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每周新闻来自世界各地的 - 01-Nov-2019
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每日报道:20周年手风琴庆典拉斯维加斯国际手风琴大会成功举行 - 美国
“EURASIA III”比赛结果:第三届俄罗斯民间乐器表演者国际比赛,叶卡捷琳堡 – 俄罗斯
Marko Kassl 在“ RaumKlang”音乐节上新对位的五场首演 – 德国
Vladimir Ushakov 参加电视连续剧 - 俄罗斯


NAO 地区节日从本月开始 - 英国
视频:Stas Venglevski 表演了 Ice Meadow,拉斯维加斯 - 美国
旅游目的地庆祝慕尼黑啤酒节精神,罗托鲁瓦 - 新西兰
比赛结果:第六届国际学生比赛,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯


Kosmos Ensemble November Concerts - UK
Michael Bridge 在AWAM的演示研讨会 - 美国
Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Entertains - Germany
Accordionist Gorka Hermosa November Concerts – Spain and France
12th Annual Noir Fest, Vancouver – Canada
Accordion Chamber Music at The Royal Academy of Music, London - England
December 31st Closing Date for Composing Competition for Accordion & Flute – Germany


Updated Site: SaxAkkord Duo Video Added Plus Extra Information - Russia
Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association, Auckland - New Zealand

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每日报道:20周年手风琴庆典拉斯维加斯国际手风琴大会成功举行 - 美国

Las Vegas International Accordion Convention header
Video 1: Grayson Masefield performs Impasse 2nd mvt by Franck Angelis

Video 2: Antonio Spaccarotella Urban Contemporary Accordion

Video 3: Czardus Duet by Stas Venglevski and Tatijana Semichastnaya
Gina Branelli, Paul Pasquali, Antonio Spaccarotella, Gordon Kohl20周年手风琴庆典拉斯维加斯国际手风琴大会( Las Vegas International Accordion Convention )已于2019年10月14日至17日成功举行。活动主题是20周年的庆典,以庆祝所有美好的时光,伟大的艺术家以及与该活动有关的许多回忆。每日报告,活动照片和视频可点一下链接查看:2019LasVegas

今年出席的手风琴家(按字母顺序排列)有 Gina Brannelli (右上), Elena Fainshtein , Liz Finch , Gordon Kohl , Ginny Mac , Grayson MasefieldPaul Pasquali (右上), Cory Pesaturo , Tatijana Semichastnaya , Joan SommersAntonio Spaccarotella (右下), Mary Tokarski , Steve 和 Michael Trucco , Stas Venglevski 和 Mike Zampiceni 。

活动组织者 Paul Pasquali 从盐湖城为他的会议室运送了所有的手风琴,音乐和材料,以及声音和灯光。 Paul 今年自豪地推出了新的模式“Concerto 2019”。

这场精彩的庆典邀请了 Joan Sommers 教授指挥拉斯维加斯国际手风琴乐团(视频位于《每日报道》第17期)。我鼓励大家都来参加明年的活动,时间是2020年10月26日星期一至2020年10月29日星期四。

下图:指挥 Joan Sommers 在音乐会结束时感谢她的乐队演奏家。

Prof. Joan Sommers applauds orchestra


“EURASIA III”比赛结果:第三届俄罗斯民间乐器表演者国际比赛,叶卡捷琳堡 – 俄罗斯

10月24日至30日在叶卡捷琳堡举行的俄罗斯民间乐器“ EURASIA III”表演者国际比赛中“巴扬”组和“手风琴”组的获奖者情况如下:

第一名:Danil Sharavyev
第二名:Arslan Aliyev
第三名:Nikita Syrchin

第一名:Olzhas Nurlanov
第二名:Vladimir Stupnikov
第三名:Arthur Adrshin

该比赛的发起者是俄罗斯联邦文化部,斯维尔德洛夫斯克州文化部,以 M.P. Mussorgsky,乌拉尔音乐学院,以P.I.柴可夫斯基为名的斯维尔德洛夫斯克音乐学院,并且得到了 Mikhail Ulyashkin 慈善基金会的支持。



最后排 - Vladimir Mityakov (俄罗斯),Mikhail Horobtsov(俄罗斯),Zoran Rakich(塞尔维亚)

第二排 - Yevgeny Yeelinsky(俄罗斯),Igor Gerber(俄罗斯),Viktor Romanko(俄罗斯),Kozlov Viktorovich(俄罗斯),Alexey Buryakov(俄罗斯),Andrei Kugaevsky(俄罗斯)

前排 - Amirov Shaukat Sabirovich(俄罗斯),Rajap Shaykhutdinov(俄罗斯),Damir Sultanov(哈萨克斯坦),Tatiana Marx(澳大利亚),Nikolai Sevryukov(白俄罗斯), Friedrich Lips (俄罗斯), Mirco Patarini (意大利), Oleg Sharov (俄罗斯), Natalia Shkrebko(俄罗斯),Mikhail Ovchinnikov(俄罗斯)。


Marko Kassl 在“ RaumKlang”音乐节上新对位的五场首演 – 德国

Video 1:
Video 2:
Marko KasslArt Ensemble NRW视频1:Marcotello 二重奏组演奏 Ernest Bloch 的乐曲“Prayer”,组合成员为 Marko Kassl(手风琴)和 Othello Liesmann(大提琴)。
视频2:Toshio Hosokawa 作曲:Marko Kassl(手风琴)和 Gudula Rosa(竖笛)演奏 Bird Fragments III。

11月2日和3日,Marko Kassl(左图)将在 Bergerkirche Düsseldorf 与合奏团合作演出五首新的手风琴乐曲,作为 Dusseldorf 新音乐协会 Musik 21音乐节“新对位”的一部分。

在NRW艺术团的陪同下(右上图),在 Miro Dobrowolny 的指挥下,他将首演以下作品:

Johannes K. Hildebrandt: Wandeln (2019)
Erik Janson: Stille - fliegend durch Räume (2019)
Miro Dobrowolny: Dixtuor (2019)
Margareta Ferek-Petric: Seven Lovely Sins (2019)
Martin Wistinghausen: Sine Verbis Loqui (2019)




Vladimir Ushakov 参加电视连续剧 - 俄罗斯

Vladimir Ushakov
手风琴家 Vladimir Ushakov 最近受到邀请参加了由俄罗斯电视电影公司第一频道拍摄的电视节目“Bayopik”中的一集的拍摄。


音乐必须符合那个时代的标准。 在很短的时间内,这几首乐曲就诞生了,并被改编成了合奏曲。在彩排过后,这一集的拍摄于10月24日在圣彼得堡的一个巨大的亭子里(有特别搭建的布景)进行。

上图所示的音乐团体的成员有 Shafayat Gadzhiev(手风琴),Vladimir Ushakov(手风琴),Lina Kolesnik(小提琴),Vladimir Bogomolov(吉他)和 Dmitry Golovchenko(低音提琴)。



NAO 地区节日从本月开始 - 英国

NAO Banner
英国国家手风琴组织 National Accordion Organisation of the United Kingdom (NAO) 将于2020年4月25日至27日在利物浦的 Adelphi 酒店举行2020年年度锦标赛和音乐节。

地区节将从2019年11月6日在中北部举行,直到2020年3月8日在西北举行,在那里参赛者或有资格参加2020年锦标赛。 以下是这些地区节日的完整列表,并附有联系方式。

competition info


视频:Stas Venglevski 表演了 Ice Meadow,拉斯维加斯 - 美国

Stas Venglevski视频:由 Stas Venglevski 创作和表演的PDF格式的 Ice Meadow 现在可购买。

Stas Venglevski 在最近举行的拉斯维加斯国际手风琴大会( Las Vegas International Accordion Convention )上演奏了 Ice Meadow。 该作品以pdf格式对外提供,我们可以通过电子邮件发送给您。

目录:vstas062 Ice Meadow 查看发送到您的电子邮件中的音乐样本页,价格为6美元或等值的欧元。 每日报告,图片和视频在:2019LasVegas


旅游目的地庆祝慕尼黑啤酒节精神,罗托鲁瓦 - 新西兰

Lionel Reekie在新西兰罗托鲁瓦最受欢迎的旅游景点其中的一处,以啤酒节为主题的下午带动了北半球的精神,国际手风琴家 Lionel Reekie 也为大家献上了表演(左图)。

Lionel 的表演包括必不可少的慕尼黑啤酒节的华尔兹、波尔卡舞曲、民间音乐,甚至还有著名的“小鸟舞”,但他也能把其他一些类型的音乐混在一起,一边与食客们漫步一边接受表演请求,其中包括演唱几首德国和意大利的著名名曲。

罗托鲁瓦(Rotorua)在距奥克兰(Lionel 所在地)以南3小时的车程处。


比赛结果:第六届国际学生比赛,莫斯科 – 俄罗斯

Russia poster
10月19日至25日,第六届独联体大学民族乐器演奏家国际学生大赛在莫斯科格涅辛音乐学院举行。比赛项目包括手风琴、民歌、domra 和 balalaika。



Lun Jinhan
Nurlanov Olzhas

Volchkov Mikhail
Ugorcin Denis

Mykitenko Alexey
Ermolaev Egor
Aliev Arslan



Kosmos Ensemble November Concerts - UK

Balliol College
Milos MilivojevicThe Kosmos Ensemble which includes accordionist Milos Milivojevic (picture left) will perform at the Balliol Musical Society concert held at the Balliol Hall, Balliol College (picture above) in Oxford on November 3rd at 8.30pm.

On November 16th, the ensemble will perform for the Weston Music Society, Holy Trinity Church, Weston in Hertfordshire at 7.30pm.

The ensemble of accordion, violin and viola play a programme inspired by Gypsy, Greek, Jewish, Japanese and tango music.

For further information email: admin@milosmilivojevic.com


Michael Bridge 在AWAM的演示研讨会 - 美国

AWAM header
Michael Bridge视频:Michael Bridge 表演J·S·巴赫的《G大调第五组曲,BWV 816》。

手风琴家 Michael Bridge 将在11月5日下午2点至3:30在威斯康星州苏必利尔市的世界手风琴博物馆 World of Accordions Museum (AWAM) 举行演示研讨会。



Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling Entertains - Germany

For over ten years, the Akkordeon-Orchester Wesseling has been giving an afternoon concert for residents, employees and guests of the CBT Ein Unternehmen der Caritas Homes St. Lucia. This year’s concert will be held on November 10th.

Conducted by Anita Brandtstäter, the orchestra will play a diverse program of pieces from classical to rock/pop/jazz - from Bach to Bernstein, from Mozart to Mancini.


Accordionist Gorka Hermosa November Concerts – Spain and France

Gorka Hermosa will give a variety of concerts in Spain and France during November.
As well as solo performances Gorka will join with the María Blanchard String Ensemble in Santander and Raquel Martín who presents 'Paso dos', a poetry recital with musical accompaniment (by Gorka) at the Centro Cultural Puerto Chico in Santander.

Concert schedule:

November 8th: “Hezurbeltzak” (picture below) – Igorre, Bizkaia, Spain
November 9th: “Hezurbeltzak” – Usurbil, Gipuzkoa, Spain
November 12th: Gorka Hermosa & María Blanchard String Ensemble - Palacio de Festivales, Santander, Cantabria
November 21st: Raquel Martín & Gorka Hermosa - Centro Cultural Puerto Chico, Santander at 7.30pm
November 24th: Edurne Zabalo & Gorka Hermosa - Txillida Lantokia, Legazpi, Gipuzkoa
November 30th: Solo concert in Hazparne, France

For details email: gorka@gorkahermosa.com
Gorka H


12th Annual Noir Fest, Vancouver – Canada

12th Noirfest poster
Nuvo ZydecoThe 12 Annual Accordion Noir Fest will be held at the Wise Hall mainstage (1882 Adanac at Victoria) in East Vancouver on November 15th and 16th.

November 15th performers include “Wolfbrood” with Daniel Citynski on accordion and vocals, Zydeco dance band “Nuvo Zydeco” with Dan Kahila on accordion and backing vocals (picture left), Duo Vilda (Finland) and Sudanda.

On November 16th, performances will be given by the Squeezebox Circle Orchestra and Accordion Noir theme song composer Andy Fielding at Spartacus Books (3378 Findlay Street) as well as a reading by squeezebox historian Bruce Triggs from his new history book "Accordion Revolution", a screening of assorted Saturday Morning Accordi-toons, accordion open mic spots for anyone who wants to play, and an accordion parade (weather permitting) around Trout Lake.

For details email: accnoir@gmail.com


Accordion Chamber Music at The Royal Academy of Music, London - England

RAM logoThe Royal Academy of Music accordion department will hold their first chamber music concert of the new academic year on November 21st at 1pm.

The concert will feature an afternoon performance of the accordion department’s students, including the new intake of students performing works within several instrumental configurations.

Held at the David Josefowitz Recital Hall, Marylebone Road, London, the concert is free of charge.

For general enquiries, phone: +44 (0)20 7873 7373


December 31st Closing Date for Composing Competition for Accordion & Flute – Germany

Composing logoDuo ArtinaDuo Artina which includes Martina Jembrišak (accordion) and Andrea Jelavic (flute) announce an opportunity for composers of any age to have their works premiered in June 2020 in Gustav Adolf Church in Berlin, Germany. The winning compositions will be also recorded on CD.

The objective of the contest is to promote the creation of pieces for accordion in chamber music.

Guidelines for submissions:
1. The competition is open to composers of any age and nationality.
2. Composers may submit multiple works. The works must be written for flute/piccolo and accordion.
3. The submitted works should not have been premiered in any public performance or through any digital or mechanical means. Works that have been previously premiered will not be admitted.
4. Works of any aesthetic and stylistic direction, not longer than 6 minutes may be submitted.
5. Scores must be submitted in PDF format, together with the bio of the composer.
6. Performers will have the right to record, produce and distribute the performance of works which are going to be chosen.
7. Composers will receive a CD recording and will be invited to premiere in Berlin.

The deadline for entries is December 31st, 2019. For further information about instrument requirements and the competition, please email: duoartina@gmail.com



Updated Site: SaxAkkord Duo Video Added Plus Extra Information - Russia

SaxAkkord Duo
SaxAkkord Performs Sabre Dance
Updated Site: SaxAkkord Duo of Arseniy Strokovskiy (accordion) and Ivan Dyma (saxophones) have added video from their recent performance in Castelfidardo Festival and added extra information.


Updated Site: New Zealand Accordion Association, Auckland - New Zealand

New Zealand Accordion Association Inc (NZAA) header
The New Zealand Accordion Association has changed the registered office address and phone number.

The Prospectus (rules and entry information) will be published by 1st December for the 2020 South Pacific and New Zealand Championships and Festival being held Saturday 30 May and Sunday 31 May 2020.


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