriccioso" by Zolatariev.


Accordion Festival, Sümeg, Hungary, 2013

Published on Jun 13, 2013
Performers in the Accordion Festival, Sümeg, Hungary, 2013


Video Advertisement: Roland V-Accordion Overview With Alicia Baker - USA

Published on Jun 21, 2013
Take a guided tour of the Roland V-Accordion product line overview with Alicia Baker.


‘14 Years Ago’ – Puerto Rico Accordion Orchestra go to Italy in 1999

Puerto Rico Accordion Orchestra
The Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending July 2nd 1999 reported that the Puerto Rico Accordion Orchestra performed in Castelfidardo, Italy. It is good to know that in 1999 there was an accordion orchestra on Puerto Rico, but are they still active? Can anyone enlighten us?

Puerto Rico Accordionists Visit Italy
Contributed by Massimo Pigini, Manager, Pigini Accordion Factory

The Puerto Rico Accordion Orchestra, featuring 20 musicians (conducted by Esther Eugenia Bertieaux), held a concert in the San Francesco Auditorium in Castelfidardo on June 18th during their recent tour. Their program included a mixture of Puerto Rican, South American, Spanish-American and international music, and the performers infected the audience with their enthusiasm, joy and love of dance.


Будущие события

Milos Milivojevic July Concerts and Bollywood Success, London - UK

Milos MilivojevicAccordionist Milos Milivojevic performs during July, as follows:

July 5th, 7.30pm – Brackley Music Festival with the London Tango Quintet
July 6th, 7.30pm – solo at World Gala Performance, at St Ethelburga’s, 78 Bishopsgate, London EC2N 4AG
July 7th, 7.30pm – with cellist Matthew Sharp, Deal Festival of Music and Arts, Kent
July 13th – with Paprika at the Cheltenham Festival

At the beginning of this year Milos performed a solo on a song recorded for a Bollywood movie, and this has recently scored no less than 20 million YouTube hits!

For further information email: milosmusic@hotmail.com


CNIMA J.Mornet Summer Courses for all Ages, Levels and Styles - France

CNIMA J.Mornet header
CNIMA J.Mornet Summer Courses open to all ages and levels and all styles of accordion

- from 15 to 20 and July 22 to 27
- from 12 to 17 and from 19 to 24 August

Thematic courses:
- from 15 to 20 July: with Claude Thomain
- from 22 to 26 July: Les accords the accordion and Franck Angelis to CNIMA
- from 12 to 16 August: Introduction to chant / sing to the accompaniment
and Ludovic Beier at CNIMA (stage V-Accordion Roland)
while using the [non] method Jacques Mornet

Information and registration:
- 04 73 22 27 45
Email: cnima@wanadoo.fr or visit the website: CNIMA J.Mornet

Director Jacques Mornet has recently released his teaching book, available online at Jacques Mornet.


Martin Lubenov Concerts – Slovenia, Italy, Germany

Martin LubenovBulgarian accordionist Martin Lubenov performs this month, as follows:

July 10th – JEFF Festival, Koper, Slovenia
July 17th – Europäsche Wochen, Passau, Germany
July 18th – Runklesteiner Klangfeste, Bolzano, Italy
July 20th – Neun Naumburger Nächte, Naumburg, Germany


Victor Prieto Trio Concert, New York – USA

Victor PrietoThe Victor Prieto Trio perform at Shape Shifter Lab, 18 Whitwell Place, Brooklyn, New York, on Thursday July 11th, 8.15pm.

With accordionist Victor Prieto for this gig are Edward Perez - bass, and Eric Doob – drums.

For further information email: victorprieto2001@yahoo.com


Paris Moscou Duo Master-Courses, 28th July to 4th August - France

Paris Moscou DuoParis Moscou Duo of Roman Jbanov and Domi Emorine will be giving one week of master-courses from 28th July to 4th August in La Bourboule.

Roman writes: "People will coming from Russia, Italy, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Germany..., but we have some places available for those who would like to have performance courses with us."

Download the form: 2013-7
For further information: +33610563181 or email: duopm@sfr.fr


Romano Viazzani’s Diary Dates, London, Dorset – UK

Romano ViazzaniRomano Viazzani writes: Just to let you know about some accordion-related events that we would love to see you at in July. 

Firstly, on Friday July 12th, 8.30pm, I will be playing with Cabaret Verite a.k.a. Bethany Jameson and the Ensemble at the Green Note, Parkway Camden Town with ‘Petit Cafe` de Paris’. We will be playing a lot of  well-known French cabaret music as well as a few new comedy numbers. Great Fun
The next day, Saturday July 13th, 7.30pm, we will be at The Shelley Theatre, Boscombe Manor, Shelley Park, Boscombe, Dorset BH5 1LX, with ‘Rendez-vous a Paris’. Hope to see many of you from the south coast there.
Sadly our gig on July 14th for Bastille day at La Cave in Southwark has been cancelled.

Three CD's are available online at: Romano Viazzani

For further information email: romanoviazzani@hotmail.co.uk


Zoltan Orosz Concert, Hegykö - Hungary

Zoltan Orosz concert posterVery popular accordionist Zoltan Orosz, with accompaniment, performs in concert on July 17th, 7.30pm, at Szabadteri Szinpad, Hegykö, Hungary.

The concert is part of the Tízforrás Fesztivál.

4 CD's are available online at: Zoltan Orosz

For further information: info@harmonika.hu


Dr. William Schimmel @ ‘Mostly Mozart Festival’, New York – USA

Dr. William SchimmelDr. William Schimmel will premiere his own unusual arrangement of Beethoven's Egmont Overture on August 15th, 7.30 pm, at the Clark Studio Theatre at Lincoln Center, New York.

This concert is part of the acclaimed ‘Mostly Mozart Festival’.

Dr. Schimmel will also perform Mathais Pintscher's ‘denier espace avec introspecteur’ for accordion and cello.

Dr. Schimmel is the guest artist with the International Contemporary Ensemble. 

For further information: billschimmel@billschimmel.com


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Don Grzanna release new music

Don Grzanna - accordionist, composer, performer, releases 4 new composition for accordion available for purchase online.

'You Are The Dream', catalog: grza173,
'Ragtime', catalog: grza174,
'New Italian Waltz', catalog: grza175,
'Kiss Me Waltz', catalog: grza176

The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


John Raczka release 4 new music

John Raczka - accordionist, performer, arranger, releases 4 new music for accordion available for purchase online.

'Missouri Waltz', catalog:raczka233,
'Muirsheen Durkin', catalog:raczka234,
'Non Sei Tu', catalog:raczka235,
'Old Maid In The Garret', catalog:raczka236

The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio

Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier TrioCD Reviews Index for the Review of Dragonfly CD by Klaus Paier Trio, in Italian language, reviewed by Alessandro Mugnoz.


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