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"Papa Joe" De Clemente Brings Accordions to the Philippines

“Papa Joe” De Clemente, who lives in Queens, New York, USA, was brought up in an Italian family environment and started playing the accordion at the age of nine years old.

He volunteers once a week early in the morning to assist at an elementary school music program in Bayside, Queens which may be one of the only elementary schools in the five boroughs of New York City that has a student accordion band.

Papa Joe’s friend, Pastor Jack Wilson has a popular music ministry to the children in the Philippines, which includes violins, piano, guitars and flutes, however no one there plays the accordion. So he decided to try to get some accordions and some music books to donate to their church.

During the next few months he was able to acquire and fix a few accordions which were suitable for the younger and older children.

He arrived in the Philippines on July 26th, where he gave the instruments to the church, which is now using the accordion to accompany their services!

Since that time, several children have started to learn how to play the accordion and have played at their Sunday morning worship service.

Papa Joe is an inspiration and example to all of us on how to share our love of the accordion and music, with the world.

For further information email: Joedeclemente@yahoo.com
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