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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 11-Aug-2017
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2017 来自27个国家的100个报名参赛者,2017年Coupe Mondiale - 意大利
上个月成功的两位成功记录 -- 奥地利,中国
意大利第42届“Citta di Castelfidardo”国际手风琴比赛音乐节
Fleadh Cheoil, Ennis--爱尔兰
Ksenija Sidorova照亮林肯中心,纽约州 - 美国


视频:新发布:Duet Paganiniana Music by Ivano Battiston--意大利
Karen Tweedz在罗斯康芒发行新CD ‘Midsummer May Monday’– 爱尔兰共和国
视频: Gustavo Almeida在2017中国国际手风琴比赛中的视频--中国
Trifilio探戈三重奏在华盛顿大都会手风琴协会(WMAS) --美国
Video: Young Duet Winners, Closing Concert 2017 Shenzhen Festival - China
Video: Wang Dantong Junior Virtuoso Knockout winner, (17 years under) - China


VIII Festival Internacional - Portugal
Roman Jbanov and Marie-Noelle Cros Concert, Auvergne – France
Iain McPhail @ Glasgow Accordion Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK
World Café performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape – South Africa
Marco Lo Russo performs ‘Ave Maria’ for Pope Francis, Krakow – Poland
Lydie Auvray Concerts – Austria, Germany
Craven Accordion Orchestra and Orchester Musika Akkordia Concert, Skipton - UK
‘Gala d’Accordeon Dansant’, Vouleme – France
Cotati Accordion Festival, California – USA


New Music: Gary Dahl Has Over 200 Individual Arrangements and 10 eBooks - USA
Bugari-evo New Colors Release, Castelfidardo - Italy
New Site: Ignacio Hernández, Conservatorio Nacional de Acordeón - Chile
Video: Music Released, Ples Composed by Ivano Battiston - Italy

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2017 来自27个国家的100个报名参赛者,2017年Coupe Mondiale - 意大利

Coupe Mondiale 2017 header
Coupe Mondiale posterRaymond Bodell国际手风琴联盟主席Raymond Bodell写道:“我很高兴能够欢迎来自世界各地的参赛者参加9月5日至10日在意大利奥西莫举行的第70届Coupe Mondiale大赛。”


对于那些无法参加2017 Coupe Mondiale的人们,他们可以在9月10日星期六开始,查看每个竞争对手的广泛的每日报道,图片和信息和视频,包括最终获奖者音乐会。


全部细节:Coupe Mondiale


上个月成功的两位成功记录 -- 奥地利,中国

Cory Pesaturo
Li Cong and Tong Jianhua美国手风琴家Cory Pesaturo,(获得了国家手风琴锦标赛冠军),Primus Ikaalinen(芬兰)和新西兰奥克兰的CIA Coupe Mondiale世界电子手风琴锦标赛在内的许多比赛获得了另一项成就:吉尼斯世界纪录为32小时,最长手风琴演奏时间为14分钟,设置于2017年8月4日/ 5日。有图片和视频的报告在线:CoryWR

芬兰手风琴家Anssi Laitinen在2010年的创纪录是31小时25分钟。Cory于8月4日星期五上午开始挑战,并于次日完成,并由Scandalli提供借用手风琴,Scandalli也是此次活动的赞助商。 Pesaturo的现场挑战视频在奥地利格拉茨的Optik Neuroth店面的整个窗口播放,被放大到外面,让所有人听到。 “我不得不挑战,”他说。 “这很难,但我知道我不得不这样做。”

其他手风琴纪录是七月二十四日,中国深圳的手风琴专家共2260多人,,李聪(中国音协手风琴学会会长)与佟建华(深圳音协手风琴协会会长) 两位一同指挥)设置手风琴乐团的新的吉尼斯纪录。完整报告:2017shenzhen



意大利第42届“Citta di Castelfidardo”国际手风琴比赛音乐节

42nd “Citta di Castelfidardo” International Accordion Competition
第42届“Citta di Castelfidardo”国际手风琴比赛于9月13日至17日举行比赛和音乐会。

2017年Castelfidardo Premi e国际意大利国际博览会由Castelfidardo市政当局,由Ruben Cittadini和活动艺术总监Christian Riganelli领导的Castelfidardo Pro Loco。

有许多著名的手风琴演奏家,还有他们的乐队和团体会在艺术节期间举办音乐会和演出,包括(日期顺序):Danilo Di Paolonicola,Alessandro Gaudio,Marc Berthoumieux,Massimiliano Pitocco,Dario Flammini,Antonio De Luca,Damiano Ragnini。



Fleadh Cheoil, Ennis--爱尔兰

Fleadh Cheoil,
2017 Fleadh Cheoil logo2017年由爱尔兰的ComealtasCeoltóiríÉireann组织爱尔兰Fleadh Cheoil在8月13日至21日在爱尔兰共和国西部的克莱尔郡的恩尼斯镇举行。

Fleadh Cheoil是一个有竞争力的爱尔兰音乐活动,歌舞舞蹈节,有大约10,000名竞争对手和表演者,其中包括大量手风琴家,六角琴和口琴演奏者,以及许多ceili乐队,accordion and marching乐队。除了比赛之外,Fleadh Cheoil包括音乐会,舞蹈,演讲,研讨会,大师班和学习课程,用于钢琴和手风琴,巴扬手风琴,盎格鲁手风琴和爱尔兰传统音乐中使用的许多其他乐器。活动预计在九天左右,最多有四十万名观众参加。

参与手风琴演奏的人包括Sharon Shannon,Andrew McNamara,Danny O'Mahony,Mary McNamara,The Mairtin O'Connor Trio,Noel Hill,Chris&Francis Droney,Donal Murphy,Liam O'Brien,Kilfenora Ceili乐队,Stockton's Wing , 还有很多。



Ksenija Sidorova照亮林肯中心,纽约州 - 美国

Ksenija Sidorova and Frank Busso
Ksenija Sidorova在2011年8月5日星期六,Ksenija Sidorova在林肯中心的Stanley H. Kaplan Penthouse上首次亮相“莫扎特”。

莫斯科节日是一个长达数周的古典音乐节,每年夏天在纽约市举行。 Sidorova女士的表演被列为51年历史上第一位手风琴独奏家演奏手风琴。


· Scherzo-Toccata (Londonov)
· Variations on “Ah vous dirai-je, maman,” K. 265 (Mozart)
· Autumnal Sceneries (Kusyakov)
· Barcarolle, Op. 10, No. 3 (Rachmaninoff)
· Revelation (Voitenko)
· Tanti Anni Prima (Piazzolla)
· Sentido Unico (Piazzolla)
· S.V.P. (Piazzolla)
(大部分的安排是由Ksenija Sidorova)。



Ksenija Sidorova将于2018年返回纽约市,在著名的卡内基音乐厅举行音乐会。



视频:新发布:Duet Paganiniana Music by Ivano Battiston--意大利

Catalog: battiston101 Libertango composed by Astor Piazzollo, arranged by Ivano Battiston for solo accordion.
Catalog: battiston102 Postcards composed by Ivano Battiston for sax (both soprano and baritone) and accordion.


Karen Tweedz在罗斯康芒发行新CD ‘Midsummer May Monday’– 爱尔兰共和国

Karen Tweed CD ‘Midsummer May Monday’“Midsummer May Monday” 是爱尔兰手风琴家Karen Tweed 和芬兰钢琴家Timo Alakotila的专辑的标题,组合的特征是同时包含了爱尔兰和芬兰的音乐家和音乐。

Karen Tweed在70年代和80年代赢得了钢琴、手风琴、口风琴的五个爱尔兰冠军,并且已经有了很多录音。
曲目: Planxty Parr (Karen Tweed)/Dickeystown Hop (Francis Ward)/Ruane The Man (Thomas McElvogue); Helen Turner’s Textet (K. Tweed); Amicum AMICUM (Timo Alakotila)/Valke (Elina Sipilä); Lovely Lorraine (K. Tweed)/Rosa Kvint (Mattias Pérez); Tangue Purple (T. Alakotila); Pilvi and Eskos Brudvals (Roger Tallroth)/The Diamond (Billy McComiskey)/Manuka Cottage (K. Tweed); Snowflake (K. Tweed); Roots (Juuret) (T. Alakotila); Terry’s Tango Painting (K. Tweed)/Rannala (Vesa Tuomi); MNÁ NA hÉireann (Séan Ó Riada)/Richie Dwyer’s (A Minor) (Richard Dwyer)/Trip to Galway (Noel Sweeney)/Col Sig of the 2-2-6 (Eilidh Shaw); Prolapsus (T. Alakotila); Jill Walden’s Meringues (K. Tweed)/Black and White (K. Tweed); 13 – Ta Da Tweedie (K. Tweed)。

从8月14日星期一到8月18日星期五Karen Tweed将会在罗斯芒康的巴斯民俗节暑期学校教授手风琴。从8月18日到8月20日Karen Tweed 和Timo Alakotila将在民俗节KAUKAS EloFolk上表演。

进一步的信息: info@karentweed.com


视频: Gustavo Almeida在2017中国国际手风琴比赛中的视频--中国

Closing Concert, Shenzhen

Gustavo Almeida是2017中国国际手风琴比赛成人流行音乐擂台赛的的冠军。

视频:2017 Shenzhen (27 July).



上图:两个乐团和指挥。下载完整大小的图片: 2017Malta.jpg

圣玛丽亚手风琴乐队是由特雷维索的 Fisorchestra Armonia 邀请的,意大利在 Rassegna Internazionale di Fisorchestra25周年之际举行音乐会。圣玛丽亚手风琴乐队也是在今年庆祝其成立25周年。

在Palazzo Rinaldi,乐队获得了特雷维索市市长的热烈欢迎。音乐会在拿破仑别墅马尔孔著名的剧院'Mario del Monaco'举行。这是两个乐队共享音乐才华和友谊的一次美丽而独特的经历。

图左: 指挥: Marthese Busuttil Cassar和Mirko Satto。

圣诞老人手风琴乐队在Mro. Marthese Busuttil Cassar的还会下,演奏了音乐会的第一部分,在Mirko Satto的指挥下,演奏了第二部分。
最后,两支乐队一起演奏拉德茨基进行曲。进行曲的第一部分是由Mro Marthese Busuttil Cassar指挥的,第二部分是由Mro Mirko Satto指挥的。

Mayoral Welcome




视频:2017 Shenzhen (27 July).


Trifilio探戈三重奏在华盛顿大都会手风琴协会(WMAS) --美国

Video 1: Milongacha by Emmanuel Trifilio
Video 2: Una Noche en la Habana by Emmanuel Trifilio
Trifilio Tango TrioTrifilio探戈三重奏使使七月回忆的华盛顿大度都会手风琴协会(WMAS)的120名观众眼前一亮。

三个人里,包括Devree Lewis (大提琴) 和Argentinians Emmanuel Trifilio (班多钮), Cristian Perez (吉他)演奏一些Emmanuel Trifilio’s的原创作品如 Milongacha, Una Noche en la Habana 和La Holy Milonga, 以及 “old standards”, 像 Libertango.。



为进一步的信息或预定电话: 424-235-5673 或者邮箱: trifiliotango@gmail.com


Video: Young Duet Winners, Closing Concert 2017 Shenzhen Festival - China

Closing Concert 2017 Shenzhen Festival
These two young duet winners performing at the recent Shenzhen Closing Ceremony and Awards Concert. Video of all this concert is online at: 2017 Shenzhen (27 July).


Video: Wang Dantong Junior Virtuoso Knockout winner, (17 years under) - China

Wang Dantong Junior Virtuoso Knockout winner, (17 years under) performing at the recent Shenzhen Closing Ceremony and Awards Concert. Video of all this concert is online at: 2017 Shenzhen (27 July).



VIII Festival Internacional - Portugal

VIII Festival Internacional posterThe 8th VIII Festival Internacional takes place between August 10th and 20th at several towns and cities in Portugal. There are concerts featuring guest Portuguese accordionists on each evening, and this year’s special international guest is Julien Gonzales, from France, winner of both the Junior and Senior Entertainment categories at the CIA Coupe Mondiale.

For further information email: geral@rodrigomauricio.com


Roman Jbanov and Marie-Noelle Cros Concert, Auvergne – France

Roman Jbanov and Marie-Noelle posterThe soprano Marie-Noelle Cros and accordionist Roman Jbanov perform together in concert on Saturday August 12th, 6.30pm, at the church of St Jean-Baptiste, Olmet, Auvergene.

Ukrainian-born Roman Jbanov achievements include Grand Prize Beloborodov in Tula (Russia), Scholarship of the President of the Russian Republic, and in 1997 winning the CMA Trophée Mondial.


Iain McPhail @ Glasgow Accordion Fiddle Club, Scotland – UK

The Iain McPhail Scottish Dance Band are the guests at the Glasgow Accordion Fiddle Club on Monday August 14th, 7.30pm. The venue is the Scotstounhill Bowling Club, 633 Anniesland Rd, Glasgow G14 9AD.

The recently formed Glasgow Accordion Fiddle Club has announced its programme for the 2017/2018 season, as seen on the poster.

For further information email: info@gaafc.com


World Café performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’, Western Cape – South Africa

PosterOn Saturday August 12th, 9.30am, the trio World Café performs Vivaldi’s ‘Four Seasons’ at Klein Karoo Klassique, Oudtshoorn, Western Cape, South Africa. This performance is special as the musicians have adapted the piece for 3 instruments only. The sound and mood quality of these 3 instruments alongside each other, together with the reading of Vivaldi’s poems – describing the intent behind his music – creates an amazing ambiance and captures audience members’ imaginations quite magically.

The members of World Café are Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer – violin, and Schalk Joubert - double bass.

Stanislav Angelov studied the accordion in his native Bulgaria, and received a degree in accordion in 1991, after which he taught at the ‘Constantine Preslavsky’ University, Shumen. In 1992 he moved to Cape Town, South Africa, where he performs, records and teaches.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Marco Lo Russo performs ‘Ave Maria’ for Pope Francis, Krakow – Poland

Marco Lo RussoItalian accordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo perform his composition ‘Ave Maria’ during the event ‘The Sacred Night of Krakow’, on August 15th, 7.30pm, for Pope Francis, at the Diocesan Shrine of St. John of God, Church of the Fatebenefratelli (Bonifratrzy) ul. Krakowska 48, Krakow. Krakow is the city of which Karol Wojtyla, Pope John Paul II, was Archbishop and for centuries called "Altera Roma".
For this performance Marco Lo Russo will be accompanied by Sicilian pianist Giulio Vinci and soprano Martina Mannozzi in a concert titled ‘Sacra Armonia’. Their programme will also include classical music by JS Bach, Caccini, Marcello, Vivaldi, Rossini, Satie, Pergolesi, and compositions by the contemporary composers Nicola Piovani (with whom Marco Lo Russo has a long professional collaboration), Ennio Morricone, and Luis Bacalov.


Lydie Auvray Concerts – Austria, Germany

Lydie Auvray posterLydie Auvray performs in concert twice next week, as follows:
Friday August 18th, 8pm – solo, Theresien-Dom, Austria
Saturday August 19th, 8pm – solo, Nordstrand, northern Germany

Lydie Auvray, from Normandy, is a French accordionist, composer and singer. She lives in Cologne, Germany, and has performed with many musicians and has recorded at least 20 albums. In 2003 she published her autobiography, ‘Jubiläum’.

For further information email: lydieauvray@netcologne.de


Craven Accordion Orchestra and Orchester Musika Akkordia Concert, Skipton - UK

Craven Accordion Orchestra posterOn Saturday August 19th, 8pm, the Craven Accordion Orchestra (MD Harry Hinchcliffe) and the Orchester Musika Akkordia from Berlin, Germany, perform in concert at Skipton Town Hall, West Yorkshire. The Orchester Musika Akkordia are on a UK tour. Both orchestras will entertain with a varied programme, to suit all tastes. Tickets £7/concessions £5.

The Craven Accordion Orchestra was formed in 1995 by local accordion teacher Harry Hinchcliffe. Through the years the CAO has performed in regional and national NAO festivals, radio broadcasts, concerts, and as support artists to many visiting international accordionists.  Successes include British Accordion Club Band Champions for a record seven times.
For further information email: hincho1@hotmail.com


‘Gala d’Accordeon Dansant’, Vouleme – France

A ‘Gala d’Accordeon Dansant’ posterA ‘Gala d’Accordeon Dansant’ takes place on Saturday August 15th, 2.30pm, at the Parc municipal, Vouleme. There will be dancing to accordionists Nono Maillet, Andre Loppe (Belgium), Damien Poyard, Nicolas Violet, Erika (Belgium), and others.

Vouleme is situated in the Vienne, Poitou-Charentes region (part of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region), in the west of France at 54 km from Poitiers, the department capital. Vouleme is 345 km from Paris.


Cotati Accordion Festival, California – USA

Cotati Accordion Festival posterThis year’s Cotati Accordion Festival takes place on August 19th and 20th, 9.30am until 8pm each day, in La Plaza Park, Cotati, California. The organiser is Marjorie Konrad.

The guest list includes: AlpenBand California, Amy Jo Sawyer, Big Lou's Dance Party, Cory Pesaturo, En Canto and Jamie Maschler, Future Accordion Stars 2017, Gail Campanella, Ginny Mac (Texas), Gordon Kohl, Jim Gilman, La Familia Peña-Govea, Lizeth Olivo, Ljubinka Kulisic - Serbia, Mark St. Mary, MotorDude Zydeco, Oddjob Ensemble, Royal Jelly Jive, Squeezy Peezy, T-Luke and the Tight Suits, The Golden State Accordion Club Band, The Great Morgani, The Mad Maggies, and there will be a free accordion jazz 101 workshop led by Paul Betken.

The Cotati Accordion Festival is a non-profit organization established in 1991 to promote the love of the accordion and to support local youth service organizations, which have benefitted from contributions of over $320,000.

For further information email: cotatiaccordionstudentstage@yahoo.com



New Music: Gary Dahl Has Over 200 Individual Arrangements and 10 eBooks - USA

Gary DahlGaryvDahl has achieved a milestone of over 200 individual arrangements online as well as 10 eBooks.

Gary began this mammoth arranging journey when he realised from his students and fellow accordionists, that there was a strong demand for arrangements of different styles and genre.

Gary was one of the early pioneers, in 2002, of marketing accordion arrangements using the internet, and from that time, Gary has been steadily publishing new arrangements that have proved to be very popular with accordionists in all parts of the world.

This week, there are two new releases:

Catalog: DH0260 - Sweetheart of Sigma Chi composed by Vernor, lead sheet arrangement by Dahl

Catalog: DH0261 - Tarantella Napoletana composed by Crisculo, arranged by Dahl

Congratulations to Gary Dahl on reaching the milestone of over 200 individual arrangements online plus the 10 eBooks. View all at: Gary Dahl


Bugari-evo New Colors Release, Castelfidardo - Italy

New Bugari Evo colors
Marco Cinaglia of Bugari-evo released information about two new Bugari-evo color models with new grille design. Larger pictures of the new models are at: 2017Evo.jpg


New Site: Ignacio Hernández, Conservatorio Nacional de Acordeón - Chile

Conservatorio Nacional de Acordeón
Ignacio HernándezIgnacio Hernández has a new personal website outlining his accordion education and career performing with important artists and orchestras in Chile, notably the Chilean Folkloric Orchestra, the Chilean Symphony Chamber Orchestra and the Santiago Philharmonic Orchestra.

Internationally, his participation with the Prague Philharmonic Orchestra of the Czech Republic and in the Soundtrack of the Film "Salty", of Antonio Banderas.

New website at: Ignacio Hernández


Video: Music Released, Ples Composed by Ivano Battiston - Italy

Ples sample pageCatalog: battiston103 Ples is a composition for solo accordion by Ivano Battiston which is inspired by the folklore of Macedonia. After a brief, expressive introduction, a brilliant dance is played using the bellows ricochet.

The video above is Ivano Battiston performing Ples at the 40th PIF International Castelfidardo Festival, published on Sep 25, 2015.

Ivano Battiston recently released
Catalog: battiston101 Libertango composed by Astor Piazzollo, arranged by Ivano Battiston for solo accordion.
Catalog: battiston102 Postcards composed by Ivano Battiston for sax (both soprano and baritone) and accordion.


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