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Vivant! and World Accordion Champion Grayson in Exciting Concert, Kansas City - USA

Grayson Masefield
Vivant! teamed with World Accordion Champion, Grayson Masefield to perform an exciting and interesting program for an appreciative audience recently in Kansas City. For this celebration concert, the festive stage was decorated in turquoise and silver balloons, turquoise being the color of the day.

Masefield took the stage and his energetic presentation and virtuosic passagework wowed the crowd. He shared some interesting tidbits about the works he performed to the delight of the audience.

Vivant! kept things lively by presenting fresh new works and arrangements by their Musical Director, Karen Fremar, while rolling out their new CD, ‘Whatever You Do’. Vivant! is loaded with hot percussion and brass which supports the accordions and a unique blend of interesting electronic sounds on keyboards. Vivant! members include Dee Sligar - bass keyboard, Gail Overly – accordion, Julie Silfverberg - accordion/keyboard, Karen Fremar - accordion/keyboard, Sarrah Cantrell - percussion/mallets/keyboard, and Janne Silfverberg - trombone/percussion. Hannah Cantrell assisted the group as auxiliary percussionist for this concert.

Fremar explained that ‘Sterling Illusions’, a new work for trombone, vibraphone and accordion, was commissioned by group trombonist, Janne Silfverberg, and was premiered the previous week at his senior trombone performance recital. ‘Herricks Road’, the recent work commissioned by the American Accordionists' Association for Faithe Deffner's Lifetime Achievement Award, was presented by Vivant! in a new setting that employed additional percussion, accordion, bass, and keyboard strings and woodwinds.

Following Masefield's variety program segment, Fremar took a few moments to interview him - asking him to share with the audience some of the special aspects of his concert accordion, and also to describe a typical day in his training regimen in France. "We hit the first note at 6 am," Masefield told the astonished audience, "and after a break of a couple of hours for lunch, we practised into the evening, with a lesson at 9 or 10pm each evening." Vivant! then presented Masefield with a Vivant! T-shirt and a Kansas University hat, making him an ‘Honorary Vivanter’, as the crowd erupted into cheers and warm applause.

Both Vivant! and Masefield left their audience enthused and wanting more as they were greeted with several standing ovations and encore requests. The final treat of the afternoon of musical surprises was an impromptu duo of International Entertainment Champions Masefield and Fremar with Vivant! backing them in an electric version of Piazzolla's ‘Libertango

For a complete report, visit the Vivant website or for further information email: vivant@vivantsound.com
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