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Weekly News from Around the World - 30-Apr-2010
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Особенности Highlights

Награда за музыку Айдара Гайнуллина к фильму, Москва – Россия
Конкурс Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (NAO) Великобритании, Блэкпул – Великобритания
Международный конкурс аккордеонистов, Алкобаса – Португалия
Нейл Фодден (Neil Fodden),1939-2010, графство Дербишир – Великобритания

Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Reykjavík Arts Festival - Iceland
3rd UNAC Accordion Meeting 2010, Segovia - Spain
The International Team Deschamps – Portugal, Greece
Concert in Memory of Mogens Ellegaard, Moscow - Russia
Grayson Masefield Concert Debut in New York – USA
USA Today Pictures Wetland All-Stars - USA

Будущие события

UK Group Bohemian Nights International Tour - New Zealand
Cavagnolo Events, Annonay, Strasbourg – France
John Kirkpatrick on BBC4 TV ‘Sea Fever’ Soundtrack – UK
Michael Bridge Radio Broadcast with the Boston Pops - USA
International Accordion Festival and Competition - Ireland
‘Allo Allo’ Stage Show, Cheshire – UK
Polka Dance Fund Raiser, Minnesota – USA
Accordion Orchestra Course, Devon – UK

Новые и обновленные сайты

May Diatonic News Online 1st May
May USA News Online 1st May
Franck Angelis release new music
Gary Dahl Releases One New Work
NAA Publications New Music Releases
Yehuda Releases One New Work
Mario Tacca Releases New Music

CD Отзывы

"R. Galliano plays BACH"

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Особенности Highlights

Награда за музыку Айдара Гайнуллина к фильму, Москва – Россия

Aydar Gaynullin31 марта на церемонии награждения победителей национальной Российской кинопремии "Ника” музыка Айдара Гайнуллина для фильма Ивана Вырыпаева "Кислород" была номинирована в категории "Лучшая музыка к фильму”.

Айдар Гайнуллин уже имеет в своем активе премии “Ника” и "Белый слон" за музыку к фильму Ивана Вырыпаева 'Эйфория' и 'Кинотавр' за фильм "Кислород”.

Сейчас Айдар закончил музыку к фильму Славы Росса "Сибирь. Любовь моя", продюсером которого впервые выступила крупнейшая кинокомпания в Европе ‘Euro Cop’ (Франция) и известный режиссер Люк Бессон.Фильм "Сибирь. Любовь моя" будет представлен в этом году на Каннском кинофестивале.

19 апреля Айдар Гайнуллин вместе с группой "Евразия" был приглашен выступить на встрече президента России Дмитрия Медведева и президента Узбекистана Ислама Каримова.


Конкурс Национальной Аккордеонной Ассоциации (NAO) Великобритании, Блэкпул – Великобритания

2010 NAO National Championships
Graham Laurie, Raymond and Alexander BodellКонкурс и фестиваль NAO Великобритании привлек более 435 заявок на участие исполнителей всех возрастов и уровней – от 7-летних детей до участников профессиональных оркестров высокого уровня.

Уикенд начался с конкурса исполнителей на цифровых аккордеонах Roland UK V-Accordion, который NAO проводит во второй раз. В конкурсе приняли 10 финалистов, отобранных на предыдущем этапе в Блэкпуле. Победителем взрослой категории стала Джули Лэнгтон (Julie Langton) из Блэкпула. Она будет представлять Великобританию на Международном Финале конкурса Roland V-Accordion, который состоится в ноябре в Риме. В категории юниоров победил Патрик Хилл (Patrick Hill).

Также во второй раз NAO провела конкурс композиторов. В секции профессиональных композиторов победила Каролин Броудхед (Karolyn Broadhead ). А 17-летний Грэм Лори мл. (Graham Laurie Junior) победил в категории «Соло композиция» в секции юниоров.

В течение 3 дней публика услышала игру замечательных музыкантов. Среди них победитель в 4 категориях (исполнители до 13 лет, исполнители до 12 лет: полька и мюзет, юниоры – категория соло) 11-летний Александр Бодель (Alexander Bodell), Лиам Джозеф Моран (лауреат в категории до 17 лет) и Брэндон Хиндл (Brandon Hindle).

В ходе фестиваля состоялся Британский отбор на международный конкурс «Кубок мира» (CIA Coupe Mondiale) 2010, который пройдет в Хорватии. Были отобраны Пол Чемберлен (Paul Chamberlain ) в категорию концертных исполнителей (Senior Coupe Mondiale) и Александр Бодель в юниорскую категорию исполнителей легкой музыки (Junior Virtuoso Entertainment).

В категории оркестры победили коллективы под управлением Грэма Лори (Graham Laurie), Брайана Лори (Brian Laurie), Гарри Хинчклиффа (Harry Hinchcliffe), Гэри Блэра (Gary Blair), Илэйн Бичем (Elaine Beecham) и Адама Уилкинсона (Adam Wilkinson).

В этом году NAO с большим удовольствием присудила свою престижную премию «За заслуги» Грэму Лори (Graham Laurie) за его постоянную поддержку и преданность NAO на протяжении более 25 лет. Премия Associate Award была присуждена Джеффу Холтеру (Geoff Holter).

Во время фестиваля в гостинице «Метрополь» традиционно проходила выставка и демонстрация продукции Roland.

Ни один Британский фестиваль не обходится без музыки Celidh. Гари Блэр (Gary Blair ) и его ансамбль устроили прекрасный вечер.

Конкурс-фестиваль был организован Раймондом Боделем (Raymond Bodell) – Председателем NAO и Президентом CIA, и Анной Бодель (Anna Bodell) – заместителем председателя, при участии исполнительной власти и должностных лиц NAO.

Результаты конкурса можно просмотреть на веб-сайте NAO.


Международный конкурс аккордеонистов, Алкобаса – Португалия

Poster & Aníbal Freire, President of the Alcobaça Accordion AssociationАнибал Фрейре (Aníbal Freire), президент Ассоциации Аккордеона города Алкобасы, пишет: «Пятнадцатый конкурс Accordion National Trophy и Первый международный конкурс Accordion International Prize ‘Cidade de Alcobaça’ прошли с огромным успехом. Конкурсы исполнительства на этом благородном, интеллектуальном и, в то же время, популярном инструменте, привлекли молодых исполнителей из Португалии, Испании, Франции, Италии и Сербии (представители России и Польши не смогли приехать).

Вновь Алкобаса доказала, что находится на переднем крае музыкального искусства, в частности, исполнительства на аккордеоне, показала возможность приглашать на такие конкурсы большое число участников. Внутри страны – это ведущий город аккордеонного искусства. Что касается международного положения, конкурсы, проводимые в этом городе, достигли уровня, близкого к лучшим международным конкурсам мира, не только в отношении количества конкурсантов, но и в отношении высокого художественного уровня участников.

As always, the Associação De Acordeão De Alcobaça committed itself to placing Portugal and Alcobaça names in the memory of all who have visited us and participated in these events.

Названия Португалия и Алкобаса останутся памяти всех, кто посетил нас и принял участие в этих мероприятиях.

Алкобаса и Аккордеон идут рука об руку уже 15 лет. Мир аккордеона, безусловно, всегда будет благодарен Алкобасе – «Земле Страсти».

Дополнительная информация по e-mail: anibalfreire@hotmail.com


Нейл Фодден (Neil Fodden),1939-2010, графство Дербишир – Великобритания

Accordion world magazineНейл Фодден, редактор журнала “Accordion world” скончался от инсульта во вторник 27 апреля 2010.

Он родился на северо-востоке Великобритании в 1939 году, начал играть на аккордеоне в возрасте 10 лет и уже вскоре выступал в местных пабах, клубах и танцевальных залах. В те дни акустической музыка была еще популярна, и слово дискотека еще не было изобретено.

Способности Нейла раскрывались на вечерах бальных танцев, где он много выступал. Он стал одним из первых исполнителей на электронном аккордеоне, записал две пластинки танцевальной музыки – “Stepping Out” и “Stepping Out 2” под псевдонимом Алан Нейл.

В конце 1960-х Нейл начал работать инженером в Замбии, где он играл на танцевальных вечерах от Лусаки до Китве, аккомпанировал приглашенным артистам.

Пять лет Нейл был секретарем Национальной аккордеонной организации Великобритании, а в последнее время, начиная с февраля 2008 года, редактором журнала "Accordion World", став преемником покойного Дэвида Кина.

У Нейла остались жена Кэт и дочь Карина. Карина Фодден, аккордеонистка и победитель многих конкурсов NAO, возьмет на себя руководство журналом, которой будет продолжаться работу, как раньше.

Друзьям Нейла, аккордеонистам всей Великобритании, будет его очень не хватать. Покойся с миром.


Отчеты для концертов, мастер-классов, конкурсов, фестивалей и т. Д.

Reykjavík Arts Festival - Iceland

Vadim Fedorov and Kimmo PohjonenThe Reykjavík Arts Festival is held every year in May, and this year’s event runs from May 12th until June 5th. It was held biennially from 1970 and annually from 2004. The festival is one of Northern Europe's the oldest and most respected arts festivals. The programmes offer a range of concerts, theatre performances, exhibitions, dance and opera. In combination with its focus on Icelandic culture, past and present, the festival has hosted many outstanding international artistes and performers.

This year's accordion guest, Finland’s Kimmo Pohjonen, performs on May 21st at 9 pm. The Finnish musician, often referred to as the Jimi Hendrix of the accordion, expands musical horizons with his unforgettable one-man show featuring extreme and original compositions, live loops and effects, dynamic and animated stage performance with orchestrated lights and surround sound.

Vadim Fedorov plays together with the Icelandic singer Sólveig Samúelsdóttir in the Paintrsstudio on May 22nd, 2pm, and May 23rd at 12noon.

For further information email: edda@artfest.is


3rd UNAC Accordion Meeting 2010, Segovia - Spain

Angel Luis Castaño group
Angel Luis Castaño studentsLast weekend (April 23rd - 25th) the Spanish national accordion association, UNAC (www.unac.es) organized the third Accordion Meeting 2010 in Segovia. Each year this meeting is dedicated to an accordion related theme, this year being ‘Accordion Education – Accordion pedagogy for children, Arrangements of popular melodies and the music for accordion solo and chamber music by Patrick Busseil’.

Participants from all parts of Spain took part in the seminars and practice master class by Patrick Busseuil (French composer and accordion teacher). Participants also learned the possibilities of the new Roland V-Accordion FR7X with the presentation of the ‘IV International V-Accordion’ contest.

This event was conducted by Fran Gallego (Roland Iberia Marketing Director) and Concha Rodríguez (Roland Madrid) and a musical performance by Miguel Angel Rumbo (2009 Spanish finalist).

On Saturday April 24th UNAC also organized an accordion concert in the Mansilla Palace (Segovia) by Serbian competition´s winner Dragan Vasiljevic. The program included music by Scarlatti, Angelis, Moszkowski, Kusyakov, Tschaikowski, Semionov and Vlasov. This concert was realized by sponsorship of the Segovia Bank.

Sunday´s last event of this year’s Accordion Meeting was the concert ‘Homage to Patrick Busseuil’ that took place in the Assumption Chapel. Some of accordion students of the Zaragoza´s Superior Conservatory of Music played music by J. Hatrik, M. Murto, P. Makkonen, K. Weill, and P. Busseuil (‘Peppermint Suite’ and ‘Arboris I’ for solo accordion, ‘Un paysage inmovil’ (3 accordions), ‘Une histoire étrange a la veille de Noël’, and ‘Carrillons’ (5 accordions).

After the concert, Patrick Busseuil and Angel Luis Castaño, UNAC President, awarded diplomas to all participants. Angel Luis Castaño talked about the importance of this kind of seminar, where participants can have a much greater knowledge about the accordion original repertory workings with important composers like Patrick Busseuil.

For further information email: raquelru@gmail.com


The International Team Deschamps – Portugal, Greece

Pietro Adragna and Julien Gonzales
Benoit Nortier and Petar MaricFrédéric Deschamps took his team of players to the Alcobacoa International Accordion Competitions (Portugal), organized by Anibal Freire and then some went to Kozani (Greece) for the competitions organized by Alexander Tchuev, April 17th and 18th.

Once again, the students of Frédéric Deschamps did not disappoint their teacher when they achieved excellent results:

Chamber Music Classical: 1st - Julian Gonzales and Cyril Carbon (clarinet), France
Chamber Music Variety: 1st - Julian Gonzales and Cyril Carbon
Variety: 1st - Julien Gonzales (France), 2nd - Pietro Adragna (Italy), 3rd Petar Maric (Serbia), 4th - Benoit Nortier (France)
Classic Senior: 1st (equal): Petar Maric (Serbia) and Joao Barradas (Portugal)

Classic Senior: 3rd - Christel Sautaux (Switzerland)
Junior Classic, Under 18: 3rd - Augustinas Rakauskas (Lithuania)


Concert in Memory of Mogens Ellegaard, Moscow - Russia

Mogens EllegaardTo commemorate Mogens Ellegaard’s (1935-1995) 75th birthday, Professor Friedrich Lips organized a concert of his accordion class (Tsin Lin, A. Bogatyryov, V. Kiselyov, I. Salachov, I. Puriz, E. Abduraimov, Semion Shmelkov) in the Little Hall of the Russian Gnessin Music Academy in Moscow on April 16th.

All works of the program were commissioned by and dedicated to the famous pioneer, former Professor at the Royal Conservatory in Copenhagen (Denmark). Ellegaard’s influence on the further development of the accordion, its repertoire and pedagogy was outstanding by getting interested such composers as N.V. Bentzon, T. Lundquist, A. Nordheim, P. Noorgaard, O. Schmidt in writing for the accordion.

For further information, view the Memorials Website for Mogens Ellegaard.


Grayson Masefield Concert Debut in New York – USA

Frank Busso, Grayson Masefield, Carmela Busso
Linda Soley Reed, AAA Program, Grayson Masefield NY debut concertPicture above: AAA Executive Board First Vice President Frank Busso, Sr. Grayson Masefield, Carmela Busso.

Picture right AAA President Linda Soley Reed and below the program of the event.

2009 Coupe Mondiale winner Grayson Masefield made his debut in New York on 24 April with a concert sponsored by the American Accordionists’ Association at the prestigious Kaufman Center, Ann Goodman Recital Hall.

Playing a concert of classical, original and variety music, he received 4 or 5 standing ovations from the enthusiastic audience which included some very prominent USA accordionists.

This concert is part of an 8 concert series by Grayson Masefield in the USA and each concerts so far has seen this young artist receiving multiple standing ovations from the audiences.

Concerts remaining are:

Saturday, May 1, 2010 - Concert, Silver Spring, MD sponsored by Dan & Joan Grauman. For further information: joangrauman@comcast.net

Sunday, May 2, 2010- Carmen Carrozza Scholarship Dinner, New York. For further information: drjciccone@aol.com This event is fully sold out.


USA Today Pictures Wetland All-Stars - USA

The USA Today April 26 newspaper headlined its Music section with a large photo of the Wetland All-Stars Band performing at the New Orleans Jazz Fest. The caption under the photo reads:
Voice of the Wetland All-Stars: Big Chief Monk Boudreaux, right, head of the Golden Eagles Mardi Gras Indians and Johnny Sansone perform Sunday.

The Wetland All-Stars was formed after Hurricane Katrina to raise awareness about the restoration of coastal wetlands, and features song about the environment as well as good-time pop and dance numbers.


Будущие события

UK Group Bohemian Nights International Tour - New Zealand

Bohemian duoViolinist Ernie Gruner and accordionist/singer Phil Carroll play Gypsy, Klezmer, Middle-Eastern, French, Italian, Russian, jazz and tango music, which ranges from soulful to wild. They have both studied overseas, and play and record together in larger bands (Klezmeritis, Yalla!, Flirting Mazurkas).

Ernie specializes in Jewish music and Phil specializes in Middle-Eastern music. They have worked together with theatre and dance events for Russian, Armenian, Jewish, Turkish, French and Italian and other productions and communities, as well as parties and weddings.

The duo Bohemian Nights was originally named Gypsy Nights after a famous duo that entertained in the restaurants and cafes of Budapest in the 1930s.

Tour dates:
April 30th - Fairfield House, Trafalgar St, Nelson
May 2nd - Folk Club, The de Lux Lounge, Dux De Lux, Montreal St, Christchurch
May 3rd - Le Cafe, 12/14 London Quay, Picton
May 4th, 1.10pm - Interislander Ferry Music, Picton to Wellington.
May 4th, 8pm - Katipo Cafe, 76 Willis Street, Wellington; info ruthbirnie@clear.net.nz
May 5th, 8pm - House Concert, MusicHaven, 69 Rimu Road, Raumati
May 7th, 8pm - Folk Club, The Theosophical Hall, 304 Church Street, Palmerston North
May 9th, 8pm - The Bunker, Mt Victoria (off Kerr St) Devonport, Auckland
May 11th - Christ Church, Pukehou, Hawkes Bay

For further information email: desertney@gmail.com


Cavagnolo Events, Annonay, Strasbourg – France

Jean Louis NotonThree accordion events sponsored by the French accordion manufacturer Cavagnolo take place over the next few days:

April 30th, 9pm – a demonstration of Cavagnolo accordions by Jean-Michel Sonnerat at Musique 2000, 8 bd de la République 07100 Annonay

May 2nd, 11am – Jean Louis Noton will demonstrate the uses of MIDI at Pavillon Joséphine Parc de l’orangerie, 67000 Strasbourg

May 3rd, 3pm – Spring Concert featuring an accordion ensemble, followed by a solo performance by Jean Louis Noton

For further information email: contact@cavagnolo-accordeon.com


John Kirkpatrick on BBC4 TV ‘Sea Fever’ Soundtrack – UK

John KirkpatrickDiatonic accordionist John Kirkpatrick has recorded background music for ‘Sea Fever’, a short series of three one hour programmes, due to be shown soon on BBC4 TV. ‘Sea Fever’ goes out at 9pm on May 4th, 11th, and 18th, and will probably be repeated on BBC 2 at some later date.

The films deal with the role of the sea in British life over the last 100 years, and make use of a mix of old home movies and newly shot footage. John Kirkpatrick contributes various traditional nautical themes to suit the moods. One sequence features a pattern of air noises conjured up by his button accordion, in an abstract impression of the wind and the waves.


Michael Bridge Radio Broadcast with the Boston Pops - USA

Michael BridgeSixteen year old Canadian accordionist Michael Bridge will perform live with the Boston Pops in Boston at Symphony Hall on June 8th as part of the 10th anniversary of the hugely popular NPR radio show "From the Top". He has been invited to perform Czárdás with the orchestra for a live audience.

The performance and subsequent interview will be recorded and broadcast live on approximately 250 radio stations throughout the Unites States to an audience of over 700,000 people.

The entire show will be available on the “From the Top” website (fromthetop.org) several days after June 8th.

In July, Michael Bridge will be performing at the Kimberley International Old Time Accordion Championships and competing in the ATG run Anthony Galla-Rini International Competition for Classical Accordion in Santa Clara, California.

On May 16th, Michael is being featured at a Concert and Old Time Dane to fundraise for his journey to the 2010 Coupe Mondiale in Croatia. This event is being held in Westgate, Canada.

For further information email: michaelbridge@live.com


International Accordion Festival and Competition - Ireland

The IAA (Irish Accordion Association) wants to send an invitation to all accordionists and supporters from all countries to our very special event.

To celebrate the 40th year of the All-Ireland Accordion Festival, the Irish Accordion Association are holding an International Accordion Festival and Competition for soloists/ensembles/orchestras of all ages, standards and genres of music over the weekend of April 15th to 17th 2011.

Already we have special guests including The St. Petersburg Youth Accordion Orchestra (artistic director and conductor: Vladimir S. Iljenkov), and the ‘Arts Across Borders’ Ensemble (featuring lots of accordions, harps, flutes, bagpipes and percussion in an exciting dynamic mix) performing newly commissioned works from Irish composers.

This will be an exciting event featuring traditional Irish music, dancing and entertainment. You will be sure of a warm Irish welcome and leave with some great memories.

We are currently investigating several venues for this event. This will be decided very shortly and a special website will be set up with all the details of the festival and competition. Please look out for our next communication with this information in the next few weeks.


‘Allo Allo’ Stage Show, Cheshire – UK

Rob Howard and Allo Allo poster
Romiley Little Theatre’s production of ‘Allo Allo’ takes place, May 13th to 15th, 7.30pm, at Hyde Festival Theatre, Corporation Street, Hyde, Cheshire SK14 1AB.

‘Allo Allo’, was a long running BBC TV comedy about the French resistance set during World War II, and the stage version includes many musical numbers. Rob Howard, author of the popular series of books ‘An A to Z of the Accordion and related instruments’ will be playing the accordion on stage as part of the show.

For further Information email: robaccord5@hotmail.com


Polka Dance Fund Raiser, Minnesota – USA

Polka dance posterA ‘Polka Dance Fund Raiser’ evening takes place on May 22nd, 6.30pm-11pm, at the Maplewood Moose Lodge, 1946 English St, Maplewood, Minnesota. Dancing will be to the music of the Polish dance bands Twin City Sounds and Doctor Kielbasa. There will also be performances by the Dolina Polish Dancers and other artistes.

For further information email: mossak@popp.net


Accordion Orchestra Course, Devon – UK

Ian Watson and Julie NorthAn accordion orchestra course, aimed at players from elementary to advanced standard takes place from May 30th to June 3rd at the Ariel Centre, Ilfracombe, Devon. The tutors are Ian Watson and Julie North.

Ian Watson writes: “Participants are always encouraged to play as much as possible but are free to sit out certain pieces or sections that might be too advanced - as yet!

As this is really a completely new venture (moving to Devon), we are hoping that if any group/band could send 3/4 players then they could perform a pre-rehearsed piece in the concert. My group from Morley college will be there and the local band in Illfracombe will play a piece.

There are loads of types of accommodation from camping to log cabins to 5* hotels within a 2 mile radius of the rehearsal venue”.

For further information email: i.watson99@googlemail.com


Новые и обновленные сайты

May Diatonic News Online 1st May

Diatonic news banner
The May 2010 Diatonic News online 1st May.


May USA News Online 1st May

USA news logo
The May 2010 USA News, online on the 1st May.


Franck Angelis release new music

Franck Angelis releases 3 new pieces, 'Hommage A Paco', catalog:ang557, 'Toccata', catalog:ang559 and 'Hait', catalog:ang560. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Gary Dahl Releases One New Work

Gary Dahl - Mel Bay Publishing Author, composer, arranger, recording artist and music educator announces the following titles for purchase on-line. 'Finlandia, catalog:DH0229'. Samples for this music is now available at the MusicForAccordion.com web site. The music is in eSheet format e-mailed directly to your computer. Easy purchase with credit card.


NAA Publications New Music Releases

NAA Publications release 1 new piece, 'West Side, catalog:naa136'. Samples of the music are available online. The music are in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Yehuda Releases One New Work

Yehuda Oppenheimer release 1 arrangement for acccordion - 'Tumbalalaika, catalog:OY559'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


Mario Tacca Releases New Music

81 Rue de Briey e-sheetMario Tacca releases 6 new pieces, '81 Rue de Briey', catalog:mtacca201', 'Allegria, catalog:mtacca202', 'Angeli Giocando, catalog:mtacca203', 'Cancion Para Mis Amigos, catalog:mtacca204', 'Fiore D'Abruzzo, catalog:mtacca205' and 'Gentilezza, catalog:mtacca206'. Sample of the music is available online. The music is in eSheet format, able to be emailed to your computer. Purchase with credit card.


CD Отзывы

"R. Galliano plays BACH"

CD Reviews Index for the Review of "R. Galliano plays BACH" by Alessandro Mugnoz. Performer is Richard Galliano.
Galliano CD


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