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Weekly News from Around the World - 02-Sep-2016
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Запуск нового продукта Roland, Париж, 9 сентября - Франция
Лас-Вегасская международная аккордеонная конвенция 2016 прошла с большим успехом !
Концерт оркестра 'Guardia Nueva', прошедший с аншлагом, транслировался по Alfa-TV - Финляндия
Профессор Ли Цун (Li Cong) развивает Шанхайский центр искусств "Shanghai Xuanjing Art Center" - Китай

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Opening Concert, 2016 Tacheng Accordion Festival - China
Ruben Cittadini, New "Assessore alla cultura al turismo" for Castelfidardo - Italy
Video: Prize Giving, 2016 Harbin International Accordion Art Week - China
Lou Jacklich 88th Birthday, Students Celebrate Accordionly - USA
Grayson Masefield, 2nd part of Tralf Concert, 2016 AAA Festival - USA
Video: Astor Piazzolla - Milonga sin Palabras / Kokoro Duo - Austria

Будущие события

Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon, Québec – Canada
Clydesdale Accordion & Fiddle Club 1st Season, Scotland – UK
Akkordeon-Orchester Festival, Korbach – Germany
Eddy Jay & Will Pound ‘Ignite’ Autumn Tour Dates, England - UK
Natalya Chesnova ‘A Montmartre Ce Soir!’ Concert, Bergamo - Italy
Alte Kameraden @ Laconia Multicultural Festival, New Hampshire – USA
‘Homage to Gus Viseur’ Accordion Festival, Lessines – Belgium
Charity Fund Raising Event, Carlow – Irish Republic

Новые и обновленные сайты

New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden
Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia
Chapter 20 Released of "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" - USA

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Особенности Highlights

Запуск нового продукта Roland, Париж, 9 сентября - Франция

Roland Paris Product Launch
9 сентября компания Roland представит более 30 новых продуктов в серии специальных презентаций в различных городах по всему миру. Ходят слухи, что новый цифровой инструмент V-Accordion будет представлен во время презентации в Париже. Настройтесь на прямую трансляцию с Эйфелевой башни- Париж, 9 сентября 18:00 по центральноевропейскому времени, в рамках которой все прояснится.

Roland пишет: "Будущее. Переустановка" -это 24-часовое онлайн мероприятие, отличное от всего, что вы пробовали раньше. В рамках прямой трансляции из семи знаковых городов мира (Париж, Токио, Лос-Анджелес, Нью-Йорк, Торонто, Берлин и Брюссель) мы раскроем новое поколение электронных инструментов Roland в режиме реального времени.

24-часовой онлайн музыкальный фестиваль Roland, который вы просто "должны увидеть", продемонстрирует живость и разнообразие в сочетании с выступлениями артистов, презентациями новой продукции, а также интервью и охватит несколько временных зон крупных городов по всему миру. Как звучит будущее музыкальных инструментов? Не пропустите.

Где бы вы ни были, вы сможете бесплатно посмотреть это мероприятие в любой точке мира на специальном веб-сайте: http:​//www.​ustream.​tv/channel/PG8m95Hty9b​

Презентация нового аккордеона также будет транслироваться здесь.


Лас-Вегасская международная аккордеонная конвенция 2016 прошла с большим успехом !

Las Vegas International Convention Header
Paul PasqualiЛас-Вегасская международная аккордеонная конвенция (LVIAC) прошла в августе 2016 года. Организатором мероприятия выступил Пол Паскуали. На Конвенцию съехались участники со всех Соединенных Штатов, а также из Канады и других стран, включая Австралию, Великобританию, Францию ​​и Мексику.

Полный репортаж фотографиями Пола Паскуали можно просмотреть по адресу: 2016LVIAC

Пожалуйста, отметьте в своем календаре даты 18-й ежегодной LVIAC, которая состоится 23-26 октября 2017 года. Посетите сайт AccordionStars.com для получения дополнительной информации .


Концерт оркестра 'Guardia Nueva', прошедший с аншлагом, транслировался по Alfa-TV - Финляндия

I Surrender
La Yumba
Kokkola Accordion FestivalRaimo Vertainen31 августа в 20.30 финская телекомпания Alfa-ТВ показала в эфире трансляцию концерта популярного танго-оркестра "Guardia Nueva", который был записан во время финского аккордеонного фестиваля "Коккола" в начале этого года .

Международная репутация оркестра "Guardia Nueva", с самого начала возглавляемого музыкальным директором Раймо Вертайненом (фото справа), за последние годы очень возросла в связи с участием великолепных солистов и хорошо известных вокалистов.

Мы благодарим Alfa-TV за видео, предоставленное для этой стати.


Профессор Ли Цун (Li Cong) развивает Шанхайский центр искусств "Shanghai Xuanjing Art Center" - Китай

Xuanjing Art Center
Prof. Li CongПрофессор Ли Цун является основателем нового Шанхайского центра искусств "Shanghai Xuanjing Art Center", вице-президентом Ассоциации шанхайских музыкантов и бывшим деканом музыкального колледжа Шанхайского педагогического университета (2008-2015).

Китайский веб-сайт: www.xuanjingart.com. Информация на английском: Xuanjing -Английский

Профессор Ли Цун также возглавляет отдел развития Шанхаского центра искусств "Shanghai Xuanjing Art Center" для молодых студентов и преподавателей учебных заведений.

Эта творческая лаборатория, предназначенная для частного музыкального обучения, располагается на 2-ом этаже здания Кай Юэ (Kai Yue) в центральном Шанхае. Занимая свыше 1200 квадратных метров, лаборатория располагает просторным, красиво украшенным помещением, привлекательным для молодых музыкантов и их родителей.

Центр искусств был открыт в марте 2016 года и в течение нескольких месяцев привлек более 600 учеников. В 2017 году планируется открытие второго помещения.

В расчет принималась каждая деталь, способствующая повышению уровня образования молодежи и учебных заведений для преподавателей. Центр искусств располагает бесплатной 2-часовой парковкой для родителей и 20-ю современными звуконепроницаемыми учебными комнатами, оборудованным множеством передовых учебных технологий.

Две большие учебные зоны могут объединяться, чтобы превратиться в 100-местный концертный зал с полным световым и звуковым оснащением. Новые идеи включают в себя установку системы видеомониторов в учебных комнатах, чтобы родители и другие студенты в зале ожидания могли смотреть уроки, идущие в классах.

Та же система позволит улучшить уроки подготовки преподавателей, которые будут контролироваться и анализироваться ведущими педагогами в целях обеспечения быстрого внедрения и развития педагогических курсов.
Top Group


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Opening Concert, 2016 Tacheng Accordion Festival - China

2016 Tacheng Accordion Festival
Video 1: Tan Jia Liang
Video 2: Iosif Purits
Two performances from the Opening Concert of the 2016 Tacheng Accordion Festival.
Video 1. Guest performer Tan Jia Liang (China)
Video 2. Guest performer Iosif Purits (Russia)

The full report of the 2016 Tacheng Accordion Festival including the 1,517 acccordionists Guiness World Record plus pictures and videos of all the festival is online at: 2016Tacheng


Ruben Cittadini, New "Assessore alla cultura al turismo" for Castelfidardo - Italy

Ruben CittadiniPIF 2016 CastelfdardoRuben Cittadini, is the new councilor for culture, tourism, equal opportunities and youth policy of the political group "5 stelle" for the City of Castelfidardo for the next five years.

His appointment to this position will continue the work of spreading and promoting the musical instrument - the accordion, a symbol of the Marche region history and manufacturing.

For the upcoming PIF 2016 Castelfidardo (22 to 25 September), his main task has been to coordinate the work carried out by the leaving city administration and to actively participate in the promotion, enhancement and management of the 2016 PIF International Prize of Accordion.

PIF 2016 Castelfdardo sees as Artistic Director the important accordionist Christian Riganelli who is coordinating all the competitions and concerts.

Ruben Cittadini, 41, father of two children has always been a lover of music that accompanied him from an early age with a past rich in academic and professional experiences.

He has a degree in Tourism Economics, from the Faculty of Rimini, a branch of Bologna, a first-level master in "Culture and Management of live entertainment" funded through a grant from the European study won in 2003.

Professionally, he has worked as an event organizer and festivals talent scout for some labels and recording studios, DJ and a music researcher and cultural worker. In recent years he has specialized in web design, new technologies and management systems (ISO).

He says: "Working for Castelfidardo and its citizens, fills him with pride and he is happy to contribute together with the community, all his experience and passion."

The PIF 2016 festival will set up some so-called "Sound Corners", sound angles, 5/6 spaces including the "Porta Marina" and the city square being seen by a colored semi-circles designed on the ground pavement. This stems from the idea to highlight Castelfidardo as a city of music and culture.

The project is mainly dedicated to musicians and especially accordionists but this space can be used by any type of artist who wants to perform and will remain active throughout the year.

Ruben Cittadini has other projects for the accordion already in the works and with the support of the Marche region, looks forward to the future developments.


Video: Prize Giving, 2016 Harbin International Accordion Art Week - China

2016 Harbin China International Accordion Art Week

Video of prize winners Milos Katanic, 1st Performer category and Wang Xiao, 1st entertainment category performing at the Prize Giving Concert of the 2016 Harbin International Accordion Art Week.

Video of both these performers playing a round of their programs is in the Daily Reports. The full report of the Prize Giving Concert with pictures and videos is online at: 2016Harbin


Lou Jacklich 88th Birthday, Students Celebrate Accordionly - USA

Students of Lou Jacklich, veteran performer, teacher, music arranger, band director, and electronic accordion pioneer artist of San Lorenzo, California (4th from the left in the photo) celebrated his 88th birthday a few days ago with an accordion birthday potluck party.

Lou Jacklich’s career has been dedicated to the profession of the accordion and teaching over 1,000 students. He has toured the US and Mexico and was honored with the Art Van Damme Education Award at the 2016 Las Vegas Int’l Accordion Convention.

In addition to food, wine and beer, students provided the accordion entertainment: as background music, strolling during the meal, performing solos, duets, and playing during the cake presentation. There was also a jam session with occasional singing.

Some students brought music to share while others learnt to improvise when as the chords were announced - It turned out that ¼ jar of nuts makes a great makeshift rumba shaker!

This was an afternoon filled with music, fun, friendship, laughter and love of our instructor.

eTracks (mp3) album availble online at: Lou Jacklich


Grayson Masefield, 2nd part of Tralf Concert, 2016 AAA Festival - USA

2016 AAA Festival, Buffalo, NY
Video 1:
Grayson Masefield, 2nd part of Tralf Concert, 2016 American Accordionists' Association (AAA) Festival, USA.

Thank you to Dan Grauman for supplying the video.


Video: Astor Piazzolla - Milonga sin Palabras / Kokoro Duo - Austria

The Kokoro Duo of Isabel Yuri (cello) & Miloš Katanic (accordion) perform Milonga sin Palabras by Astor Piazzolla. Published on Aug 25, 2016. Video & editing: Hamidreza Jamali.


Будущие события

Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon, Québec – Canada

Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon
Carrefour Mondial de l'AccordéonThe 28th annual Carrefour Mondial de l'Accordéon takes place in Montmagny, Québec, from September 1st to 5th. This large scale festival celebrates all styles of accordion music from manouche swing to classical pieces to the colourful rhythms of world music, offering many concerts, conferences, exhibits, children's activities, accordion museum, and evening dances.

This year’s guests include the Paris-Moscow Duo (Domi Emorine & Roman Jbanov, France/Russia), Petar Maric (Serbia), Jelena Milojevic (Croatia), Roberto Lucanero (Italy), Anatoli Taran (Belorusse), Antoine Pigeon-Bourque, Nathalie Boucheix (France), Marie-Jeanne Brousseau, Georges Camitsis, Sébastien Clermont, Daniel Colin (France), Claire Elzière and Dominique Cravic, Raynald Ouellet, Bruno Gendron, Benoît Legault, Normand Legault, Gaston Nolet, Valérie Plante, Gerry Virone, and many more.


Clydesdale Accordion & Fiddle Club 1st Season, Scotland – UK

The new Clydesdale Accordion & Fiddle Club opens its doors on Sunday September 4th, 2pm until 6pm, with the Glencraig Scottish Dance Band and the Alastair McCuish Scottish Dance Band as their first guests. The club will be based at the St Mary’s Club Rooms, 70 Bannatyne St, Lanark ML11 7JS, Scotland. Admission £4, floor players free.

For further information email: shirley_cathcart@yahoo.co.uk


Akkordeon-Orchester Festival, Korbach – Germany

Akkordeon Orchester Diemel Spatzen
Akkordeon Orchester Diemel SpatzenAn Akkordeon-Orchester Festival takes place this weekend, September 3rd and 4th, at the Stadthalle in Korbach, Germany. The orchestras performing include the 60 Jahre Akkordeon-Orchester Diemelspatzen e.V., the and the Akkordeon-Orchester Diemel Spatzen e.V.,11 Akkordeon-Orchester from Baden-Württemberg, Nordhein-Westfalen and Hessen.

There are concerts on Saturday September 3rd, 3pm and 8pm, and on Sunday September 4th, at 10.30am – all in the Stadthalle. Admission: 8 Euro for one concert, 14 Euro for two concerts, or 20 Euro for all three concerts.

For further information email: hans.petersen@gmx.de


Eddy Jay & Will Pound ‘Ignite’ Autumn Tour Dates, England - UK

Will Pound & Eddy Jay poster
The dynamic accordion/harmonica duo Eddy Jay & Will Pound are performing dates around various parts of England in September and October, as displayed on the poster.

The duo’s first CD, ‘Ignite’, received great reviews, and showcases their original and fiery music to best effect. The tour is a promotion for the CD.


Natalya Chesnova ‘A Montmartre Ce Soir!’ Concert, Bergamo - Italy

Natalya ChesnovaMilan-based Belorussian accordionist Natalya Chesnova and vocalist Mireille Le Ben perform a programme of French songs in concert on Thursday September 8th, 9pm, at Casa di Pioggia, Bergamo, Italy. The concert is styled ‘A Montmartre Ce Soir!’

Natalya Chesnova, now based in Milan, Italy, graduated from the Minsk Conservatory, Belorus, in 2004. She then worked as an accordion teacher in Minsk and as an accompanist for choreographers and dance teachers. Natalya was a member of the ensemble ‘Novyi Gorod’, who in 2001 obtained 3rd place in the competition ‘Golden Accordion’ in New York, 1st place at the International Competition in Castelfidardo, and performed dozens of concerts in all the states of the former Soviet Union, South Korea, Poland, Germany and Italy, and played in many broadcasts on radio and TV in Belarus. On 2004 Natalya moved to Italy, where she married the singer Nicola Portonato, and is in demand for concerts, teaching, etc.

For further information email: info@natalyachesnova.com


Alte Kameraden @ Laconia Multicultural Festival, New Hampshire – USA

Alte Kameraden
On Saturday September 10th the trio Alte Kameraden perform at the annual Laconia (NH) Multicultural Festival, an event celebrating the rich cultural diversity of Laconia and the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. The trio will perform under the gazebo at Rotary Park in two time slots: 10.30-11am and 11.30am-12noon. The public is invited to attend.
Alte Kameraden seeks to recreate die Gemütlichkeit – that indescribable experience of comfort, good humor, warm ambiance, and boisterous conviviality – found in Bierhallen (beer halls) throughout Germany.

Alte Kameraden line up: Al Brogdon – tuba, Donna Maria Regis – accordion, Doug Rickard - banjo/guitar/vocals – have performed traditional German folk-music throughout New Hampshire, including at the State House and on TV.

For further information email: regisdonna@yahoo.com


‘Homage to Gus Viseur’ Accordion Festival, Lessines – Belgium

‘Homage to Gus Viseur’ Accordion Festival posterAn ‘Homage to Gus Viseur’ Accordion Festival takes place on Sunday September 11th, 11am until 7pm, at the Cour de l’ Hopital Notre Dame a la Rose, Rue des Fils Aymon, 21-7860, Lessines, Belgium. Guest accordionists include Armand Gerard, Erika Honorez, Patricia Crolbois, Anthony Basilico, Guy Denys, and Jo Destre.

Gus Viseur (1915-74), born in Belgium, in the 1930s became one of the leading accordionists in the musette scene then flourishing in Paris. He had a love of playing jazz on the accordion, and occasionally performed and recorded with Django Reinhardt and the Quintet of the Hot Club of France, and in the post-war years also played bebop. He also accompanied Edith Piaf.


Charity Fund Raising Event, Carlow – Irish Republic

PosterOn Tuesday September 13th, 10pm-12.30am, accordionist Declan Aungier and the singer Liam Mannering share the bill playing for dancing in a charity fund raising event at the Woodford Dolmen Hotel, Kilkenny Rd, Carlow.


Новые и обновленные сайты

New Site: Lars Ek Original Compositions - Sweden

Lars EkLars Ek, composer, arranger, performer and teacher of Sweden has now released his original compositions on the MusicForAccordion.com site. See samples of the music and further information at:

ek121 - Jag Vill Ha Mer Harmoni
ek122 - Jularbogladje
ek123 - Kalvsviksvalsen
ek124 - Karlekstankar
ek125 - Livets Gondol
ek126 - Life Lottery
ek127 - Langtans Hamn
ek128 - Latta Fingrar
ek129 - Marching tune from Tallberg
ek130 - Marianne Marie

ek203 - Lars Ek Special 3: The Shortcut to Playing and the Bellows - Technique for The Accordion. 24 pages. During the years I have noticed a growing need of a ”shortcut” to perfected technique because of the long time it takes to study the conventional way. That’s the reason why I have created this book of technique for accordions. This is no treatise, but a ”shortcut” to improved playing skills by practicing what is the most effective at the shortest of time.


Updated Site: Franco Cambareri Two New Works Released - Australia

Franco CambareriFranco Cambareri has released two new compositions:

cfranco212 - Discotango
Discotango is a popular Disco Piece of Music with a suitable style for the young and old.

cfranco213 - A Romantic Autumn
A Romantic Autumn is a piece of music that reminds me of an afternoon walk amongst the beautiful trees and country side, surrounded by peace and nature.

These works are eSheet (pdf file, able to be emailed to you) and can be purchased online with secure server credit card.


Chapter 20 Released of "Play Your Accordion Without Pain" - USA

'Play Your Accordion Without Pain', book coverJohn Bonica PT CMP NZRP has released Chapter 20 of his book "Play Your Accordion Without Pain". Chapter 20 details "Other arm/hand conditions which affect playing your accordion."

You can purchase the whole book for US$22 (or Euro equivalent) and be sent each chapter by email as it is released. This is an ebook so it will be sent to you as as Acrobat pdf.

Further details about this book is at: John Bonica


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