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Accordion Festival Review, Salto - Uruguay

International Meeting of Accordions
Between the 20th and 21st of July, the seventh edition of the International Meeting of Accordions was held in the City of Salto, Uruguay. It was attended by around 200 accordionists from Brazil, Colombia, Italy, Chile and Argentina. One of the representatives for the province of Corrientes was Ignacio Porra, who wrote this report to comment on the experience lived during those days.

The meeting, in honor of Minister Silvio B. Previale, took place during the two days at the Larrañaga Theater. Porra commented that he came to participate in it "thanks to the fact that I recorded a song and put it on a well-known social network", at the suggestion of Eduardo Sivori - one of the programmers of the National Festival of Chamamé. In this way, the organizers of the Encounter met and invited him.

Regarding the experience, he said that it was very positive because he managed to link up with musicians from other places, and he even managed to upload a video to social networks interpreting Kilometer 11 with colleagues from Brazil, Chile and Argentina. He also maintained that he obtained "more than seven thousand reproductions to be shared by people from Chile and Brazil."

He also reported that attending this Meeting gave him the possibility of being summoned to an upcoming festival of accordionists to be held in October, this time in the City of Rio de Janeiro, "in which I will be the only Correntino executing Chamamé ", assured Porra.

Ignacio Porra began his first musical steps at age 5, developing a great love for the accordion and the music of the Litoral. He toured much of the country and the border. He is currently a session musician, staying active as a member of the Cuenca del Plata choir, recorded as a guest musician in various groups and teaches children, teenagers and adults to perform the accordion.

He was a member of Matías Barbas and his group Curuzú Orilla, Los Amigos Fernández, Alfredo Grahsmugg, Vicente Franco and his criollos, among other groups. Also, he was a session member of Soriano Sosa, Ariel Cabrera El Pibe de Oro, Los Vecinos, Los Nuevos Vecinos, Los Aliados and Los Partners del Chamamé.

He recorded with the aforementioned groups. In addition, he served as a guest of Los Nuevos Camperos, Yamila Ibarra La Princesa del Acordeón, Los Criollos de Corrientes, Ernesto Juanovich, Héctor Porra and his Amistad group, Cachito González and their kings. Also, he performed at a large number of festivals in different parts of Argentina and neighboring countries.

The International Accordion Meeting "Minister Silvio B. Previale" is held every two years, at the Larrañaga Theater in the City of Salto, Uruguay. Since 2006 he has called accordionists and musicians from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Panama, Spain, Italy and Uruguay, who interpret academic and popular repertoire to perform. The event is organized by the Previale family and since 1960, marked a milestone in the musical history of the eastern country.

The Encuentro offers the community two nights of concerts and a colorful parade of accordions on the main street of the city as well as workshops, forums, film screenings, among other activities.
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