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‘14 Years Ago’: Sir Jimmy Shand Passes Away – Scotland

Sir Jimmy ShandThe Accordions Worldwide news for the week ending January 19th 2001 reported the death of Sir Jimmy Shand, arguably the most famous Scotsman of the 20th Century, and an accordionist who personified Scottish dance music. In a career that began in the early 1930s and went on until the 1990s, there can be few accordionists anywhere whose music has touched so many for so long.

Sir Jimmy Shand Passes Away – Scotland
Contributed by Stuart Thomson

The world of Scottish dance music was saddened at news of the death of Sir Jimmy Shand M.B.E., M.A. Knighted in 1999 at a Ceremony in Edinburgh for his services to Scottish Music, Sir Jimmy passed away on December 23rd 2000 at the age of 92. Jimmy not only played accordion, but he had the Hohner company build a ‘button’ model to his specification, which would produce a sound better suited to Scottish dance music, the ‘Shand Morino’. He also played the melodeon, mouth organ and violin.

Jimmy Shand and his Band were in the charts in 1955 playing ‘The Bluebell Polka’, the one and only Scottish Dance Band to achieve chart success. During the 1960s, they were also firm favorites on the BBC Scotland TV series ‘The White Heather Club’, a show which also achieved worldwide acclaim on stage. In 1962, Jimmy was awarded an M.B.E. An honour of a different nature, in 1985, was when British Rail named a Class 37 diesel - electric locomotive ‘Jimmy Shand’. Later, in 1988, he was awarded an Honorary M.A. Degree by Dundee University.

Over a musical career that spanned an astonishing 70 years, Jimmy composed over three hundred tunes. They alone will ensure that Sir Jimmy Shand M.B.E., M.A. will continue to do as he has always done - bring pleasure to people from all walks of life, from the most humble, right through to Royalty. Jimmy is survived by his wife Lady Anne Shand and sons Jimmy (Jnr) and David. Further information at Memorials.
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