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逝世于4月5日:Vincenzo Borsini - 手风琴的一生 - 意大利

Vincenzo and Giancarlo Borsini
上图: Borsini 家族的 Vincenzo 和 Giancarlo Borsini 兄弟从1922年1月2日到2015年公司停止运营为止,生产 Borsini 手风琴长达几十年。

Giancarlo Borsini 于2019年7月22日去世。Vincenzo 于2021年4月5日去世。

关于文森佐的信息来自 Borsini 手风琴网站。

Vincenzo Borsini 。1934年出生在 卡斯特尔菲达多 Borsini 手风琴厂楼上的一间公寓里,他的父亲 Elio Borsini 于1922年创建了 Borsini 工厂。

1944年,他从技校毕业,10岁时开始跟随世界著名手风琴大师 Gervasio Marcosignori 的父亲 Giovanni Marcosignori 学习手风琴。1946年,Vincenzo 开始在 Borsini 工厂的机械部门工作,制造低音机械。由于 Vincenzo 拥有“完美音高”的天赋,他还研究了手风琴的声学,这使他改进了 Borsini 音域的音质,到1949年,他全职从事簧片和调音的准备工作。

In 1950 Vincenzo went to the U.S.A. to work as a repairman for one of the biggest accordion importers on the American West Coast and after 8 months, he moved to New York to work in the Excelsior factory, owned by his uncle Egisto Pancotti. During his time in New York Vincenzo was acquainted with many world famous accordionists of the time (Antony, Gallarini, Russ Messina, Carmen Carozza, John Molinari, Dick Contino and Frank Gaviani) and became a personal friend of none other than Pietro Deiro.

Having acquired a great wealth of knowledge and experience in the U.S.A., Vincenzo returned to Italy in 1957 to work with his family and contributed to the "Borsini boom" when the factory was exporting 6000 accordions annually. The good times continued for Borsini until 1963 when the popularity of the guitar caused a worldwide slump in accordion sales. Vincenzo, however, was undaunted by this and suggested to his brothers that they should specialise in producing only quality instruments and, after adopting this policy, Vincenzo introduced major manufacturing improvements resulting in top quality professional accordions, one of the first being a Cassotto model with 2 sets of reeds and weighing only 8 kilos (as played by Nick Ariondo). During this time, Vincenzo, wishing to improve his accordion technique, was studying with the famous Adamo Volpi.

In 1964, Vincenzo returned to the U.S.A. to work with Joseph Romagnoli, owner of the Italo-American Accordion Co. of Chicago where he was servicing and tuning accordions for the chain store Montgomery Ward. It was during this time that Vincenzo became a personal friend of Leon Sachs and Tony Dannon, whose influence led Vincenzo to develop a real jazz sound in the accordion. Tony Dannon was the founder and director of the Modern Accordion School of Champions and he personally taught the great Peter Soave using accordions produced and tuned by Vincenzo Borsini.

In 1981, in a joint project with Lars EK of Sweden, the nostalgic accordion was produced. This was a lightweight 4-voice accordion suited to the music of Frosini and Deiro.

Hohner Trossingen approached Vincenzo in 1985 to create a top quality free bass convertor line and it was during this time that he became friends with Franz Lindemeir, the quality control manager at Hohner. It was at the suggestion of Franz that Vincenzo produced an accordion for Hugo Noth, the musical director of the accordion department at the Trossingen Conservatory of Music. When Hugo played Vincenzo's accordion, he was so impressed by it that he embraced Vincenzo and refused to play any other accordion. When Hohner heard of Hugo Noth's accolade, they offered Vincenzo the job of senior technical manager with a fabulous salary, but Vincenzo declined, preferring his talent to benefit only Borsini.

Further advances were made in the bass mechanism of the free bass convertor models during 1988 when Vincenzo instructed the Gamma factory in Castelfidardo on the making of what became the system for the free bass convertor.

Vincenzo must surely be one of the most experienced technicians in Castelfidardo, he is also an amiable man who is now endeavouring to pass on his vast knowledge to younger employees of Borsini to encourage further developments and improvements in the accordion. He will readily co-operate with his competitors by giving them the benefit of his advice, playing their accordions and giving his opinion on possible improvements.

This is Vincenzo Borsini, musician, accordion player, teacher, tuner, technician - in his spare time: a tennis player and an undoubted legend in the accordion world.
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