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CIA Merit Award for Werner Weibert - Austria

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Werner WeibertAt the Confédération Internationale des Accordéonistes (CIA) Winter Congress in Kokkola in super clear winter conditions of -6C to -13C, the CIA Congress delegates unanimously and very warmly approved the CIA Merit Award to Werner Weibert of Austria.

The official citation from the Harmonikaverband Österreichs (HVÖ) reads:
Originally Werner Weibert studied with Prof. Walter Mieses - one of the most respected accordion teachers in Austria at the time - at the Conservatory of Vienna (Austria) and later Prof. Walter Maurer became his mentor.

After winning the Austrian Accordion Solo competition in 1968 in Linz he represented his country five times including the Coupe Mondiales in Toronto 1964, Leicester 1968 and Salzburg 1970 with respectable results.

After his solo career, he became a member of the board of the Austrian Accordion Association HVÖ, 1987 its vice president and 2009 president organizing Austria’s „Tag der Harmonica“ with categories for accordion, styrian harmonica and mouth-organ every two years, in between which, he organizes the Diatonic World Competition, being also the Editor of the Diatonic News of Accordions Worldwide.

In 2014 Werner Weibert became chairman of the organizing committee (hence Honorary Vice President of the CIA) of the CM held in Salzburg, a memorable event which was well received and gained a lot of recognition on the international level. Werner Weibert looked after a number of Austrian CM candidates and is still the jury coordinator of the HVÖ.

Starting in 1976 in Washington he served as Austrian delegate and adjudicator at international accordion competitions. Within the CIA, he undertook many times the functions of a member of the Coupe Mondiale calculation committee and also as a CIA auditor.

In 1967, Werner Weibert was one of the co-founders of the Viennese Accordion Ensemble (WAKE), renowned and recognized in the accordion scene, and is still its director nowadays. It was one of only a few ensembles to receive the CIA Merit Award (1992) and, during a tour in the USA in 1985, it performed even in the world famous Carnegie Hall in New York.

In 2017, WAKE celebrated its 50th anniversary with very successful concerts in Germany and Austria. His arrangements of works of various styles contributed significantly to the great success of the ensemble. The World Accordion Orchestra VIII played two of his arrangements at the Coupe Mondiale in Salzburg (2014) and he conducted himself, his “Tribute to Bernstein” arrangement.
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