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Video: Accordionist Igor Zavadsky Classical Concert - Ukraine

Igor ZadavskyAccordionist Igor Zavadsky will give a concert at the House of Actor, Yaroslaviv Val, 7, in Kiev, Ukraine on October 27th. This will be a classical music concert organised by Andriy Brygida.

Further concerts will be held on November 30th and December 28th, 2019.

Video above: Performance of Vivaldi’s - The Four Seasons (full version). Accordion (Igor Zavadsky) with organ and orchestra. Recording from the concert dedicated to the presentation of the 14th album by Igor zavadsky "The Seasons". Kiev Actor's House, January 21, 2019.

01) Allegro (3'20)
02) Largo e pianissimo sempre (3'48) - 3:20
03) Allegro Pastorale (4'18) - 7:09
04) Allegro non molto (5'30) - 11:26
05) Adagio e piano - Presto e forte (2'25) - 16:58
06) Presto (2'50) - 19:24
07) Allegro (3'30) - 22:48
08) Adagio molto (2'15) - 26:17
09) Allegro (2'00) - 28:35
10) Allegro non molto (3'10) - 30:34
11) Largo (2'04) - 34:01
12) Allegro (3'12) - 36:09

For details email: abrygida@gmail.com
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