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Wolmer Beltrami Commemoration, Sabbioneta - Italy

Pearl Fawcett-Adriano and FiorenzaOn July 4th I had the pleasure of being a guest at the celebrations to commemorate the life and music of the great Italian accordionist Wolmer Beltrami, who died 10 years ago. This event was organised by the Associazione Pro Loco Sabbioneta and Wolmer's daughter Fiorenza Beltrami, and it took place in Wolmer's birthplace of Sabbioneta (Mantova), Italy.

Early evening saw the presentation of Wolmer's biography, written by Alberto Sarzi Madidini, and this took place in the elaborate, Romanesque-style Teatro all'Antica. Tributes were paid to Wolmer, and I was happy to be with two of my friends -- Beniamino Bugiolacchi (former Director of the Accordion Museum, Castelfidardo) who presided over the proceedings, and maestro Peppino Principe.

After the book launch, there was an open-air concert of Wolmer's compositions, with Beniamino Bugiolacchi as Master of Ceremonies. The accordionists taking part were virtuoso Marco Valenti, also Pietro Marelli, and Tiziano Chiapelli and his group, and the type of music was very wide-ranging (from waltzes, polkas and virtuosic, to descriptive and swing numbers), demonstrating the remarkable talent of Wolmer as a composer. The music was interspersed with archive film-clips of Wolmer on various Italian TV shows, which gave an added dimension.

A very original and attractive feature was the participation of two professional dancers from Rome – Giancarlo Giacomobono and Elena Botti. Without rehearsal, they spontaneously improvised their dances to selected pieces of music that the accordionists were playing, and this contributed to the mood and atmosphere of the evening.

The following morning a Mass was held in memory of Wolmer Beltrami, thus concluding the event.

I was pleased to have been invited to the celebrations by Wolmer's daughter, Fiorenza, and although I never knew Wolmer personally, my late husband Adrian Dante knew him as a musician and friend. I now feel a strong connection with the great Wolmer through my late husband and also my friendship with Fiorenza and family.
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