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Weekly News from Around the World - 09-Sep-2016
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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи с «Кубка мира 2016» стартуют 11 сентября, Ростов-на-Дону – Россия
Запуск новой модели цифрового аккордеона Roland FR4 V-Accordion, 9 сентября, Париж – Франция
Чествование д-ра Уиляма Шиммеля (Dr. William Schimmel) в Университете Уильям Патерсон – США
Аукцион в память о Кавалере ордена Британской Империи Сэре Джимми Шэнде (Sir Jimmy Shand), Глазго – Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Tom Alexander The Great’ Leonard Brown CD, Scotland – UK
Accordion Man Plaque Unveiled, St Alban’s – UK
Adrienne Griffiths (1948-2016), Southampton – UK
Video: Mao Junhao Composition Premiere and Harbin Performance - China

Будущие события

Zoltan Orosz Concert, Budapest – Hungary
CT Tango Ensemble Lunchtime Concert, Paarl - South Africa
Chamberlain & Haywood Concert, Norwich – UK
Marco Lo Russo @ ‘Music Party’, Trento – Italy
Ken and Mary Oktoberfest Concert, Ohio – USA
Iain MacPhail @ Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club, Northumberland – UK
12th Gerry Whelan Memorial Weekend, Cavan – Irish Republic
Paul Hutchinson @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey – UK
Martin O’Connor Band Concert, Kilkenny – Irish Republic
New York International Jazz Accordion Festival 2016, New York – USA

Новые и обновленные сайты

Two New Works by Douglas Ward, Charnwood Publishing - UK
New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia

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Особенности Highlights

Ежедневные репортажи с «Кубка мира 2016» стартуют 11 сентября, Ростов-на-Дону – Россия

2016 Coupe Mondiale header
Raymond BodellГотов стартовать 69 международный конкурс «Кубок мира», проходящий под эгидой Международной Конфедерации Аккордеонистов (CIA) и организованный в этом году международным музыкальным центром «Гармония», Ростов-на-Дону, во главе с Юрием Шишкиным и Александром Поелуевым.

Президент CIA Раймонд Бодель «тепло приветствует конкурсантов, жюри, делегатов и спонсоров в Ростове-на-Дону на захватывающем 69-ом Кубке мира, впервые в истории проходящем в России».

Ежедневные репортажи начнут появляться в сети с 11 сентября.
Страница с видео и расписание трансляций: 2016CM-Video
Дополнительная информация по адресу: Coupe Mondiale

Жеребьевка участников состоится в понедельник, а прослушивания пройдут со вторника по пятницу. «Кубок мира 2016» обещает слушателям замечательную музыку и очень высокий уровень соревнований в восьми международных конкурсных категориях.

Для тех, кто не смог присутствовать на этом мероприятия, веб-сайт конкурса будет публиковать ежедневные репортажи с фотографиями, информацией, видео конкурсантов, а также все результаты после их объявления.

Каждый вечер будут проходить концерты замечательной музыки, а концерт лауреатов состоится в пятницу с победителей всех категорий.


Запуск новой модели цифрового аккордеона Roland FR4 V-Accordion, 9 сентября, Париж – Франция

Roland Paris Product Launch
Roland пишет: «Будущее. Переустановка» – это 24-часовое онлайн мероприятие, отличное от всего, что вы видели раньше. В рамках прямой трансляции из восьми разных городов мира (Париж, Токио, Лос-Анджелес, Нью-Йорк, Торонто, Берлин, Окленд и Брюссель) Roland запустил новое поколение своих электронных инструментов в режиме реального времени».

На знаменитой Эйфелевой башне в Париже компания Roland представила новый ‘Roland FR4 V-Accordion’ – совершенно новую модель, в которой используются высококачественный набор звуков модели FR8X. FR8X остается флагманом модельного ряда электронных баянов и аккордеонов V-Accordion., в то время как новый FR4 является чуть более простой моделью, за ней следует более легкий и компактный FR3, а FR1, предназначенный для начального уровня, завершает модельный ряд этих инструментов с разным уровнем цен.

Новый Roland FR4 был продемонстрирован в рамках концерта Сэма Гарсии (Sam Garcia), после чего Сэм Гарсия и Шон Монтгомери (менеджер по клавишной продукции ‘Roland Europe Group’) дали интервью, в котором объяснили и продемонстрировали многие особенности этой новой модели.

Где бы вы ни были, вы можете бесплатно посмотреть эту презентацию на специальном веб-сайте: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/PG8m95Hty9b

Вскоре видео с запуском нового инструмента также появится и на нашем сайте.


Чествование д-ра Уиляма Шиммеля (Dr. William Schimmel) в Университете Уильям Патерсон – США

Schimmel concert poster
William Schimmel19 сентября 2016 года в аудитории ‘Shea Auditorium’ Университета Уильям Патерсон состоится бесплатный концерт в честь 70-летия д-ра Уильям Шиммеля. Концерт спонсируется музыкальным факультетом Университета, Конкордансом композиторов и Ансамблем ударных инструментов Нью-Джерси. В рамках концерта прозвучит современная музыка в честь Билла Шиммеля, который создал и впервые исполнил множество сочинений.

Программа, режиссером которой выступит Питер Джарвис, будет включать восемь мировых премьер. Наряду с музыкой, написанной самим Шиммелем, будут представлены композиции Джона Кларка, Дэна Купера, Франца Хакла, Джарвиса, Джина Прицкер, Дэвида Тейлора и Пэйтона Макдональда. Средт исполнителей Уильям Шиммер, Джин Прицкер (гитара), Ансамбль ударных инструментов Нью-Джерси и трио ‘B3 + Brass Trio’.

Билл Шиммель начал заниматься на аккордеоне в детстве, затем посещал Джульярдскую школу музыки, где получил докторскую степень в области композиции. В то время, когда он был еще студентом Школы, началась его карьера – после того, как он записал сочинения авангардного композитора Лучано Берио. Доктор Шиммель также исполнил на аккордеоне и записал все музыку Курта Вайля.

Начиная с 1981 года его танго-проект выпустил ряд нашумевших записей под лэйблами ‘Nonesuch’ и ‘Newport Classic’. Первая запись танго-проекта заняла 1 место в классических чартах ‘Billboard’ и был названа записью года по версии журнала ‘Stereo Review’.

Шиммель также является модератором/куратором мастер-классов и концертных серий, проводимых Американской Ассоциацией Аккордеонистов (ААА). В 2016 году эти мероприятия успешно прошли в 22 раз. Он служил и продолжает служить в качестве артиста в резиденции AAA, где он также работает как заслуженный преподаватель в резиденции и член Совета Управления ААА.

На протяжении всей своей долгой карьеры Шиммель представлял аккордеон зрителям, благодаря своим выступлениям (с собственными композициями и произведениями других авторов), премьерам новых сочинений, успешным записям, выступлениям в театре и кино (как соло, так и с другими музыкантами), всегда проходящим со значительным успехом.

Этот концерт станет заслуженным признанием многих музыкальных достижений Уильяма Шиммеля.


Аукцион в память о Кавалере ордена Британской Империи Сэре Джимми Шэнде (Sir Jimmy Shand), Глазго – Великобритания

Shand Memorabilia Auction
Sir Jimmy ShandЛегенда шотландской гармоники, Кавалер ордена Британской Империи Сэр Джимми Шэнд, который был лучшим экспортируемым шотландским музыкантом и самым плодовитым аккордеонистом в стиле шотландской танцевальной музыки, родился 28 января 1908 года и скончался 23 декабря 2000 года. Он оставил свою музыку для будущих поколений, которой можно насладиться не только на компакт-дисках, но и в Интернете, и на видео, кроме того, все его многочисленные композиции были опубликованы.

И теперь его сын Джимми Шэнд младший объявил о том, что в пятницу 16 сентября 2016 года в Глазго в рамках аукциона ‘Mctears Auctions’ состоится аукцион памяти его отца.

Среди многочисленных предметов, выставленных на аукцион, ранние модели мелодионов, купленные Джимми, сценическая одежда из его шоу, Золотые диски, фотографии, «большая красная книга», подаренная Джимми в 1978 году ведущим Эамоном Эндрюсом во время телепередачи BBC «Это твоя жизнь» ("This Is Your Life") и еще много всего.

Несмотря на то, что ожидается интерес представителей разных стран мира, есть надежда, что большинство покупателей будут представлять его родную Шотландию, так что некоторая часть его личной истории может быть сохранена и, возможно, выставлена для обзора.

Заинтересованные участники должны связаться с аукционом ‘Mctears’ по прямому телефону 0141-810-2880 или написать по электронной почте Виктории Ирвин (Victoria Irvine): enquiries@mctears.co.uk


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

‘Tom Alexander The Great’ Leonard Brown CD, Scotland – UK

‘Tom Alexander The Great’ CD cover‘Tom Alexander The Great’ is the title of a new CD in which accordionist Leonard Brown performs some of Tom Alexander’s favourite concert pieces, and all played in the style and sound of the maestro Tom Alexander.

Track list: The Flying Scotsman, Isle of My Heart, Lady of Spain/El Relicario, Shetland Reels, The Oslo Waltz, Happy Hours, The March Hare/Irish Washerwoman, The Dark Island, The Typewriter, Le Manege, The Oil Rigger, Spanish Gypsy Dance/Viva Espana, The Jacqu1eline Waltz, Under the Double Eagle, Tom’s Medley, Sands of Kuwait, Alpine Express, The Jiggin’ Pig, Highland Cathedral, Savoy American Medley
On August 28th Leonard Brown performed a concert at The Salutation Hotel in Perth to celebrate the career of Tom Alexander MBE, who retired recently. Tom Alexander was Guest of Honour at the concert, which proved to be a great occasion and a sell-out.

Tom Alexander rose to fame in the 1950s with his late brother Jack, a vocalist and pianist, as The Alexander Brothers, and their worldwide fame through concerts, tours, recordings and DVDs brought them great success. Tom, an All Scotland Champion in the 1950s, is widely recognised as one of the finest accordionists of his era.

Leonard Brown, from Newcastle, became only the second Englishman to become All Scotland Accordion Champion in 2012 (Robert Whitehead was the first in 1978). He has emerged as one the best young accordionists on the Accordion & Fiddle Club scene.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


Accordion Man Plaque Unveiled, St Alban’s – UK

PlaqueThe Accordion Man plaque, designed by Mandy Reekie, was officially unveiled last Saturday by St Albans Mayor, Councillor Frances Leonard. The plaque is in honor of the late Paddy Delaney, an accordion player who busked at St Albans market for more than 30 years, who died last year.

Following his death a petition was set up to install a plaque in his memory close to where he busked on Upper Dagnall Street, St Albans. It received more than 1,000 signatures and a charity busking day last year raised £1,700 to fund the plaque, which was installed recently.

Mayor Leonard said: “One of the roles of a Mayor is to champion the city we live in, local charities, and events. The 'Plaque for Paddy' campaign represents all of those things in bucket loads.

“I’m thrilled to officially unveil the plaque in honor of Paddy Delaney and the contribution he made to our city through music.”


Adrienne Griffiths (1948-2016), Southampton – UK

Adrienne GriffithsThe UK accordion scene is shocked and saddened at the news of the sudden death of Adrienne Griffiths, who passed away in her sleep whilst attending the St Audries Bay Folk Week.

Adrienne Griffiths, from Southampton, Hampshire, discovered the accordion at the age of 10 and formed an immediate attachment to it; to such an extent that her father decided to “cash in” his pension in order to buy her a Hohner Atlantic (a sacrifice she never forgot). By her 16th birthday she had progressed through all the BCA (Practical and Theory) examinations up to and including Grade 8. Her teacher was Colin Whitfield.

One of her great loves was playing dance music and in 1964 she formed her own three piece band, which for many years performed in the Southampton area. She also competed for many years in the NAO Area and UK Championships, and in February 2016 won the Veterans Musette section at the Northern Ireland Championships.

Adrienne was very active in the UK accordion scene, teaching, conducting, festival workshop leader, playing for ceilidhs, and solo performances at charity concerts and fund raising events, etc. She was also a member of the Crawley Accordion Orchestra, the Bournemouth Accordion Orchestra, and the Stour Valley Accordion Group. In recent times she has to France and Germany as an invited guest with the Kennett Accordion Orchestra. In 2010 she founded the South Hampshire Accordion Club, and was its Musical Director and organiser.

Adrienne was widowed, and the mother of Barbara Proud and a grandmother. R.I P.


Video: Mao Junhao Composition Premiere and Harbin Performance - China

Video 1:
Video 2:
Successful international accordion competitor Mao Junhao is also studying composition. This is the premiere performance of two new compositions.

Video 1:
1. Accordion with flute.
2. Accordion and piano.
at Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing.

Video 2:
Second round of 2016 Harbin competition by Mao Junhao.
The full report of the 2016 Harbin International Accordion Art Week with pictures and videos is online at: 2016Harbin


Будущие события

Zoltan Orosz Concert, Budapest – Hungary

Zoltan Orosz
Accordionist Zoltan Orosz performs in concert on Saturday September 10th, 3pm, at Liberty Square, Lipótváros, Budapest.

Zoltan Orosz studied both the accordion and the organ at the Bela Bartok Conservatory in Budapest, and later at the Franz Liszt College, Budapest. He has since pursued a very successful international career as an accordionist, with several recordings to his credit.

For further information email: info@harmonika.hu


CT Tango Ensemble Lunchtime Concert, Paarl - South Africa

CT Tango Ensemble posterOn Sunday September 11th, 12noon, the CT Tango Ensemble perform a lunchtime concert at
Mountain Shadows Country Manor, Paarl, South Africa. Booking is essential.

CT Tango Ensemble are Stanislav Angelov – accordion, Petrus de Beer – violin, and Charles Lazar – double bass, and Albert Combrink - piano.

For further information email: music@goodmusic.co.za


Chamberlain & Haywood Concert, Norwich – UK

Chamberlain & Haywood posterThe duo Chamberlain & Haywood are playing in Norwich as part of the Eaton Concert Series on Sunday September 11th at 3pm. Their programme will be a mixture of music including Tango, Balkan, Scottish, and Russian tunes. The venue is St Andrew’s Church, Eaton, Norwich.

Chamberlain & Haywood are Paul Chamberlain - accordion, and Michael Haywood - saxophone, violin, whistle, and clarinet.

For further information email: paul@theaccordionist.com


Marco Lo Russo @ ‘Music Party’, Trento – Italy

Marco Lo RussoOn Sunday September 11th accordionist and composer Marco Lo Russo will be the special guest at an all-day event ‘Music Party’, at Rifugio Potzmauer, Grumes, Trento, Italy. Also involved will be the songwriter Giulio Vinci.

The event will include a reflection on the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York on September 11th 2001.

For further information email: stampa@marcolorusso.com


Ken and Mary Oktoberfest Concert, Ohio – USA

Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions ExpressThe `Ken and Mary Turbo Accordions Express` duo perform for an Oktoberfest Concert on Tuesday September 13th, 6 pm, at Brookdale (Halcyon Village), Marysville, Ohio.

Ken has over 40 years of music experience, playing the diatonic button accordion and also the tenor banjo, guitar, mandolin, and mandola. He was even bestowed the title “Baron of the Banjo” by Frankie Yankovic. Ken had his own ragtime/jazz band for many years, playing in and around Ohio as well as performing in the German Pavillon at Disney’s Epcot Center and at the Altstadt Fest in Goslar/Harz, Germany. Mary’s music career has spanned over 30 years, playing the organ and the piano accordion at festivals, banquets, and for parties.

For further information email: kenandmarymusik@yahoo.com


Iain MacPhail @ Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club, Northumberland – UK

Iain MacPhailIain MacPhail and his band are the guests at Alnwick Accordion & Fiddle Club on Wednesday September 14th, 7.30pm. The venue is The Farriers Arms, Farne Rd, Shibottle, Alnwick, Northumberland NE66 2XX.

Since the early 1970s Iain MacPhail has been one of Scotland’s best known and most respected accordionists, bandleaders and composers.

For further information email: leonardbrownaccordion@gmail.com


12th Gerry Whelan Memorial Weekend, Cavan – Irish Republic

Karen TweedThe 12th Gerry Whelan Memorial Weekend takes place from September 16th to 18th at venues in Cootehill, County Cavan, in the Irish Republic. The event is supported by Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann, and includes concerts, workshops, and music sessions. Accordionists performing include Karen Tweed (picture right) and Daithí Gormley. The workshops include one for diatonic button accordion, led by Daithí Gormley.

On Friday September 16th, 8pm, at the Drumlin Theatre, Karen Tweed performs in the opening concert along with the singer Colm Sands, Daithí Gormley, CCE musicians, and others.

For further information email: info@karentweed.com


Paul Hutchinson @ Guildford Accordion Club, Surrey – UK

Paul HutchinsonLeading folk accordionist Paul Hutchinson is the guest at Guildford Accordion Club on Friday September 16th, 8pm. The venue is the Ripley Village Hall, Ripley, Surrey GU23 6AF. Doors open at 7pm. Admission is £5.

The club night will begin at 7.30pm with a “play-along” of familiar tunes (bring your musical instrument and join in – all levels of proficiency are welcome to play or just to listen.)

Paul Hutchinson grew up in Bournemouth and studied piano and church organ, but in his teens turned to playing in folk bands such as The Old Pull & Push, Belshazzar's Feast, and Hoover the Dog. He has appeared frequently on the BBC, and is a resident tutor for the English Folk Dance & Song Society. He has developed a unique and unusual style of accordion playing, and is a respected composer and the winner of many awards. 

For further information email: myrabee@btinternet.com


Martin O’Connor Band Concert, Kilkenny – Irish Republic

Video 1:
Video 2:
Video 1: Máirtín O'Connor - TG4 Gradam Ceoil Musician of the Year 2015 with Cathal Hayden and Seamie O’Dowd.
Video 2: The Arrival Of The Queen Of Sheba Mairtín, as Handel never imagined and I am sure, would have really enjoyed.

On Friday September 16th, 8.30pm, the Ionad Dara Community Centre, Goresbridge, County Kilkenny, presents The Martin O’Connor Band (Martin O'Connor, Cathal Hayden and Seamie O’Dowd) in concert.

Diatonic button accordionist Máirtín O’Connor is one of the most respected and best loved musicians ever to emerge from Ireland. As a soloist with the first Riverdance Orchestra, through his work with De Dannan, Midnight Well and Skylark and also as a solo artist he has quite simply gone where no Irish accordion player had gone before.

Mairtin O’Connor has released several fine albums, including ‘Crossroads’, ‘Road West’, ‘Rain of Light’, 'Chatterbox', 'A Connachtman's Rambles', and 'Perpetual Motion'. A prolific writer of new material, Máirtín O Connor’s tunes can be heard on the recordings of many artists and at sessions throughout the world. He began playing the accordion at the age of nine, and his remarkable career has seen him display his astounding technique, dexterity and versatility around the world.

He is also as a session musician on recordings by the likes of Rod Stewart, Elvis Costello, Mark Knofler, Tanita Tikaram, Townes Van Zandt, The Chieftains, the Dubliners, Davy Spillane, Maire Brennan, and the Waterboys.

As a soloist he has performed with the RTE Concert Orchestra on Bill Whelan's ‘Seville Suite’ and in 1995 he played a major role in Bill's world renowned 'Riverdance'. He has also worked on the music for Shakespeare's 'Twelfth Night' featuring Ben Kingsley and written by Shaun Davey, plus Bill Whelan's 'Some Mother's Son'. Máirtín became the first recipient of the Allied Irish Banks, Traditional Musician of the Year award at a ceremony in his home town of Galway. The award was to acknowledge the tremendous contribution made by Máirtín to traditional Irish Music and in particular accordion music.

Tickets for the Concert at 20 euro can be had by contacting Gerry Kavanagh on (086) 0443152. Mary Meaney on (087) 2103011 or Ciara Murphy on (086) 8675560 with a PayPal account set up on ionaddara@gmail.com.

For further information email: ionaddara@gmail.com


New York International Jazz Accordion Festival 2016, New York – USA

2016 New York International Jazz Accordion FestivalThe first New York International Jazz Accordion Festival takes place on September 17th and 18th, at Terraza 7, 40-19 Gleane St, Elmhurst, NY 11373. The festival is organised by Victor Prieto, and sponsored by Petosa Accordions, Deputacion De Ourense, Terraza 7, and the NY Accordion Orchestra.

The chief guests are the Eddie Monteiro Trio, the Simone Baron Band, the Victor Prieto Trio, and solo accordionist Klucevsek.

For further information email: info@victorprieto.net


Новые и обновленные сайты

Two New Works by Douglas Ward, Charnwood Publishing - UK

Charnwood Publishing header
Douglas WardTwo new works have been released by well known UK composer and performer Douglas Ward, published by Charnwood Publishing.

Catalog No: DW936 Aria No. 1
Standard: Grade 5
Approximate playing time: 2 mins

This composition starts quietly, with a treble motif that is slightly haunting in character. It is written in D minor, but travels through several bass chord changes to end in its relative major key – D major. It encourages a really emotional interpretation, almost with the freedom of rubato. The basses take the performer through a range of both solo notes and chords with bass and counter-bass notes, with a few surprises and a melodic ending that almost fades away. The composition requires good bellows control and fingering, and includes numerous phrasing and articulation guidelines.

Catalog No: DW937 About Time
Standard: Grade 6
Approximate playing time: 2 mins 20 secs

This jazzy piece is written mainly in 5/4 with an occasional bar or more in 4/4 time, and is written in Eb major. It helps the performer to count with ease because the treble melody is set in phrases that simply flow well across established time zones. The treble melody has, in part, an underlying melodic counterpart. The bass accompaniment includes a catchy two-bar solo (and a little surprise key change), accents and tied notes to support the swinging feel and rhythmic content. It is based on only one three-note chord, so it can be played on both standard bass and free bass instruments.

The Douglas Ward page is now listing over 80 compositions and arrangements of eSheet and printed music available from Charnwood Publishing. Purchase with credit card online.


New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden

Lars EkLars Ek, composer, arranger, performer and teacher of Sweden has now released his original compositions on the MusicForAccordion.com site. See samples of the music and further information at:

ek121 - Jag Vill Ha Mer Harmoni
ek122 - Jularbogladje
ek123 - Kalvsviksvalsen
ek124 - Karlekstankar
ek125 - Livets Gondol
ek126 - Life Lottery
ek127 - Langtans Hamn
ek128 - Latta Fingrar
ek129 - Marching tune from Tallberg
ek130 - Marianne Marie

ek203 - Lars Ek Special 3: The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows - Technique for The Accordion. 24 pages. During the years I have noticed a growing need of a ”shortcut” to perfected technique because of the long time it takes to study the conventional way. That’s the reason why I have created this book of technique for accordions. This is no treatise, but a ”shortcut” to improved playing skills by practicing what is the most effective at the shortest of time.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco212 - Discotango
Discotango is a popular Disco Piece of Music with a suitable style for the young and old.

cfranco213 - A Romantic Autumn
A Romantic Autumn is a piece of music that reminds me of an afternoon walk amongst the beautiful trees and country side, surrounded by peace and nature.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


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