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Accordion at the 2022 Edinburgh Festival Fringe - Scotland

EdinburghThe Edinburgh Festival Fringe is one of the largest celebrations of arts and culture, attracting attendees from around the world. For three weeks in August, the city of Edinburgh welcomes an explosion of creative energy from around the globe.

Artists and performers take to hundreds of stages all over the city to present shows for every taste. From big names in the world of entertainment to unknown artists looking to build their careers, the festival caters for everyone and includes theatre, comedy, dance, physical theatre, circus, cabaret, children's shows, musicals, opera, music, spoken word, exhibitions and events.

Accordion enthusiasts will find an array of accordion related shows and activities at the 2022 75th Anniversary Festival.

One such show is Madame Chandelier's Opera House Party. Have you ever wondered where the Grand Opera Divas go, in between getting married or getting killed, night after night at the Opera - Why they attend Madame Chandelier's Opera House Party, of course!

Classically trained Canadian soprano, Delea Shand, performs on the comedy/cabaret circuit in the United Kingdom as Madame Chandelier where audiences join all her favorite opera characters for jokes, party games, and lots of dramatic death scenes! Nominated Best Comedy Show at the Manchester Fringe, Madame Chandelier accompanies herself throughout the show on accordion as she welcomes Diva after Diva to her party.

The Fringe is a three-week festival of performing arts that takes place in Edinburgh every August. Its story dates back to 1947, when eight theatre groups turned up uninvited to perform at the Edinburgh International Festival. The Edinburgh International Festival was an initiative created to celebrate and enrich European cultural life in the wake of the Second World War.

Not being part of the official program of the International Festival didn’t stop these performers, they just went ahead and staged their shows on the fringe of the Festival anyway, coining the phrase and name – the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Since the dawn of this spontaneous artistic movement, millions have flocked to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to produce, and to enjoy art of every genre. To this day the festival features anyone with a story to tell and that has a venue willing to host them.

You’ll find a variety of other accordion friendly shows such as with David Vernon and Dick Lee: The Sound of Musicals (The brilliant accordion and clarinet duo perform much-loved favorites from the musicals); Accordion Ryan's Pop Bangers (Covering artists from all across the pop music spectrum, Accordion Ryan will sing and play your favorite bangers in a way you've never heard them before!); The Failure Cabaret (The Fremonts have been married ten years and have the therapy bills to prove it. In this dark comedy cabaret, Stephanie Dodd from Fremont, Nebraska (vocals/accordion) and Justin Badger from Fremont, California (vocals/guitar) use original music to tell their story); Sandy Brechin and Friends (He's back! After two years of forced solitary accordion squeezing at home, and to the huge relief of his neighbors, Sandy returns to the A Club once again, upgraded, biceps bulging, pumped and well-oiled, along with special guest singer, the fabulous Wendy Weatherby, and other talented chums (plus one not so talented) for music and mayhem!).
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