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Tragic Death of Tom Bruno, Pennsylvania - USA

Tom Bruno, aged 36, accordionist, repair technician and expert tuner, who had a shop in New Kensington, Pennsylvania, died on December 30th as the result of an accident. Tom was cutting a tree down, which fell on him.

Mr. Bruno began an accordion repair and restoration apprenticeship at the age of 12 under Mario Mosti, his teacher and mentor, eventually taking over the business upon Mosti’s retirement in 1997.

Tom Bruno was also a fine concert accordionist, and had performed with the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

He was a great admirer of Charles Magnante, and specialized in performing Magnante's compositions and arrangements. Tom was the featured artiste when the Magnante Estate was donated to A World of Accordions Museum in Superior, Wisconsin, in 2000. He has also recorded a CD of Magnante's music.

The funeral took place on January 5th at Mount Saint Peters church, and accordionist Henry Doktorski played ‘Ave Maria’ during the service.

Our condolences to his family and friends.
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