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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 08-Nov-2019
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优胜者教师及学生新西兰免费游 - 新西兰
手风琴家们在“Between the Folds of the Bellows”音乐会上的获奖 - 意大利
庆祝“Vision for Two - 10 Years”新专辑发布的音乐会 - 奥地利
Franck Angelis 的新作《valse du clown》- 法国
手风琴家 Alex Meixner 荣获 Linny 奖 – 美国


2020年全国手风琴大会现已开放报名,德克萨斯州 - 美国
视频:Gorka Hermosa 的新曲子 Alabei 已完成录制 - 西班牙
William Schimmel 博士的新CD - 美国
Successful AWAM Concert by Japanese Accordionist Mihoko Goto - USA
New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand
Willie Nelson 的励志名言 - 美国


International Festival of Torres Vedras - Portugal
Jelena Milojevic 在“Tango del Cielo”,温哥华 - 加拿大
Maugein Exhibits at Dubai Design Week – United Arab Emirates
Ludovic Beier Performs at 20th Anniversary of the Django Reinhardt NY Festival – USA
Sergey Osokin 本月在首尔 - 韩国
18th Huellas de Tradición Festival in Lavalleja - Uruguay
Accordion Pops Orchestra Annual Christmas Concert, New Jersey – USA
"Carmen in 40 Minutes", London - England
Final 2019 CNIMA Christmas Accordion Courses – France
Closing Dates for 23rd Annual Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships - UK


Video: Stas Venglevski Performs Ice Meadow, Las Vegas - USA
Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association, Auckland - New Zealand

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优胜者教师及学生新西兰免费游 - 新西兰

New Zealand Accordion Association header
Poster: 2020 International Video Competition & Promotion of Accordion Music by Gary Daverne新西兰手风琴协会 New Zealand Accordion Association (NZAA) 公布了由新西兰著名作曲家 Gary Daverne 举办的2020年国际视频比赛和手风琴音乐推广活动。


该比赛是一个免费的在线“各年龄段和国籍的手风琴家视频大赛”。一等奖可获得去新西兰参加2020年5月30日至31日南太平洋手风琴锦标赛 (South Pacific Accordion Championships) 的往返机票,地点为新西兰奥克兰。包括3晚住宿以及一些额外的音乐会/度假活动。

参赛者必须发送由 Gary Daverne 创作的一个(或多个)作品的 mp4 视频,Gary Daverne 拥有丰富的手风琴曲目,包括:
- 独奏;
- 手风琴二重奏或手风琴与另一种乐器;
- 手风琴三重奏/合奏或带弦乐合奏的手风琴;
- 手风琴管弦乐队;
- 与手风琴管弦乐队合作的手风琴独奏或与弦乐团合作的手风琴独奏,又或是与交响乐团合作的手风琴独奏。


国际评委会将包括:Gary Daverne、Kevin Friedrich、Grayson Masefield、Stephanie Poole。




手风琴家们在“Between the Folds of the Bellows”音乐会上的获奖 - 意大利

Paolo Soprani 音乐学校与 Castelfidardo 文化委员会密切合作组织的 “The Council concert” 于10月27日在 Salon delle Stemmi 举行了开幕会。

此次活动的主题是“Between the Folds of the Bellows”。该活动还包括获得了由 AMARE 公司为纪念 Marino P igini 和 Nello Giaccaglia 而设立的奖学金的学生们的精彩表演。

获奖者包括 Nicolas 和 Fisitalia 手风琴总监 Giuseppe Chiaraluce 的儿子 Cristian Chiaraluce。

下图(左图):歌词歌手 Noris Borgogelli,Emilio Giaccaglia,Nicolas 和 Cristian Chiaraluce 的老师 Luigino Pallotta 发表演讲。


庆祝“Vision for Two - 10 Years”新专辑发布的音乐会 - 奥地利

Paier poster
视频:Klaus Paier 和 Asja Valcic 演奏 - Vision for Two, 10 Years

手风琴家 Klaus Paier 和大提琴手 Asja Valcic 作为二重奏组,创作音乐已有十年时间了。 11月15日,他们将在 Sparkassensaal Neunkirchen 举行音乐会,以庆祝他们的新专辑“Vision for Two - 10 Years”的发行。

他们的音乐旅程始于2009年发行首张专辑“ÀDeux”。从那时起 Paier 和 Valcic 便开始将他们独特的手风琴加大提琴的绝妙搭配发扬光大。




Franck Angelis 的新作《valse du clown》- 法国

World premiere of "valse du clown" by Franck Angelis performed by Chrstina Rossi.
Franck Angelis上方视频是在 PIF 2019Castelfidardo 上的“valse du clown”的全球首演。 音乐会的主题是“Christina Rossi (法国) 演奏 Angelis”。

这场音乐会非常独特且具有一定的历史意义,作曲家 Franck Angelis (左图) 出席并在音乐会上进行了讲话,还介绍了两首全球首场新的新曲子。 点击下方网站查看音乐会的视频: http://www.accordions.com/pifcastelfidardo/2019/21.htm

专为其朋友 Jacques Mornet 而作的 PDF 格式的 “valse du clown”,目录 ang570 现在已经可以在线购买,也可以在网上找到页面样本,售价仅€9.00

著名音乐学院 CNIMA J.MornetFranck AngelisJacques Mornet 有着悠久的音乐合作历史,许多学生都在国际比赛中成功演奏了 Angelis 。

Franck Angelis 所作的 Romance No. 2,目录 ang571 现已上市,仅售8.00欧元.


手风琴家 Alex Meixner 荣获 Linny 奖 – 美国

Linny Award
Alex Meixne2019年 Linny 奖的获得者将在11月14日于宾夕法尼亚州伯利恒 SteelStacks 的 ArtsQuest 中心的Musikfest 咖啡厅举办的 Linny 颁奖典礼上接受嘉奖,颁奖仪式将由 Yuengling 主持。

手风琴家 Alex Meixner 被授予了“年度最佳表演艺术家”称号。 该奖项旨在表彰代表在其领域拥有卓越表现的 Lehigh Valley 表演艺术家。

Accordions Worldwide 热烈祝贺 Alex 获得此奖项。



2020年全国手风琴大会现已开放报名,德克萨斯州 - 美国

NAA banner
Norman Seaton2020年全国手风琴大会 (2020 National Accordion Convention) 的报名现已开始,该大会将于2020年3月18日至21日在美国德克萨斯州理查森的凯悦酒店举行。


NAA 大会主席 Norman Seaton (左图) 宣布了2020年的主持人征集活动。乐队/交响乐团的主持人已由规划团队预选,并已在网站上列出。因此,对于那些希望在2020年成为令观众眼前一亮的大会主持人来说,年度表演者征集活动 (2020) 是完全开放的。希望以“共享会议主持人”身份参加大会的同时要举办研讨会的参会者需要填写2020年大会报名表格。

您可以在 National Accordion Convention 网站上找到报名表,或者您可以发送电子邮件至:


视频:Gorka Hermosa 的新曲子 Alabei 已完成录制 - 西班牙

Gorka HermosaGorka Hermosa 题为 Alabei 的新作品最近于2019年8月完成了录制。该曲由 Fernando Macaya 在月亮河工作室 (Santander) 录制。 Javier López “Javeta”(2019年10月)在 Estudios Vumeter (Cabezón de la Sal) 完成了混音,然后发布上市。请尽情欣赏吧!


William Schimmel 博士的新CD - 美国

Tango Scene from the movie "Scent of a Women" featuring William Schimmel performing:
William SchimmelWilliam Schimmel 博士最近发行了他的新CD “DragonFly on Fence”,这是一张新的数字专辑 - 关于经典音乐1-2-3的探戈是什么,以及带有与 Micki Goodman 合作的新视频 “Le Chat Noir” 和两本新书:《Milking your Accordion》和《Milking your Accordion》。

2019年12月1日:国家美术馆 - 与 Alicia Svigals 表演 Klezmer - 华盛顿特区
2019年12月8日:与 Cristina Fontanelli 举行音乐会 - 卡内基音乐厅
2019年12月14日:与 Alicia Svigals 表演 Klezmer - 罗德岛普罗维登斯
2019年12月27日至2020年1月22日:Wozzeck - 大都会歌剧院
2020年1月12日:Pee Wee King 的 Schimmel 博士的变奏曲首映
南北协奏乐团 - 纽约基督和圣史蒂芬教堂
2020年1月12日:Schimmel 博士的 Material Spirtual World 首演 - Kosavi 世界沙龙
2020年2月22日:《Tipsy Steps》的首映式 - 小出纪子 - 日本音乐节
2020年2月27日,28日和29日:Jorg Widmann - Babylon Suite - 纽约爱乐乐团 - 林肯中心

新视频 - Le Chat Noir-Schimmel 博士和 Micki Goodman - You Tube

新的数字专辑 - 关于经典音乐1-2-3的探戈 - 在 Amazon 和 CD Baby 上都有提供

新书:Milking your Accordion
手风琴调音学 -(必不可少的 Schimmel 博士)

新CD - DragonFly on Fence - Peter Jarvis,Percussion 和 Dr.Schimmel Composers Concorance/Naxos Records 的新作品。

Blues, Hues and Views - William Schimmel / Elliott Sharp - Cavity Search Records

有关更多信息,请发送电子邮件至: accordionbill@gmail.com


Successful AWAM Concert by Japanese Accordionist Mihoko Goto - USA

Mihoko GotoMihoko & ChiMihoko Goto performed a concert in October at AWAM. This “first” Japanese experience drew an audience of about a hundred people who greatly appreciated the musicianship of
Mihoko (picture above left) who literally danced around the stage.

Her program included concert pieces like Magnante’s "Accordion Boogie", Confrey’s "Dizzy Fingers", Piazzolla’s "Libertango", and even Bach’s "Toccata in D Minor". Her encore of "Dark Eyes" was an expansive version she had arranged.

Most pieces included improvisational sections she composed that showed off her technical skills, but more significantly, proved her ability to conceive music imaginatively and realize it through exceptionally controlled dynamics.

Mihoko also spoke about her studies in Japan. She has composed original pieces and set traditional Japanese tunes in contemporary styles, a few of which she played.

Mihoko became the accompanist when her friend Chiharu Ebihara (picture above right with white accordion) took the lead voice in two American West duets.

A repeat appearance is planned during the AWAM World Accordion Day Festival on May 2nd, 2020.


New Music by Gary Daverne - New Zealand

Gary DaverneGary Daverne ONZM has composed a new version of his popular Margarita duet, this time for accordion and piano. Catalog ED0050 - Margarita - accordion and piano

Gary Daverne after several requests, has also composed the accordion solo with piano accompaniment for his 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra. Catalog ED0082d

The 2nd Rhapsody for Accordion and Orchestra is composed for accordion solo with accordion orchestra or accordion solo with symphony orchestra. Full details at: Gary

These new works can also be used for the "Teachers - Win a trip to New Zealand" competition. Full information at:

Other Margarita duets are:
ED0051 - Margarita - accordion duet
ED0052 - Margarita - accordion & flute
ED0053 - Margarita Revisited - accordion solo & piano accompaniment
ED0054 - Margarita - accordion & soprano saxophone Bb
ED0055 - Margarita - accordion & viola
ED0056 - Margarita - accordion & violin


Willie Nelson 的励志名言 - 美国

Willie Nelson quote
在美国大受欢迎的音乐家、演员和维权人士 Willie Nelson 在七岁时创作了他的第一首歌,并在十岁时加入了他的第一支乐队。 一个朋友最近去了一家餐厅,并在墙上看到了这个鼓舞人心的名言。

手风琴与其他手风琴或任何其他乐器一样,是一种很棒的团体乐器,并且在一起演奏音乐的乐趣是适合于大众的。 感谢 Willie Nelson 的音乐名言。



International Festival of Torres Vedras - Portugal

The International Festival of Torres Vedras is currently underway and will run until November 9th. The festival features a variety of accordionists and bands, wine tasting, cheese and traditional sweets.

Program as follows:

November 8th: Janusz Prusinowski Trio (Poland – picture above right) at Theater-Cine in Torres Vedras. This trio are part of the revival of popular Polish music.
November 8th: Bianca (picture above left) at the Agricultural Professional School Fernando Barros Leal, Runa

November 9th: solo accordionist Ruben Alves at Promar, Porto Novo
November 9th: solo accordionist Rodrigp Mauricio at Noah Surf House, Santa Cruz
November 9th: João Carlos & Ricardo Abreu at Taskinha Chef, Torres Vedras
November 9th: Solo accordionist Tino Costa at Municipal Market Campelos, Campelos
November 9th: Solo accordionist John Castro at Agrarian Association Culture Recreation Bonabal, Bonabal

The festival will conclude with a concert entitled “Hidden Dances” at the Theater-Cine in Torres Vedras on November 9th from 9.30pm. The concert is a celebration of 30 years of contemporary Portuguese music. Accordion quartet Artur Fernandes, Filipe Ricardo, Filipe Cal and Francisco Miguel will entertain at this concert.

Their program includes chamber music, Tango Nuevo and other urban traditional music.

For details email: teatro.cine@cm-tvedras.pt


Jelena Milojevic 在“Tango del Cielo”,温哥华 - 加拿大

Tango poster
手风琴家 Jelena Milojevic 先生将于11月9日晚7:30在不列颠哥伦比亚温哥华的格罗夫纳剧院举行的 “Tango del Cielo”(天堂探戈)演出上进行表演。

Jelena Milojevic 作为特殊嘉宾将与 Anna Maria Mendieta(竖琴)、弦乐、打击乐和令人振奋的舞蹈一起表演。



Maugein Exhibits at Dubai Design Week – United Arab Emirates

Dubai logo
Held under the patronage of Her Highness Sheikha Maktoum, Chairperson of Dubai Culture & Arts Authority, the Dubai Design Week, may be the largest creative festival in the Middle East will be held this month.

The six-day program from November 11th to 16th covers a range of design disciplines including architecture, product design, interiors, multimedia and graphic design, with the majority of events being free to attend and accessible for both industry and public.

Last year over 75,000 visitors attended the event which included design-related events, exhibitions, performances, awards, talks, workshops and experiences.

This year’s exhibitors include Maugein Accordion Manufacturers (France) who will display instruments from their Padam collection.


Ludovic Beier Performs at 20th Anniversary of the Django Reinhardt NY Festival – USA

Video 1:
Video 2
Ludovic BierVideo 1: Brazilian Love Affair (G. Duke)
Tribute to George Duke / Accordion, Live In Studio 2019 SESSIONS
"Thank you George for your great inspiration..."

Video 2:Django Reinhardt NY Fest at Birdland + special guest Stéphane Séva
June,27, 2015 New York , Birdland jazz Club Django Reinhardt NY Fest featuring Django Festival Allstars: Samson Schmitt (guitar) with Ludovic Beier (accordion) Pierre Blanchard (violin) Douodu Cuillerier (guitar) Brain Torff (Bass) + special guest Stéphane Séva (Washboard) playing "The Sheik of Araby"

Accordionist Ludovic Beier will perform at the 20th Anniversary of the Django Reinhardt NY Festival at Birdland Jazz Club, produced by Pat Philips-Stratta and her late partner, conductor Ettore Stratta. The festival, which will run from November 12th to 18th, began in 1999, and has featured many talented musicians over the years who embody the gypsy jazz style of music by the great Django Reinhardt.

Ludovic will be joined by Samson Schmitt (guitar) and Amati Schmitt (guitar), Pierre Blanchard (violin), Francko Mehrstein (rhythm guitar), Gino Roman (bass) and special guests Ken Peplowski, Tim Ries, Joel Frahm, Grace Kelly and Roger Kellaway.

Ludovic performs on the French and European scene with some of the top players of the Django/Swing Jazz style including Angelo Debarre, Dorado Schmitt and Florin Niculescu.

For details email: patmusic2@gmail.com


Sergey Osokin 本月在首尔 - 韩国

Sergey Osokin
手风琴家 Sergey Osokin 先生将于11月14日至18日访问韩国,该行程由 Lifemusic Association 主席 Jeon Doo Hwan 和艺术总监 Alexander Sheykin 先生组织,他将在首尔举办一系列的音乐会和大师班。

11月16日,Sergey 将开办个人课程和小组大师班,课程中包括特殊的个人练习技巧,以及一场名为“如何成为一个古典和爵士手风琴家”的讲座。 这些都将于上午10点至下午3点在 118 Beodeul-ro, Wonseong 2(i)-dong, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan, Chungcheongnam-do 举行。

11月17日,韩国手风琴家将举行音乐会,下午3点,Sergey 将作为特邀嘉宾在天安艺术中心参与表演。 Sergey 的节目将包括他自己安排的 Kurt Weill 的“Mack the knife”,Richard Galliano 的 “Fou rire” 和 Meccano 的 “Hijo de la Luna” 。

CD查看请点击: Sergey Osokin


18th Huellas de Tradición Festival in Lavalleja - Uruguay

The 18th annual Huellas de Tradición Festival (Festival of Footprints) will take place in Lavalleja Village, Salta Uruguay from November 15th to 17th. The event is a Creole festival of horse riders, in which there will be exhibitions, parades, activities & demonstrations with cattle and horses, a stage set up for artistic and musical performances and a final festival dance.

Folklore band “Fuelles Salteños” will entertain at this festival on November 15th. The band consists of vocalists Caterin Zaz & Vanessa Zaz, accordionists Elida Rusconi, Walter Olhausen & Carlos Seyañes, Federico Zacarias (bass), Franco Nuñez (guitar) and Miguel Acosta (drums).

Their program will include folk music such as Kilometer 11, La Ariscona, Yaguatirica, Le Dentradora as well as some Uruguayan cumbias (dance music).

See poster for further details.
Fuelles band


Accordion Pops Orchestra Annual Christmas Concert, New Jersey – USA

Accordion Pops posterThe Accordion Pops Orchestra conducted by Al Terzo will present their 49th annual Christmas concert on November 17th at 3pm at Conlon Hall Auditorium, St. John the Evangelist Church in Bergenfield, New Jersey.

The largest professional accordion orchestra of its kind on the East Coast, the group consists entirely of accordions plus percussion instruments. In addition, the orchestra often accompanies guest soloists including pianists and vocal artists.

For further information email: webmaster@accordionpops.com


"Carmen in 40 Minutes", London - England

Carmen eventRomano V“Carmen in 40 Minutes” will be held at the Royal Opera House, Linbury Theatre Foyer, Covent Garden in London on November 17th.

This ROH Late event will feature two performances of a shortened version of Carmen arranged for piano, accordion and violin, telling the story of how Carmen and Don José fall in love and end up in a state of despair. The arrangement includes the famous Habanera, Flower Song and heart-breaking finale.

Accordionist Romano Viazzani (picture above right) will be joined by Alexander James Edwards (tenor), Marie Elliott (mezzo-soprano), Philippa Mo (violin) and Elizabeth Rowe (piano).

For details phone: +44 (0)20 7304 4000


Final 2019 CNIMA Christmas Accordion Courses – France

CNIMA logo
CNIMAThe CNIMA directed by Nathalie Boucheix will hold two final holiday workshops for 2019 in December as follows:

Five day course from December 27th to 31st
2½ day course from December 27th to 29th

Tutors Jacques Mornet and Nathalie Boucheix will focus on Jacques Mornet's method, which enables the student to work efficiently on any problem whether related to rhythm, technique or musicality. This allows each student to reveal their real potential, opening the path of musicality.

Each course will include group lessons (work on body positions and use of joints, phrasing and bellows) as well as individual lessons.

A video (not compulsory for adults) will be shot at the beginning and the end of the workshops. There will be a de-briefing at the end of the workshops and each student will receive a personal evaluation.

A final student’s concert (not compulsory for adults) will be held on December 30th.

For further details and registrations email: cnima@wanadoo.fr
CNIMA Xmas logo


Closing Dates for 23rd Annual Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships - UK

Clyde JohnstonThe 23rd Northern Ireland Open Accordion Championships will be held in the Loughshore Hotel, Carrickfergus on February 22nd, 2020 from 9am organised by Clyde Johnston (picture right).

A Prize Presentation will take place at a Gala Concert and Ceilidh Dance on the Saturday night in the Hotel. There will also be a 'Free & Easy' concert on the Friday night (February 21st) from 8pm featuring top accordionists from the UK and Ireland.

The 2019 22nd Championships held earlier this year attracted a huge entry and early indications suggest this could be surpassed in 2020 with competitors from England, Scotland and the Irish Republic as well as a strong local entry.

The event caters for all types of accordion music with Solo, Duet, Group, Orchestral and Marching Band Sections suitable for all ages and grades and ranging in styles from classical and continental to traditional. It promises to be a musical feast with three halls in use all day.

The Championships are run under the rules of the National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) and are a qualifying heat for the 2020 UK Championships held in Liverpool, England. This means that any UK resident who competes in an NAO Section at the Championships will have qualified to compete in the relevant Section of the UK Championships.

In addition to the NAO Sections a number of non-NAO sections have been introduced including Irish Traditional and introduced for the first time earlier this year, Jimmy Shand & Shand Morino sections.

The closing date for entries is 31st December 2019.

For details email: clyde.johnston@hotmail.co.uk



Video: Stas Venglevski Performs Ice Meadow, Las Vegas - USA

Stas VenglevskiVideo: Ice Meadow now available in pdf format, composed and performed by Stas Venglevski.

Stas Venglevski performs Ice Meadow at the recent Las Vegas International Accordion Convention. The work is available in pdf format able to be emailed to you.

Catalog: vstas062 Ice Meadow View a sample page of the music, US$6 or Euro equivalent sent to your email. Daily Reports, pictures and video at: 2019LasVegas


Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association, Auckland - New Zealand

New Zealand Accordion Association Inc (NZAA) header
The New Zealand Accordion Association has changed the registered office address and phone number.

The Prospectus (rules and entry information) will be published by 1st December for the 2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and Festival being held Saturday 30 May and Sunday 31 May 2020.


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