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‘Meet John, 84, the ‘accordion man’ of Harpurhey’, Manchester – UK

John Baxter
The Manchester Evening News last month published an article about John Baxter, a local character well–known for playing the accordion in the city centre. John was once Head of Mathematics at St Gregory’s RC Grammar School (the school attended by Rob Howard in the 1960s), and in his youth was an outstanding footballer, playing for Manchester Boys whilst a pupil at St Gregory’s in the late 1940s.

The article says:
It's hard to get a word in edgeways talking to John Baxter. He might be 84-years-old but he still fizzes with energy, especially when it comes to the topic of music. It is one of the two great loves of his life - the other being maths.

For years, John taught the subject to high school students, first at De La Salle and later St Gregory's and Xaverian College. But he always had the musical bug, and after being forced to retire early due to ill health, took up the piano and accordion with a passion.

Now John 'the accordion man' is a well-known figure in many a town centre around Greater Manchester. From his home town Harpurhey to Bury or Market Street in Manchester city centre, John is a regular fixture entertaining the crowds. He says hauling his accordion around the region for days on end helps keep him young, both physically and mentally.

We caught up with John to find out more about the man behind the legend:
"I was born in 1934 in Ancoats. When I was 18 there was no jukeboxes in pubs, the piano would be playing," said John. "There was no computer games, no telly. I remember going to pubs like The Alliance Inn in Blackley and everybody would be singing around the piano. Songs like 'I Pass Your House with Misty Eyes' and 'Kiss Me Goodnight Sergeant Major'. I was always into music because my sister Louise played piano, she was a brilliant musician. She used to play in the house - and my uncle could sing like Crosby. So there was music in the family.

"I played football for Manchester Boys with Dennis Viollet (the Manchester United striker who scored 179 goals in 293 games between 1953-62) we were great rivals during the war years. So when I became I teacher they put me in charge of the football team. Saturday morning I would be taking the lads to matches so music had to take a back seat. As a Maths teacher, it was hard going but there was never a dull moment. You don't get time to be bored. Both my sons, Stephen and Michael have Maths degrees.

"I took the accordion up originally in 1960, I had a teacher in Bolton called George Harris," said John. "But then I got back into it again after I retired - about ten years ago when I was 75. I got a new teacher, a lad called Craig Bradley, he was only 25! The first place I started busking was outside ASDA in Harpurhey. I do it for charity - I don't need the money I've got a pension. I've been asked a few times to move on by shopkeepers. Then I spoke to a policeman and they said as long as I'm doing it for charity, they can't move me on. So I got that in writing and now I can show it if anybody asks. I've had a bit of an adventure with that accordion - a lot of people know me!

"People take pictures and videos of me and put them on Facebook. One time my ex-wife saw something about me on the internet and thought I had died! I'm out in Queen's Park in Harpurhey at 6 in the morning - everybody knows me as the accordion man. I've been going in and out of Manchester for about nine years, at least once a week, sometimes two or three times," said John. Sometimes some of the lads who like a drink come and ask me for a song! But mostly I try and play songs for the boys and girls - like 'Somewhere Over the Rainbow’. The children come along and try and press the buttons because they like the sounds... then I say 'you're going to be on X-Factor!' They like it because it's a very difficult instrument to play the accordion, and they think they're really playing. It gives me great joy to see the kids having a go. You see, we were taught music very well at school. You had to have your voice in tune with the piano.

"My wife Patricia listens to me playing - many a time when I'm playing she gets so relaxed she falls asleep! I love music - it gets people out of their shell. I will keep playing as long as I can - of course!"
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