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‘14年前’: 环球手风琴全体职员在新西兰聚会

AWW logo环球手风琴新闻曾于2000年1月14日新千年第一期报道了环球手风琴全体职员在新西兰的一次聚会 . 自1996年以来环球手风琴代表全球各地的手风琴家努力快乐的工作, 直至现在.

Accordions Worldwide Team Meets Down Under - New Zealand

Several members of the Accordions Worldwide staff met in the far north of New Zealand, at the tiny summer resort, Bayly's Beach. Discussions covered all the Accordions Worldwide sites including Accordions Worldwide (the largest accordion site on the internet), Accordion Links (the world's largest accordion links site), Search-Accordion (a search engine dedicated to accordion sites) and the Accordion Yellow Pages, which includes tens of thousands of listings of instruments, teachers, performers, etc.

Another exciting venture on the news front is the development of the National News sites. Accordions Worldwide is sponsoring sites in several countries including the USA, France, Germany and Italy, with more on the way.

Attendees included AWW founder and owner Harley Jones, Web Master Wayne Knights, News Coordinator Christine Adams, Office Manager Tatiana Lanchtchikova, Europe Manager Holda Paoletti-Kampl, German representative Uli Ebner and US Manager Kevin Friedrich.
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